What Defines a Normal Subgroup in Group Theory?

In summary: Therefore, xHx^-1=H.In summary, the conversation discusses the definition of a normal subgroup of a group G, which states that for all x in G, xHx^-1 is a subset of H. There is a debate about whether this definition requires equality or just inclusion, with one person arguing that they are equivalent. The other person provides a proof that shows the two definitions are indeed equivalent.
  • #1
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My professor of topology gave us a quick overview of the group theory results we will be needing later and among the things he said, is that a normal subgroup of a group G is a subgroup H such that for all x in G, xHx^{-1}=H.

Is this correct? The wiki article seems to indicate that equality btw xHx^{-1} and H is unnecessary, but rather that inclusion is sufficient.
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  • #2
They are easily shown to be equivalent.
  • #3
Mmmh... So for all x in G, [itex]xHx^{-1}\subset H \Leftrightarrow xHx^{-1}= H[/itex].

For a fixed x, suppose there exists h' in H such that there are no h in H with h'=xhx^{-1}. This is nonsense since h=x^{-1}h'x does the trick.
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  • #4
But then how do you know h is in H? And I don't see what this has to do with your original question.
  • #5
My original question was (essentially) Are the two definitions of normal subgroup "H is is normal subgroup of G if for all x in G, [itex]xHx^{-1}\subset H[/itex]" and "H is is normal subgroup of G if for all x in G, [itex]xHx^{-1}= H[/itex]" equivalent?

Then matt grime said "Yes". Then I tried to prove this assertion, so I said the following: "To show they are equivalent, I only need to show that for all x in G, [itex]xHx^{-1}\subset H \Rightarrow xHx^{-1}= H[/itex] since the converse is immediate."

So let's proceed by contradiction by supposing that for a certain fixed x in G, there exists an h' in H such that there are no h in H with h' = xhx^{-1}. This is automatically seen to be an absurdity since the element h of G defined by h=x^{-1}h'x is such that h' = xhx^{-1} and it is in H because by hypothesis, h' is in H and [itex]xHx^{-1}\subset H[/itex], i.e. [itex]h=x^{-1}h'x\in H[/itex].I had to write it all in large to convince myself fully that it is correct, and still seems so to me. Do you still have an objection StatusX?
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  • #6
That's clearer than your last post, but still a little hard to follow, with an unnecessary proof by contradiction. The proof is easy:

Assume for all x in G, xHx^-1 is a subset of H. Then for all h in H, we can define h'=x^-1hx, which is in H, and so h=xh'x^-1, ie, H is a subset of xHx^-1.

FAQ: What Defines a Normal Subgroup in Group Theory?

1. What is a normal subgroup?

A normal subgroup is a subgroup of a larger group that is closed under conjugation by elements of the larger group. This means that for any element in the normal subgroup, if it is conjugated by any element in the larger group, the resulting element will still be in the normal subgroup.

2. How is a normal subgroup different from a regular subgroup?

A regular subgroup is simply a subset of a group that satisfies all the properties of a group, while a normal subgroup has the additional property of being closed under conjugation. This means that while all normal subgroups are also regular subgroups, not all regular subgroups are normal.

3. What is the significance of a normal subgroup in group theory?

Normal subgroups are important in group theory because they allow us to define quotient groups. This is done by "factoring out" the normal subgroup, which essentially means dividing the original group by the normal subgroup. This allows us to study the structure and properties of a group in a more simplified way.

4. Can a group have more than one normal subgroup?

Yes, a group can have multiple normal subgroups. In fact, all groups have at least two normal subgroups: the trivial subgroup (which contains only the identity element) and the entire group itself. However, it is possible for a group to have many more normal subgroups depending on its structure.

5. How is a normal subgroup related to the center of a group?

The center of a group is the set of elements that commute with all other elements in the group. A normal subgroup is a special type of subgroup where all elements commute with all elements in the larger group. Therefore, the center of a group is always a normal subgroup, but not all normal subgroups are the center of a group.

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