What Constitutes an Algebraic Structure in Set Theory?

In summary, an algebraic structure is a set with some properties and it can be defined in two different ways.
  • #1
I just found out that the words "algebraic structure" have a precise definition and that this
notion is not just common language!

DEFINITION: An algebraic structure consists of one or
more sets closed under one or more operations, satisfying
some axioms

In abstract algebra, an algebraic structure consists of one or more sets, called underlying sets
or carriers or sorts, closed under one or more operations, satisfying some axioms.

An Algebraic Structure is defined by the tuple [itex]<A, o_1, ...,o_k;R_1,...,R_m;c_1,...,c_k>[/itex]
A is a non-empty set,
[itex]o_i[/itex] is a function [itex]A^{pi} \ : \ A \ \rightarrow \ A[/itex]

[itex]R_j[/itex] is a relation on A

[itex]p_i[/itex] is a positive integer

[itex]c_i[/itex] is an element of A

link (Ch. 2)

Then below this definition they give another (equivalent) definition:

An algebraic structure is a triple <A,O,C> where:

A ≠ ∅

[itex]O \ = \ U^n_{i = 1} \ o_i[/itex] where o_i are i-ary operations

C ⊆ A is the constant set.

So based on this I have three questions:

1: How is this concept explained in terms of set theory?

I am thinking that it follows from the idea of a "structured set".
Unfortunately, I can find basically nothing on this concept from browsing online.
The only sources I have found are the one in the last link, page 23 of Vaught Set Theory
which is extremely short & also Bourbaki's Set Theory book - but it's buried after 250+
pages of prerequisite theory. There may just be a different name for this concept, idk...

2: Could you recommend any sources (book recommendations)
discussing Structures on Sets as they arise in ZFC theory?

If there's a book that describes how structures on sets fall out of ZFC theory in a
book describing ZFC that would be optimal, for all I know every book does this just
under a different name.

3: Could you recommend any sources explaining Algebraic Structures in terms of sets?

I started a different thread a while ago trying to ground a vector space in terms of
set theory making everything very explicit, the answer I got was structured to follow
patterns that I now recognise as coming out of this idea of algebraic structures &
basically I'd just like to read how this concept is defined and originates from set theory
with all the prerequisite set theory knowledge that goes with it being built up too.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Two good keywords:
  • Universal Algebra
  • Model Theory
  • #3
This is probably not what you're looking for, but these references are the closest I get to answering your problem:

1) http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~snburris/htdocs/ualg.html is a very good introduction to algebraic structures.

2) http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~vddries/410notes/main.dvi treats algebraic structures from a more fundamental point-of-view. This is probably what you want, but it's quite advanced. The theory you want is in section 2.3...
  • #4
micromass said:
2) http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~vddries/410notes/main.dvi treats algebraic structures from a more fundamental point-of-view. This is probably what you want, but it's quite advanced. The theory you want is in section 2.3...

Exactly what I was hoping for! Cheers/Ty/Slainte/Salute/Nostrovia! :biggrin:
  • #5

1. In terms of set theory, an algebraic structure can be seen as a structured set, where the set is equipped with operations and relations that satisfy certain properties or axioms. This can be thought of as a way to organize and study sets in a more systematic and mathematical way.

2. Some recommended sources for understanding algebraic structures in ZFC theory are:
- "A Course in Mathematical Logic" by J. Bell and M. Machover
- "Theory of Sets" by N. Bourbaki
- "Set Theory: An Introduction to Independence Proofs" by K. Kunen
- "Introduction to Set Theory" by H. B. Enderton

3. To understand algebraic structures in terms of sets, it would be helpful to study the basics of abstract algebra, which deals with algebraic structures such as groups, rings, and fields. Some recommended sources for this are:
- "Algebra" by M. Artin
- "Abstract Algebra" by D. Dummit and R. Foote
- "Algebra: Chapter 0" by P. Aluffi
- "A Book of Abstract Algebra" by C. Pinter

Overall, it is important to have a strong understanding of set theory and abstract algebra in order to fully grasp the concept of algebraic structures on sets. It may also be helpful to consult with a mathematics professor or attend a course on abstract algebra for a more in-depth understanding of this topic.

Related to What Constitutes an Algebraic Structure in Set Theory?

1. What are algebraic structures on sets?

Algebraic structures on sets refer to mathematical systems that are built on sets and have operations defined on them. These operations follow specific rules and axioms, and they allow us to perform mathematical operations on the elements of the sets.

2. What are the common types of algebraic structures on sets?

The common types of algebraic structures on sets include groups, rings, fields, and vector spaces. These structures have specific properties and behaviors that make them useful in various areas of mathematics and other fields like physics and computer science.

3. How are algebraic structures on sets different from ordinary arithmetic?

While arithmetic deals with numbers and their operations, algebraic structures on sets can be built on any set of elements, not necessarily numbers. Additionally, the operations in algebraic structures follow specific rules and axioms, unlike ordinary arithmetic which has more flexible rules.

4. What are some real-life applications of algebraic structures on sets?

Algebraic structures on sets have many real-life applications, including cryptography, coding theory, and data compression. They are also used in physics to describe the properties of physical systems, and in computer science to design efficient algorithms and data structures.

5. How are algebraic structures on sets related to other areas of mathematics?

Algebraic structures on sets have connections to other areas of mathematics, such as topology, geometry, and number theory. They provide a framework for studying abstract concepts and can be applied in various mathematical contexts to solve problems and gain insights into different mathematical structures.

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