What did physicists study in grad school in the early 1900's?

In summary, before the incorporation of quantum mechanics and relativity into the physics curriculum, grad students in physics focused on classical mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism. However, these topics were studied in much more depth than they are today, and many mathematical techniques were still being developed. With the growing amount of knowledge and specialized equipment required for research, it has become more difficult to reach the cutting edge in modern physics.
  • #1
Before quantum mechanics and relativity were incorporated into the physics curriculum, what did physicists go to grad school for? It seems like classical mechanics, thermodynamics (I believe stat mech was not well developed at the time), and electromagnetism were the only things that were well-understood enough to be studied, and everything that was known at the time could easily have been learned in undergrad. I tried looking up some old college course listings, but couldn't find anything. So does anyone know what grad students in physics learned back then?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
A lot of material which is taught in current undergraduate courses would have been considered graduate level work in the early TwenCen. A lot of mathematical material which is taken for granted nowadays, like Fourier analysis, was being developed or had not been applied widely to investigate physical problems. Some of these analysis techniques would become practical only after the development of the digital computer in the mid-TwenCen.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply. So it seems then that maybe physicists a hundred years ago would have spent their undergrad years learning the basics in more detail then we do now, and maybe even delving into the frontiers of modern research on their own? It seems to me that with all the new advances we have now, with quantum theory, QFT, QED, relativity, solid-state physics, stat mech, particle physics, cosmology, etc. it's becoming harder and harder to get to the cutting edge. I'm in grad school now, btw, which is why I was wondering.
  • #5
Thanks a lot for the link, it was really interesting!
  • #6
With the amount of knowledge being accumulated annually across all disciplines, prospective scientists must study more and specialize to extremes to make original contributions. It also takes a lot of funds and often times access to very expensive equipment to do experimental work. Even theoretical work has advanced beyond the point where all that is needed is a pad of paper and a sharp pencil. Some theoretical work (like astrophysical simulations) require the development and testing of elaborate numerical models, a lot of which can only be tested on supercomputers.
  • #7
BucketOfFish said:
and everything that was known at the time could easily have been learned in undergrad.
I doubt this is true. There is a lot of classical mechanics that is not covered thoroughly as an undergrad (from the schools I've seen) which I assume was developed enough to be incorporated in a curricula back then. For example, continuum mechanics and fluid dynamics.

I'd also imagine optics was a larger requirement.
  • #8
Just look at early Physical Review papers
  • #9
It should also be noted that many topics which are only glanced over nowadays (e.g., in classical mechanics or function theory) were considered in *much* more depth earlier. For example, there is a four volume(!) textbook on (essentially) spinning tops by Arnold Sommerfeld and Felix Klein, two of the most prominent scientists of their time. Today such stuff is not even included in many curricula (and rightly so).

Related to What did physicists study in grad school in the early 1900's?

1. What were the main areas of focus for physicists in grad school during the early 1900s?

In the early 1900s, physicists in grad school primarily focused on studying classical mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism. They also delved into more specialized fields such as optics and atomic physics.

2. How did the study of physics in grad school during the early 1900s differ from modern times?

In the early 1900s, the study of physics in grad school was largely rooted in theoretical concepts and mathematical equations. Today, there is a stronger emphasis on experimental research and applications of physics in various industries.

3. Who were some notable physicists studying in grad school during the early 1900s?

Some notable physicists who studied in grad school during the early 1900s include Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, and Marie Curie. These scientists made groundbreaking contributions to the fields of relativity, quantum mechanics, and radioactivity, respectively.

4. How did the study of physics in grad school during the early 1900s pave the way for modern advancements?

The study of physics in grad school during the early 1900s laid the foundation for many modern advancements in technology and scientific understanding. The development of quantum mechanics, for example, has led to innovations in electronics, computing, and telecommunications.

5. How did the political and social climate of the early 1900s impact the study of physics in grad school?

The political and social climate of the early 1900s, marked by World War I and the Russian Revolution, had a significant impact on the study of physics in grad school. Many physicists were forced to flee their home countries and collaborate with scientists from different backgrounds, leading to a global exchange of ideas and advancements in the field.

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