What Defines Humanity: A Philosophical Exploration

In summary: Anyway, my mom usually catches him before he gets too far. He knows that if he chews on the toy in the basket and she spray bottles him, he will get sprayed. So... Arrow is trying to deceive my mom by setting the toy in the basket so that she will think he is not chewing on the handle. This is something that a lot of kids do, and it is actually pretty clever.
  • #1
So, may I ask you guys, What Does it Mean to Be Human? After all the studying of different philosophies, what makes Human Human? How does one become Human? What is the philosophy of Being Human?
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  • #2
The word human is an invention in itself. Being human is exactly what you believe it is.
  • #3
xPAGANx said:
The word human is an invention in itself. Being human is exactly what you believe it is.

I hate it when people make remarks as such. That is the same as saying that a man is really a woman because I believe it is.

The manner in which he asks suggest he is looking for an objective explanation of a human, not a subjective explanation.
  • #4
ermines said:
So, may I ask you guys, What Does it Mean to Be Human? After all the studying of different philosophies, what makes Human Human? How does one become Human? What is the philosophy of Being Human?

Specific DNA structure
  • #5
Agnostic said:
I hate it when people make remarks as such. That is the same as saying that a man is really a woman because I believe it is.

The manner in which he asks suggest he is looking for an objective explanation of a human, not a subjective explanation.

You are offering less than myself to this topic. Instead of throwing an idea or perspective out there, you simply try to limit them. You're such a hero. Thanks for saving this thread.
  • #6

I think that the most of the definition would change with time, but i have to admit that certain parts would remain the same (not quite sure what that is though, sry).Example: i think that no matter how advanced we get, we will always have a certain unconscious will to survive, at almost all cost, and from that a wariness towards potentailly threatening stangers.

in the catholic doctrine what makes a human human is their soul. animals have wut they call "vegatative souls" and humans have souls that can reason. to me, this makes the soul sounds like higher reasoning skills, so i don't agree with this.
  • #7
Being bipedal and having a large brain for our body size (and of course the cognitive abilities that go with this). Primates develop and rely on culture, so what really separates us is the bipedalism and an increased reliance on culture and cognitive abilities. If you're going with the whole soul thing, the previous stuff might collide with this. That is, unless you allow for all organisms to either have a soul or be able to reach some transcendent level of experience due to increase in cognitive abilities (could be that other organisms are able to transcend what we normally experience thru their adaptations). Perhaps we've developed a sensory system to allow for this area of experience and that's what makes us human. I'm sure a lot of people thought synesthetes were completely bonkers when they told them about the taste of colors.
  • #8
oh yeah, and to know that you don't even know what you don't know. I guess the ability to recognize your own lack would apply here.
  • #9
wow that last one is really profound, lol. i think that is a good idea. that probably separates us from everything but chimps. i'll have to remeber that one...
  • #10
I was out to my parent's house last night. They have a growing puppy that is pretty bright. He certainly does some things most people would consider human behaviors. For one... he is decieving which I thought was really interesting. I never really thought a dog could be cunning enough to try to do stuff behind your back. Let me explain.

This dog has a little toy called pengy. It is kind of a stuffed penguin with like a donut hole in the middle.

A little info. My mother is severly sight impaired, but she is smart and can see well enough to understand what is going on. This dog knows this and tries to take advantage of it.

This dog that we will now refer to as Arrow, has a serious tendency to chew on everything in sight. One particular object he enjoys chewing on is a wooden handle on a little basket that his toys are kept in. It is actually kind of a cloth basket, but the handles are wood. My mom always catches him chewing on these handles and tells him "NO!" He knows for sure that he should not be doing this. As evidence to that, my mother has a spray bottle handy. If she picks up the spray bottle when he does it, he will stop and walk away.

Now... Arrow is pretty clever for a dog. He actually takes his penguin toy over to his basket and sets it on top of the handle. He trys to make it look like he is playing with pengy, but in reality he is sticking his nose through the hole to chew on the handle. It is pretty impressive.

I have kind of come to the idea that humans are no different from other creatures in the sense of being alive. We simply have intelligence. I really believe that animals like my cats at home are just as really as us being alive. They simply do not have the brain power that humans do. I do know that all species do not have all the mental attributes of humans, but I really think they are just as precious as us.
  • #11
If only dolphins had opposable thumbs...

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  • #12
How does one become Human?

define the word "one".
  • #13
ermines said:
So, may I ask you guys, What Does it Mean to Be Human?

I think your question is your answer. :biggrin:
  • #14
jimmie said:
define the word "one".

umm, probably "I". so, How do I become Human, truly human?
  • #15
ermines said:
umm, probably "I". so, How do I become Human, truly human?

If you're not now, you might as well give up lol.
  • #16
umm, probably "I". so, How do I become Human, truly human?

I "became" human because i intended to always do right, and prior to that, i intended to not harm anything.

perhaps the question ought to be: How do i become I ?
  • #17
"I "became" human because i intended to always do right, and prior to that, i intended to not harm anything."

is that being human or humane?
  • #18
I think asking the question of what it is to be human is one of those questions that each person must answer for themselves.

