What Determines the Gravity of Planets?

In summary, The gravity of planets can be determined by observing the orbits of their satellites. This information can be found in detail at the link provided by chetan. Gravity dictates the orbits of planets and can be calculated by measuring those orbits.
  • #1
How do we find out the gravity of planets
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
By observing the orbits of their satellites.
  • #3
Originally posted by chetan
How do we find out the gravity of planets
About all you could want about gravity can be found at:


For planets, go to the center column about 2/3 of the way down, and click on the single-word "Gravity".

  • #4
Gravity dictates the orbits of the planets around the sun (and as Janus said, the moons around the planets). By measuring those orbits, you can calculate the planet's gravity. See the link I provided in the other topic you started.

FAQ: What Determines the Gravity of Planets?

1. What is gravity?

Gravity is a force that exists between all objects with mass. It is responsible for keeping planets in orbit around the sun and objects on Earth from floating off into space.

2. How is gravity different on different planets?

The strength of gravity on a planet is determined by its mass and size. The larger and more massive a planet is, the stronger its gravitational pull will be. This means that the strength of gravity will vary from planet to planet.

3. What is the relationship between a planet's mass and its gravity?

The mass of a planet directly affects its gravity. The more mass a planet has, the stronger its gravitational pull will be. This is because mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, and gravity is a force that exists between all objects with mass.

4. Can gravity be measured on other planets?

Yes, gravity can be measured on other planets using specialized instruments such as gravimeters. These instruments measure the acceleration due to gravity, which can then be used to calculate the strength of gravity on a particular planet.

5. Are there any other factors that can influence the gravity of a planet?

Yes, aside from mass and size, other factors such as density and rotation can also affect the gravity of a planet. A planet with a higher density will have a stronger gravitational pull, while a planet with a faster rotation will have a weaker gravitational pull at its equator.
