- #36
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It's not simply oversimplified, it's plain wrong!
Strilanc said:No, it's in the state ##\frac{1}{\sqrt 2}|0\rangle + \frac{1}{\sqrt 2}|1\rangle## (for example).
Sometimes people describe the state ##\frac{1}{\sqrt 2}|0\rangle + \frac{1}{\sqrt 2}|1\rangle## as "simultaneously in both 0 and 1", but this is an just an oversimplified and misleading translation from the math into English. It's like saying that a diagonal line is "simultaneously both a horizontal line and a vertical line". That's a terrible description of what it means to be diagonal.
vanhees71 said:Again and again and again, please don't use this nonsense talk about a system being in more than one state or an observable taking more than one value at the same time. That's NOT implied by anything in quantum theory, but it's claimed by bad popular-science texts, and there are more bad than good popular-science writings around. The problem is that to write a good popular-science article is among the most difficult tasks for a scientist; in some sense it's more difficult than to write a scientific article, because popular-science writing forbids one to use the only language that is really adequate to talk about quantum theory, i.e., math!
Quantum theory tells you that a system is always in one state, which can be proper or mixed. Even in a completely determined state, i.e., if the system is prepared such that a complete set of compatible observables takes determined values, other observables (that are not compatible with all observables of the complete set) do not necessarily take determined values, but than it's wrong to say that they take more than one value at once. In this case they simply don't take any determined value. The state, implies the probabilities to measure any possible value of that observable and nothing else. To explain this in a really understandable way, I'd have to use the mathematical formalism of quantum theory.
Karolus said:compare the superposition principle (which is not a mistake, but one of the principles of quantum mechanics) to a diagonal that is simultaneously horizontal and vertical, it is the most horrible thing I've ever heard in science. It 'so bad, that I had never come into my mind!
vanhees71 said:Again and again and again, please don't use this nonsense talk about a system being in more than one state or an observable taking more than one value at the same time. That's NOT implied by anything in quantum theory, but it's claimed by bad popular-science texts, and there are more bad than good popular-science writings around. The problem is that to write a good popular-science article is among the most difficult tasks for a scientist; in some sense it's more difficult than to write a scientific article, because popular-science writing forbids one to use the only language that is really adequate to talk about quantum theory, i.e., math!
Quantum theory tells you that a system is always in one state, which can be proper or mixed. Even in a completely determined state, i.e., if the system is prepared such that a complete set of compatible observables takes determined values, other observables (that are not compatible with all observables of the complete set) do not necessarily take determined values, but than it's wrong to say that they take more than one value at once. In this case they simply don't take any determined value. The state, implies the probabilities to measure any possible value of that observable and nothing else. To explain this in a really understandable way, I'd have to use the mathematical formalism of quantum theory.
vanhees71 said:Again and again and again, please don't use this nonsense talk about a system being in more than one state or an observable taking more than one value at the same time. That's NOT implied by anything in quantum theory, but it's claimed by bad popular-science texts, and there are more bad than good popular-science writings around. The problem is that to write a good popular-science article is among the most difficult tasks for a scientist; in some sense it's more difficult than to write a scientific article, because popular-science writing forbids one to use the only language that is really adequate to talk about quantum theory, i.e., math!
Quantum theory tells you that a system is always in one state, which can be proper or mixed. Even in a completely determined state, i.e., if the system is prepared such that a complete set of compatible observables takes determined values, other observables (that are not compatible with all observables of the complete set) do not necessarily take determined values, but than it's wrong to say that they take more than one value at once. In this case they simply don't take any determined value. The state, implies the probabilities to measure any possible value of that observable and nothing else. To explain this in a really understandable way, I'd have to use the mathematical formalism of quantum theory.
I never claimed that an observable takes different values or assumes different values simultaneously! Quite the opposite, when I make an observation I can only measure a specific value at a time, or rather on the same observable sometimes I will get | 0> and sometimes | 1>, but never | 0> and | 1> at the same time!vanhees71 said:Again and again and again, please don't use this nonsense talk about a system being in more than one state or an observable taking more than one value at the same time
vanhees71 said:Quantum theory tells you that a system is always in one state, which can be proper or mixed.
