What do the three indices in \Gamma ^a_{bc} represent in the unit sphere?

In summary, the homework statement asked what the three indices in Gamma ^a_{bc} stand for. The metric for this space can be found, but every formula for Gamma has different indices a,b,c and the student does not know what to plug in for them. The attempt at a solution and the connection equations that relate the rotation angle to the final vector are given. However, the student is still confused about what to do next. The parallel transport equation mentioned in the problem is looked up and the student is asked to use it to solve for the final vector. When the student replaces u with theta as their parameter in both equations, they both vanish but theta_0 is introduced. When the student uses the ph
  • #36
Looks ok to me.
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  • #37
Plugging in 2 pi for theta gives v^phi (phi = 2pi) = 0, right? So, now I need to solve the DE for v^theta and hopefully get v^theta (phi = 2pi) = 1, right?
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  • #38
Nooo. I get v^phi=constant*sin(cos(theta)*phi). Putting in phi=2pi doesn't give you zero for a general value of theta. And you should expect this - the problem asks you to show that after transport the direction v is not generally the same, but the length is the same.
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  • #39
Sure, but it's e^(i*cos(theta)*2pi), not e^(i*2pi).
  • #40
Sorry, I deleted a post in between there.

Anyway, e^(i*cos theta 2pi) = (e^(i*2pi))^cos(theta) = 1^{cos theta} = 1, right?
  • #41
Wrong. That rule only works for positive real numbers. i=exp(i*2pi*(1/4))=exp(i*2pi)^(1/4)=1^(1/4)=1.

What went wrong there? It's true that i and 1 are both fourth roots of 1 but they aren't equal.
  • #42
Dick said:
Wrong. That rule only works for positive real numbers. i=exp(i*2pi*(1/4))=exp(i*2pi)^(1/4)=1^(1/4)=1.

What went wrong there? It's true that i and 1 are both fourth roots of 1 but they aren't equal.


I would need to see a counterexample for negative real numbers, though.

Yes, so then I get:

[tex]v^{\phi}(\phi = 2 \pi) = \sin ( \cos (\theta) 2 \pi) \csc \theta [/tex] .

I am not really sure how to simplify that.

So, now I need to solve the DE for v^theta and hopefully get v^theta (phi = 2pi) = sqrt( 1- sin^2 ( cos (theta) 2 pi) csc^2 theta ), right?
  • #43
Something like that. Just find v^phi and v^theta and put them into the metric. BTW ((-1)^2)^(1/2)=1 which is NOT EQUAL to (-1)^(2*(1/2))=(-1)^1=-1. In the real case you can allow the exponents to be negative, but not the base (or whatever you call the -1 part).
  • #44
OK. I plugged the expression for v^phi into the DE for v^theta and integrated and plugged in 2 pi for the phi parameter and got:

[tex] v^{\theta}( \phi = 2 \pi) = \cos^2 \theta \sin (\cos (\theta) 2 \pi) [/tex]

When you say plug it into the metric, do you mean find g_ab v^a v_b?
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  • #45
I don't get the cos(theta)^2 and do I get that its a cos function of the argument. Check your derivation.
  • #46
Do you get:

[tex] v^{\theta}( \phi = 2 \pi) = -\cos (\cos (\theta) 2 \pi) [/tex]

No way, that actually does give 1 when we plug into the metric. I think that completes the problem.
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  • #47
If you plug phi=0 in you get v^phi(0)=0, v^theta(0)=(-1) (we wanted +1). I think you have another sign error lurking around. But, yeah, that's basically it, once you correct your derivation of v^theta.