What Do You Think About Different Countries?

In summary, a graduate student from the University of Michigan is conducting a short internet survey to gather opinions on different countries around the world. Participation is voluntary and anonymous, and respondents must be at least 18 years old. Some participants found the questions to be vague and some were offended by the lack of an Atheism option. The survey is still ongoing and results will be published in the future.
  • #1

I apologize if this message is off topic. I am trying to give a broad group of people a chance to participate. Please disregard this message if you are not interested.

I’m a student assisting a professor with a short internet survey (5-7 minutes) and I would appreciate if you could help us by filling it out. The survey is fun and is trying to get a sense of what you think about different countries around the world. Participation is completely voluntary and you can stop at any time. Your participation is anonymous and you will never be asked to provide your name. Please note that you must be at least 18 years old to participate in this survey.

If you wish to participate, please go to the following link:

Thank you for your help and your opinion,
Wade Garrison
Graduate Student
University of Michigan
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Only because I love the University of Michigan I'll fill it out :)
  • #3
I think the terms in the questions are rather vague.
  • #4
That was probably though the most fun, seemingly boring survey I've ever taken.
  • #5
Holy cow! That was fun!

Well, at least in a subdued, not too painful way. Definitely more fun than than the time the dentist started drilling and I realized my tooth still wasn't numb after about a dozen shots of novocaine (my nerves seem to take a strange route through my jaw).
  • #6
Mk said:
That was probably though the most fun, seemingly boring survey I've ever taken.

BobG said:
Holy cow! That was fun!

Well, at least in a subdued, not too painful way. Definitely more fun than than the time the dentist started drilling and I realized my tooth still wasn't numb after about a dozen shots of novocaine (my nerves seem to take a strange route through my jaw).

:rolleyes: Now I'm afraid to look.
  • #7
There was a typo. And now I'm really curious about what the "correct" answers are.
  • #8
I find it quite offensive that I had to check off 'no preference' under 'Religious Preference' because there was no Atheism option.
Other than that, it was somewhat amusing... and really pointed out just how ignorant I am about other countries.
And by the bye, the only category that the USA got a '10' in was income level.
  • #9
Gooooooooo Blue!
  • #10
Danger said:
I find it quite offensive that I had to check off 'no preference' under 'Religious Preference' because there was no Atheism option.
I think that's what nopreference means, otherwise why would they also have had an 'other' option?
  • #11
Danger said:
I find it quite offensive that I had to check off 'no preference' under 'Religious Preference' because there was no Atheism option.

I did too! There must be many more proud Atheists in recent years.
  • #12
hypatia said:
Gooooooooo Blue!
How do you know if someone went to U of M?Wait two minutes. They'll tell you.
  • #13
Danger said:
I find it quite offensive that I had to check off 'no preference' under 'Religious Preference' because there was no Atheism option.
Other than that, it was somewhat amusing... and really pointed out just how ignorant I am about other countries.

i agree. athiests needs to get a count
anywasy, it was fun. and can i ask the OP where ll our response show:confused::confused:
  • #14
Smurf said:
I think that's what nopreference means, otherwise why would they also have had an 'other' option?

I think it was just an odd word choice there. "None" would have been clearer, whereas writing, "No preference," sounds more undecided, but, I'm pretty sure that the "no preference" option is intended to include both atheists and agnostics, while the "other" option would include a follower of any organized (or even disorganized) religion that is not in the list already.
  • #15
What, all this survey and no result? Boooooooooo.
  • #16
cyrusabdollahi said:
What, all this survey and no result? Boooooooooo.

:rolleyes: It's a research survey. When everyone is done taking the survey, they'll have a result. Hopefully they'll come back and let us know when that happens, or when the results are published so that those interested in knowing the outcome can find it.
  • #17
Some of the terms are a little vague - like "developed" does this mean whcih country has the most builtup land (japan?) the highest average standard of living (sweden?) or the most advanced levels of technology (USA?)
  • #18
mgb_phys said:
Some of the terms are a little vague - like "developed" does this mean whcih country has the most builtup land (japan?) the highest average standard of living (sweden?) or the most advanced levels of technology (USA?)
Probably standard of living is the gauge of which they are thinking, or per capita GDP, which doesn't necessarily correlate with standard of living.
  • #19
Moonbear said:
:rolleyes: It's a research survey. When everyone is done taking the survey, they'll have a result. Hopefully they'll come back and let us know when that happens, or when the results are published so that those interested in knowing the outcome can find it.

But I want to know that I'm 70% more edumucated and better looking than the rest of the people that took the survey. :mad:
  • #20
Well I would tell you all of that, heheh, for the right price:cool:

FAQ: What Do You Think About Different Countries?

What is your opinion about the current political situation in different countries?

I believe that the political situation in different countries is complex and constantly changing. It is important to stay informed and consider multiple perspectives before forming an opinion.

How do you think globalization has affected countries around the world?

I think that globalization has both positive and negative effects on countries around the world. On one hand, it promotes economic growth and cultural exchange, but on the other hand, it can lead to exploitation and unequal distribution of resources.

Do you believe that all countries should have equal representation and influence in global decision-making?

I believe that all countries should have a voice in global decision-making, but the degree of influence may vary depending on factors such as population, economy, and political stability.

What is your stance on the issue of immigration and refugees in different countries?

I think that immigration and refugee policies should be compassionate and balanced, taking into consideration the needs of both the host country and the individuals seeking refuge. It is also important to address the root causes of displacement and provide support for integration and resettlement.

How do you think different countries can work together to address global challenges?

I believe that international cooperation and collaboration are crucial in tackling global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and conflict. This can be achieved through diplomatic efforts, aid and assistance, and promoting mutual understanding and respect.