Karolus said:You use the word "mixed" and then you say that you only need to use the language of mathematics! That "mixed" mean? Which is a bit | 0> and a little | 1>? As in a recipe where we do a mixed salad ? Your language, rather than a scientist, it seems that of a cook ...
mike1000 said:Even I know now that the electron spin can only be either up or down, not both at the same time.
mike1000 said:The eigenstates of the operator form a basis for the Hilbert Space. In the Hilbert Space any linear combination of the eigenstates is also a member of the Hilbert Space.
mike1000 said:The wave function is given by the following equation
mike1000 said:I do not think there is any is decoherence going on.
mike1000 said:The wave function is not collapsing.
mike1000 said:mixed states which involve linear combinations of eigenstates(superposition)
PeterDonis said:I'm sorry, but I'm going to comment on this statement once again. What you should be saying is: if you measure the spin of the electron about a given axis, you will always get one of two results: up or down. But that does not mean that the electron can only be in one of two states: up or down about that particular axis. There are an infinite number of possible states the electron can be in, but if it is in any of those states, and you measure its spin about a given axis, you will always get one of two results: up or down. Or, more briefly: the electron spin can only be measured to be either up or down, not both at the same time.
This is correct.
This is only correct if we are talking about the position degree of freedom for a single particle. But we have been talking about spin. Spin does not have a position representation, and the equation you give does not apply to spin.
This is a serious error. Decoherence is a well-established phenomenon.
This depends on which interpretation of QM you adopt. There are interpretations that have collapse and interpretations that don't. Both kinds of interpretation make all of the same predictions, so we have no way at present of testing which one is right.
Mixed states are not the same as superpositions. I strongly suggest taking some time to learn the difference: the key term to understand is "density matrix" vs. "wave function". A superposition is a pure state, which is a state that can be represented by a wave function. A mixed state cannot be represented by a wave function: it can only be represented by a density matrix. Most modern QM textbooks discuss this.
mike1000 said:You always say what I get wrong and not what I get right.
mike1000 said:so mixed states are not the same as superpositions. Why did you stop there?
There is an explanation of the difference, with examples, in post #30 of this thread.mike1000 said:Ok, so mixed states are not the same as superpositions. Why did you stop there? If you are going to be critical then explain what you mean.
PeterDonis said:I have pointed out things you got right as well.
I didn't. Did you read the rest of my post? Have you tried Googling "density matrix" to see what you find? Or looking at a textbook?
I have already suggested, several times now IIRC, that you take some time to work through a good QM textbook (I think I suggested Ballentine). What you are basically asking for at this point amounts to a course in QM 101. That is way beyond the scope of a PF thread. If you are really trying to learn, you need to put in the time on your own; it is simply not possible to teach you everything you need to know here at PF.
mike1000 said:It is wave collapse that I do not think happens.
mike1000 said:the wave function is really giving us the apriori probabilities
Karolus said:That "mixed" mean? Which is a bit | 0> and a little | 1>? As in a recipe where we do a mixed salad ? Your language, rather than a scientist, it seems that of a cook ...
Strilanc said:The analogy is actually pretty direct. If the unit direction vector along a horizontal line is ##|H\rangle##, and the unit direction vector along a vertical line is ##|V\rangle##, then the unit direction vector for the diagonal line X=Y is ##\frac{1}{\sqrt 2} |H\rangle + \frac{1}{\sqrt 2} |V\rangle##. Look familiar?
When you say that ##\frac{1}{\sqrt 2} |0\rangle + \frac{1}{\sqrt 2} |1\rangle## is simultaneously both 0 and 1, it's exactly like saying that the line along ##\frac{1}{\sqrt 2} |H\rangle + \frac{1}{\sqrt 2} |V\rangle## is simultaneously along H and V. It's a type error. You can decompose a diagonal line's direction into the HV basis, but that doesn't mean the diagonal line is secretly made up of horizontal and vertical line segments.