What determines shape of dust nucleus?

In summary, the composition of a dust nucleus typically consists of small particles of solid material, such as silicon, carbon, and iron. The shape of a dust nucleus is largely influenced by gravity, which can cause particles to clump together and form aggregates. Over time, the shape of a dust nucleus can change as more particles are added and external factors such as collisions and radiation can also play a role. The speed of rotation can also affect the shape of a dust nucleus, as centrifugal force can cause it to become elongated or flattened. Other factors, such as temperature, pressure, and chemical properties, can also impact the shape of a dust nucleus.
  • #1
Is a dust nucleus, dust attached to air?
If water vapor molecules, attach themselves to dust nucleus in building visible [to the eye] snowflake, I'm supposing flake takes on shape of the dust. Does this mean "air" is shaped too?

Don't laugh; I'm most confused!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I laughed.
  • #3
Yes, thank you for sharing Gear300,
but might I beg you to elaborate?
I really do want to understand this!
  • #4
I actually don't know either. I just posted that because of your last line.

Though, when you say air is shaped, what exactly do you mean?
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  • #5

The shape of a dust nucleus is determined by various factors such as the size and shape of the dust particles, the physical forces acting upon them, and the environment in which they are present. Dust nuclei can form from a variety of materials, including mineral particles, pollen, and even bacteria. As for your question about whether a dust nucleus is dust attached to air, it is important to note that dust in the air is made up of tiny solid particles, not just air molecules. These particles can be carried by air currents, but they are not "attached" to the air in the same way that water molecules can attach to a dust nucleus to form a snowflake.

When water vapor molecules attach themselves to a dust nucleus, they can form a snowflake because the water molecules arrange themselves in a specific pattern around the dust particles. This pattern is influenced by the shape of the dust nucleus, but it is also affected by other factors such as temperature and humidity. So while the shape of the dust nucleus may play a role in the formation of a snowflake, it is not the only factor at play.

As for whether air is shaped by the dust nucleus, it is important to remember that air is a gas and does not have a defined shape like a solid object. However, the presence of dust particles in the air can affect the movement and behavior of air molecules, which can have an impact on the overall shape and behavior of air currents. So while air may not have a specific shape like a snowflake, it is influenced by the presence of dust nuclei in its environment.

FAQ: What determines shape of dust nucleus?

1. What is the composition of dust nucleus?

The composition of a dust nucleus can vary, but it is typically made up of small particles of solid material, such as silicon, carbon, and iron. These particles can range in size from a few nanometers to several micrometers.

2. How does gravity affect the shape of a dust nucleus?

Gravity plays a significant role in determining the shape of a dust nucleus. As these particles are pulled together by gravity, they can form aggregates or clumps, which can then continue to grow in size and change their shape as more particles are added.

3. Can the shape of a dust nucleus change over time?

Yes, the shape of a dust nucleus can change over time. As more particles are added to the nucleus, it can grow and change in shape. Additionally, external factors such as collisions with other particles or radiation from the sun can also alter the shape of a dust nucleus.

4. How does the speed of rotation affect the shape of a dust nucleus?

The speed of rotation can have a significant impact on the shape of a dust nucleus. As the nucleus rotates, the centrifugal force generated can cause it to become elongated or flattened, depending on the direction and speed of rotation.

5. Are there any other factors that determine the shape of a dust nucleus?

Aside from gravity and rotation, other factors that can determine the shape of a dust nucleus include temperature, pressure, and the chemical properties of the particles that make up the nucleus. These factors can all influence the growth and evolution of a dust nucleus, ultimately shaping its final form.

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