What defines a large gauge transformation, really?

In summary, a gauge transformation is a mathematical concept in physics that represents a change in the description of a physical system. A large gauge transformation is a type of gauge transformation that results in a significant change in the physical properties of a system, while a small gauge transformation has minimal impact. Large gauge transformations are relevant in physics because they can provide insights into fundamental forces and the nature of space and time. While they are difficult to directly observe in experiments, their effects can be indirectly observed through physical properties.
  • #1
Gold Member
Usually, one defines large gauge transformations as those elements of ##SU(2)## that can't be smoothly transformed to the identity transformation. The group ##SU(2)## is simply connected and thus I'm wondering why there are transformations that are not connected to the identity. (Another way to frame this, is to say that large gauge transformations can not be built from infinitesimal ones.)

An explicit example of a large gauge transformation is

$$ \begin{equation}
U^{\left( 1\right) }\left( \vec{x}\right) =\exp\left( \frac{i\pi
\end{equation} $$

How can I see explicitly that it is impossible to transform this transformation to the identity transformation?

I can define

$$U^\lambda(\vec x) = \exp\left( \lambda \frac{i\pi
x^{a}\tau^{a}}{\sqrt{x^{2}+c^{2}}}\right) $$

and certainly

$$ U^{\lambda=0}(\vec x) = I $$
$$ U^{\lambda=1}(\vec x) = U^{\left( 1\right) }\left( \vec{x}\right) $$

Thus I have found a smooth map ##S^3 \to SU(2)## that transforms ##U^{\left( 1\right) }\left( \vec{x}\right)## into the identity transformation. So, in what sense is it not connected to identity transformation?

Framed differently: in what sense is it true that ##U^{\lambda=1}(\vec x)##and ##U^{\lambda=0}(\vec x)## aren't homotopic, although the map ##U^\lambda(\vec x)## exists? My guess is that at as we vary ##\lambda## from ##0## to ##1##, we somehow leave the target space ##SU(2)##, but I'm not sure how I can see this.

In addition, if we can write the large gauge transformation as an exponential, doesn't this does mean explicitly that we get a finite large gauge transformation, from infinitesimal ones?

According to this paper, the defining feature of large gauge transformations is that the function in the exponent $\omega(x)$ is singular at some point. Is this singularity the reason that we can't transform large gauge transformations "everywhere" to the identity transformations? And if yes, how can we see this?

I got another idea from this paper. There, the authors state that its not enough that we find a map ##U^\lambda(\vec x)## with the properties mentioned above, but additionally this map must have the following limit
$$ U^\lambda(\vec x) \to I \quad \text{ for } x\to \infty \quad \forall \lambda. $$
Obviously, this is not correct for my map ##U^\lambda(\vec x)##. However, I don't understand why we have here this extra condition.

Edit 2: As mentioned above, there only exists no smooth map between ##U^{\lambda=1}(\vec x)## and ##U^{\lambda=0}(\vec x)##, if we restrict ourselves to those gauge transformations that satisfy

$$ U(x) \to I \quad \text{ for } x\to \infty. $$

The mystery therefore is, why we do this. It seems, I'm not the only one puzzled by this, because Itzykson and Zuber write in their QFT book:

"there is actually no very convincing argument to justify this restriction".
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  • #2
From the definition of large gauge transformation in the Wikipedia article that you linked, any map from the base manifold into ##SU(2)## that is not null homotopic is a large gauge transformation.

For instance, since the third homotopy group of ##SU(3)## is infinite cyclic, if the base manifold is ##S^3## then the group of large gauge transformations is infinite cyclic.
  • #3

The reason for this restriction is related to the physical interpretation of gauge transformations. In gauge theories, gauge transformations are considered to be "redundancies" in the description of the system. They do not affect physical observables, but rather just represent different ways of describing the same physical state.

In the case of large gauge transformations, the singularity in the function $\omega(x)$ represents a discontinuity in the gauge transformation. This means that the transformation cannot be smoothly connected to the identity transformation, and therefore it cannot be continuously deformed into the identity transformation. This is why we cannot transform large gauge transformations "everywhere" to the identity transformation.

The reason for the extra condition in your second edit is also related to the physical interpretation of gauge transformations. In order for a gauge transformation to be considered a "redundancy", it must have the property that it approaches the identity transformation at infinity. This ensures that the gauge transformation has no physical effect on the system.

In summary, the restriction to gauge transformations that satisfy $U(x) \to I$ as $x \to \infty$ is necessary for the physical interpretation of gauge transformations as redundancies in the description of the system. Without this restriction, the gauge transformations would have physical consequences, and the gauge theory would not be well-defined.

Related to What defines a large gauge transformation, really?

1. What is a gauge transformation?

A gauge transformation is a mathematical concept in physics that represents a change in the description of a physical system. It involves a change in the representation of the system without actually changing its physical properties.

2. How is a large gauge transformation defined?

A large gauge transformation is a type of gauge transformation that results in a significant change in the physical properties of a system. It involves a change in the gauge fields, which are related to the fundamental forces of nature, and can have observable effects on the system.

3. What distinguishes a large gauge transformation from a small one?

The distinction between a large and small gauge transformation is based on the magnitude of the change in the gauge fields. A small gauge transformation results in a small change in the gauge fields and has minimal impact on the physical properties of the system, while a large gauge transformation results in a significant change in the gauge fields and can have observable effects on the system.

4. How are large gauge transformations relevant in physics?

Large gauge transformations are relevant in physics because they can have significant effects on the behavior of physical systems. They are important in understanding the behavior of fundamental forces, such as electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces, and can also provide insights into the nature of space and time.

5. Can large gauge transformations be observed in experiments?

While large gauge transformations can have observable effects on physical systems, they are often difficult to detect directly in experiments. However, their effects can be indirectly observed through their impact on physical properties, such as the energy levels of particles or the behavior of fundamental forces.

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