What Determines Axial Resolution in Spherical Lenses?

In summary: PSF caused by the huygens-fresnel principle. this is why axial resolution is only half as good as lateral resolution.
  • #1
Hi all,

I was wondering what factors determine axial resolution in spherical lenses. I know that axial resolution in conventional light microscopy at least is about half as good lateral resolution. I've read about the huygens-fresnel principle of diffraction and how this can account for the size of the airy disk at the image plane-determined by the wavelength of light and the size of the aperture. However can you use this principle to explain why axial resolution is only half as good as lateral resolution? A formula I've seen for axial resolution
R = Lambda x refractive index of medium/numerical aperture^2

This is fine but it doesn't really explain to me why this is the case.

Thanks for the help!
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  • #2
Interesting approach- I've never thought of the problem in this way. First, it is true that the axial PSF is about 3 times the extent of the lateral PSF *for simple circular lenses*. What I mean by 'simple' is that the lens is not obscured and the lens does not have any phase singularities (like, for example, an axicon).

So one way to think of various imaging techniques (confocal, apodization, Bessel beams, etc) is that these primarily affect the axial PSF- either to shrink it (confocal) or extend it (Bessel beams). Also, when accounting for aberrations and/or polarization, the PSF can change radically.

Most generally, the asymmetry arises from the Debye approximation for the Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral (which is less restrictive than the paraxial approximation). When this is written down, the radial component of the diffracted field goes as ∫J_0(αρ)d(cosθ) while the axial component goes as ∫exp(iβz)d(cosθ), where α and β are functions of the angle θ with respect to the optical axis- see Born and Wolf or Gu's "Advanced Optical Imaging Theory" for more detail.
  • #3
hi andy,

yes i think i should get a decent book on optics. Unfortunately I'm not a physicist or mathematician and so much in science is explained by complicated formulas that don't really mean much to me. Hence i try to look at the qualitative approach.. I'm tempted to go back and get a good grounding in mathematics, might take a while though.


Related to What Determines Axial Resolution in Spherical Lenses?

1. What is axial resolution?

Axial resolution is a measure of the ability of a scientific instrument to distinguish between two objects that are located along the same line of sight but at different depths. It is an important factor in determining the clarity and accuracy of images produced by the instrument.

2. What factors limit axial resolution?

The main factors that limit axial resolution are the wavelength of the light used in the instrument, the numerical aperture of the lens, and the quality of the optics used in the instrument. Other factors such as the size of the detector pixels and the noise level also play a role in limiting axial resolution.

3. How does the wavelength of light affect axial resolution?

The shorter the wavelength of light, the better the axial resolution. This is because shorter wavelengths can be focused into a smaller spot, allowing for better differentiation between closely located objects. However, shorter wavelengths also have a shorter depth of penetration in the sample, so there is a trade-off between resolution and depth.

4. What is the role of numerical aperture in axial resolution?

Numerical aperture is a measure of the ability of a lens to gather and focus light. A higher numerical aperture leads to better axial resolution because it allows for a smaller spot size to be achieved. This means that objects at different depths can be better distinguished from each other.

5. Can axial resolution be improved?

Yes, axial resolution can be improved by using shorter wavelengths of light, higher numerical aperture lenses, and high-quality optics. Additionally, advanced techniques such as confocal microscopy and multi-photon microscopy can also improve axial resolution by using specialized methods of light detection and manipulation.

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