What Determines the Initial Conditions in Spring-Mass System Problems?

In summary, 21. The motion of the blocks must have been started by at least one of the masses moving, and not by compressing the spring. 22. The mechanical energy lost in this scenario is 0.31 J. 40. After the collision, the center of mass of the two cart system has a speed of 0.33 m/s. 69. The resulting change in speed of the cart is 5.0 m/s.
  • #1
21. A 2.0-kg block is attached to one end of a spring with a spring constant of 100N/m and a 4.0-kg block is attached to the other end. The blocks are placed on a horizontal frictionless surface and set into motion. At one instant the 2.0-kg block is observed to be traveling to the right with a speed of 0.50 m/s and the 4.0-kg block is observed to be traveling to the left with a speed of 0.30m/s. Since the only forces on the blocks are the force of gravity, the normal force of the surface, and the force of the spring, we conclude that:
A. the spring is compressed at the time of the observation
B. the spring is not compressed at the time of observation
C. the motion was started with the masses at rest
D. the motion was started with at least one of masses moving
E. the motion was started by compressing the spring

22. A 2.0-kg mass is attached to one end of a spring with a spring constant of 100 N/m and a 4.0-kg mass is attached to the other end. The masses are placed on a horizontal frictionless surface and the spring is compressed 10 cm. The spring is then released with the masses at rest and the masses oscillate. When the spring has its equilibrium length for the first time the 2.0-kg mass has a speed of 0.36 m/s. The mechanical energy that has been lost to the instant is:
A. zero
B. 0.31 J
C. 0.61 J
D. 0.81 J
E. 1.2J

Hi, I'm just having trouble understanding these two questions.

For 21, why cannot the motion have started by compressing the spring? I believe I understand why there must have been at least one mass moving, but I don't know why it cannot have began by an initial compression?

For 22, ΔM = Mf - Mi
Based on linear momentum, if pi = 0, then pf = 0; (2 kg)(0.36 m/s)/(4 kg) = v2 = 0.18 m/s
Mf = Kf since U = 0 J b/c there is no potential energy in the equilibrium position.
Mf = 1/2 [ (2kg)(0.36 m/s)2 + (4kg)(0.18 m/s)2 ] = 0.19 J

Now, the initial mechanical energy, Mi, equals just the spring potential energy, 1/2kx2 and that is 5 J

So, ΔM = Mf - Mi = 0.19 J - 5 J = -4.81 J and that is the amount of mechanical energy lost.

Please correct me where I've gone wrong and if you can, offer an explanation so I can follow along. :)

Ans 21: D <-- Highlight to see answer more clearly
Ans 22: B <-- Highlight to see answer more clearly
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
40. Cart A, with a mass of 0.20kg, travels on a horizontal air track at 3.0m/s and hits cart B, which has a mass of 0.40 kg and is initially traveling away from A at 2.0 m/s. After the collision the center of mass of the two cart system has a speed of:
A. zero
B. 0.33 m/s
C. 2.3 m/s
D. 2.5 m/s
E. 5.0 m/s
ans: B

These answers seem really simple yet I keep getting different answers. I solved for the centre of mass speed by doing: vcom = (mAvA + mBvB)/mtotal and vB is 2.0 m/s relative to A, so it is 5 m/s. Well, I did this and found 4.33 m/s...it's not even an option. I can't seem to get the answer of B.
  • #3
Sorry for the questions. I have all the answers but am having trouble finding the solutions:

69. A 75-kg man is riding in a 30-kg cart at 2.0m/s. He jumps o in such a way as to land on the ground with no horizontal velocity. The resulting change in speed of the cart is:

A. zero
B. 2.0 m/s
C. 3.0 m/s
D. 5.0 m/s
E. 7.0 m/s

Ans: D

I assumed it was a simple linear momentum question and I did, [(m + M)vi]/m = vf since m is the mass of the cart while M is the man. Also, the questions says the man has no horizontal velocity, and this means momentum in the x-direction is 0 for the man, thus, the formula I just stated should work...the answer should be 7.0 m/s according to my attempt but that is once again sadly incorrect.

FAQ: What Determines the Initial Conditions in Spring-Mass System Problems?

1. What is the definition of centre of mass?

The centre of mass is a point in a system or object where its mass can be considered to be concentrated. It is the point where the entire mass of an object can be assumed to be concentrated, and all external forces acting on the object can be treated as acting on this point.

2. How is the centre of mass calculated?

The centre of mass is calculated by finding the weighted average of the positions of all the particles that make up the system or object. This can be done by multiplying the mass of each particle by its position vector and then dividing the sum of these products by the total mass of the system.

3. Why is the centre of mass important?

The centre of mass is important because it helps us understand the overall motion and stability of a system or object. It also allows us to simplify complex systems and analyze them using basic principles of physics, such as Newton's laws of motion.

4. How does the centre of mass affect the stability of an object?

The lower the centre of mass is in relation to the base of an object, the more stable it will be. This is because a lower centre of mass means that there is less potential for the object to tip over due to external forces acting on it. Additionally, objects with a wider base and a lower centre of mass tend to be more stable than those with a narrower base and a higher centre of mass.

5. Can the centre of mass be outside of an object?

Yes, the centre of mass can be outside of an object. This is often the case for irregularly shaped objects, where the centre of mass may not be located within the physical boundaries of the object. However, in these cases, the centre of mass is still a useful concept for analyzing the overall motion and stability of the object.
