What Current Prevents the Cylinder from Rolling Down the Inclined Plane?

In summary, the conversation discusses a scenario involving a cylinder with a conducting wire wrapped around it, released on an inclined plane. The question is how much current is needed to prevent the cylinder from rolling down the plane when a magnetic field is applied. The use of Biot-Savart's law and consideration of torque are suggested as possible solutions.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The figure shows a tree cylinder of mass m = 0.250 kg and length L = 0.100 m. In a plane containing the cylinder axis of symmetry a conducting wire has been longitudinally wrapped 10.0 times around the cylinder. The cylinder is released along an inclined plane (angle θ), so that the plane formed by the wire coil is parallel to the inclined plane. How much current(I) should go through the wire so that the cylinder does not begin to roll down the plane, if a vertical magnetic field B = 0.500 T intersect with the inclined plane?

Here's a link to the figure: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_Z0fi2BqoS24/TVFxISWgGbI/AAAAAAAAAuY/U3-f2ua1Fnc/Picture%201.png

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't know where to begin. Maybe using Biot-Savart's law?
Thanks in advance:)
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  • #2
Think torque.
  • #3
okey. thanx. will give it a try.

FAQ: What Current Prevents the Cylinder from Rolling Down the Inclined Plane?

What is a cylinder in a magnetic field?

A cylinder in a magnetic field refers to a cylindrical object, such as a wire or rod, that is placed within a magnetic field. This creates a force on the cylinder, known as the Lorentz force, which causes it to move or rotate.

How does a cylinder behave in a magnetic field?

The behavior of a cylinder in a magnetic field depends on the direction of the magnetic field and the orientation of the cylinder. If the magnetic field and cylinder are parallel, the cylinder will experience a force that causes it to move along the axis of the cylinder. If they are perpendicular, the cylinder will experience a torque that causes it to rotate.

What factors affect the movement of a cylinder in a magnetic field?

The movement of a cylinder in a magnetic field is affected by the strength of the magnetic field, the current flowing through the cylinder, the length and diameter of the cylinder, and the orientation of the cylinder in the magnetic field.

What is the application of a cylinder in a magnetic field?

A cylinder in a magnetic field has many practical applications, such as in electric motors, generators, and speakers. It is also used in scientific experiments to study the behavior of charged particles in a magnetic field.

What is the relationship between the magnetic field and the movement of a cylinder?

The movement of a cylinder in a magnetic field is directly proportional to the strength of the magnetic field. This means that as the strength of the magnetic field increases, the force or torque on the cylinder will also increase, causing it to move or rotate more rapidly.