We all have different goals in this world. We all have a different perspective on life. If I tell you what makes me human, it won't necessarily apply to you.
  • #19
Ivan Seeking said:
I think your question is your answer. :biggrin:

providing there's no other species wondering...

On a general note if your looking for something special, I haven't been able to find it,... :frown: I deduct things I see in animals and things that can be lost because of dicease and I'm left with nothing.

On the other hand there's always the experience of being human, that's something that is specific to our race and impossible for a non-human to have. the infamous "what it is like to be human"

The question wether this is of any value we'll have to discuss with monkeys
  • #20
We all have different goals in this world. We all have a different perspective on life. If I tell you what makes me human, it won't necessarily apply to you.

Prior to being unique, humans are all the same.

is that being human or humane?

good one. how about: being a humane human is a pre-requisite for going beyond human.
  • #21
The question, "what does it mean to be a human", is similar to the question, "what does it mean to be a chair". To answer such questions, you must learn the philosophic difference between what is called a "concept' (e.g, human, chair, etc.) and the "definition" of a concept. Try to develop your own "theory of concepts"--in the process you will discover what it means to be called a "human".
  • #22
in the image of God created He him... Genesis 1:27

We were created in the image of God with an eternal spirit, a soul (mind,will and emotions) and a body. Because man was created as an eternal being he had the capacity for fellowship with God for eternity. When mankind disobeyed in Adam the human spirit died. All that have been born since have been born spiritually "dead." Trusting by faith in Christ's death for one's sin restores spiritual life to that one's spirit, and restores fellowship with God for eternity.

And I believe that God puts eternity into men's souls to know by conscience and his handiwork in creation that he exists and that there is an accountability to him for each life lived. There is an eternal joy to be gained or lost in these thoughts...
  • #23
Common characteristics and behaviour...
  • #24
arrow said:
We were created in the image of God with an eternal spirit, a soul (mind,will and emotions) and a body.
There is no scientific evidence for any of this. No scientific support for a concept called "eternal spirit". Likewise, the "soul" is by definition an entity with no physical or material reality, thus outside scientific investigation. Finally, the mythological story you refer to offers the scientific hypothesis that the complex human "body" was formed in whole by God breathing into "dust of the earth". This then is the science behind what is called intelligent human design, as opposed to the hypothesis that humans evolved from other already complex mammals called primates. I find that your post is in conflict with the rules of this scientific forum and moves into the area of your personal religious belief, which is fine, but has no place in this forum.
  • #25
Yes, I am new to these forums and I am amazed at the scripture-blasting done by so many. The rules are broken often in the cause against Christianity. However to not offend, I will not continue on this forum since I realize that these subjects truly are beyond the realm of the soul, and can, in my humble opinion, only be treated adequately in the spiritual realm and with God's Word. For me, it is like watching people stumbling around in a blackened room and discussing whether a flashlight exists, while denying the use of one that is offered them.

Consider... that IF there is a creator that has revealed himself specifically in the Bible, and in your conscience, and in creation, then...someday HE says your knee will bow to him and account will be made to him. To deal with the issues I have seen on this forum without His Word is not possible if truth is truly desired.

I choose to believe the God of infinite dimensions created us and loves us and gave us His Word and His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us so that we will experience his glory and joy for eternity. If I am wrong I have lost very little in this life. If those of you who do not believe this are wrong you will have lost eternity.

Thank you for your kind ear, wishing you joy...

FAQ: What Defines Humanity: A Philosophical Exploration

1. What is the biological definition of being human?

The biological definition of being human refers to the characteristics and traits that distinguish humans from other living organisms. This includes having a unique genetic makeup, the ability to think and reason, and the capacity for language and culture.

2. How are humans different from other animals?

Humans are different from other animals in many ways, including our physical and cognitive abilities. We have opposable thumbs, which allow us to grasp and manipulate objects, and our brains are much larger and more complex than those of other animals. We also have a highly developed language and communication system, which allows us to share and transmit knowledge.

3. What role does culture play in defining humanity?

Culture plays a significant role in defining humanity. It encompasses our beliefs, values, customs, and behaviors, which are learned and shared among members of a society. Culture allows us to create and pass down knowledge, traditions, and practices, which shape our identity as humans and differentiate us from other species.

4. How do emotions contribute to being human?

Emotions are an essential aspect of being human. They are complex psychological states that are triggered by various stimuli and influence our thoughts, behaviors, and actions. Emotions allow us to form connections with others, experience empathy and compassion, and engage in moral reasoning. They also play a crucial role in our ability to adapt and survive in different environments.

5. Is there a single defining factor that makes us human?

There is no single defining factor that makes us human. Instead, it is a combination of various physical, cognitive, and social characteristics that sets us apart from other species. Some argue that our ability to think and reason is what makes us uniquely human, while others believe it is our capacity for language and the creation of culture. Ultimately, it is the complex interplay of these factors that makes us human.

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