What Does Continuous Derivative Mean in Quantum Mechanics?

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In summary, the conversation discussed the constraint on the wavefunction in Quantum Mechanics that its derivative must be continuous. The person had forgotten what this meant in terms of an equation and was seeking help. Another person provided an example of the potential shape and wavefunctions in different regions, and explained that the wavefunctions must be equal at the boundary and have equal derivative. This satisfied the first person's question.
  • #1
In Quantum Mechanics the one of the constraints on the wavefunction is that its derivative is continuous, what I have a problem with is that I have forgotten what this actually means in terms of an equation.


[tex] \frac{d\psi){dx}=?[\tex]

This is driving me nutty and looked on the internet but not found what I am looking for! If some one can help me then that would be great!

Thank you

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  • #2
Suppose we have this potential shape:

a, V = +inf at x < 0
b, V = - V_0 at 0 < x < a V_0 > 0
c, V = 0 at x > a

We get one wavefuntion at region b, call it psi_1(x) and one for region c, called psi_2(x), by solving the shrödinger equation.

Now psi_1(a) = psi_2(a)
d(psi_1(a))/dx = d(psi_2(a))/dx

and we have:

psi_1(a) / [d(psi_1(a))/dx ] = psi_2(a) / [d(psi_2(a))/dx]

was it this you were looking for?
  • #3
Thats what i was looking for i remember now thanks!

malawi_glenn said:
Suppose we have this potential shape:

a, V = +inf at x < 0
b, V = - V_0 at 0 < x < a V_0 > 0
c, V = 0 at x > a

We get one wavefuntion at region b, call it psi_1(x) and one for region c, called psi_2(x), by solving the shrödinger equation.

Now psi_1(a) = psi_2(a)
d(psi_1(a))/dx = d(psi_2(a))/dx

and we have:

psi_1(a) / [d(psi_1(a))/dx ] = psi_2(a) / [d(psi_2(a))/dx]

was it this you were looking for?
  • #4
hehe great, Good luck with the QM! =)

You can also check with the definitions and requriments of an continuous function in calcus books.

FAQ: What Does Continuous Derivative Mean in Quantum Mechanics?

What is the role of "Forgoten" in quantum mechanics?

"Forgoten" is not a term or concept that is recognized or used in quantum mechanics. It is possible that it is a misspelling or misunderstanding of another term within the field.

Can "Forgoten" be applied to any equations or principles in quantum mechanics?

No, since "Forgoten" is not a recognized term in quantum mechanics, it cannot be applied to any equations or principles in the field.

Is "Forgoten" a new discovery in quantum mechanics?

No, as mentioned before, "Forgoten" is not a known term in quantum mechanics. It is not a new discovery or concept within the field.

Could "Forgoten" have a significant impact on our understanding of quantum mechanics?

It is highly unlikely that "Forgoten" would have a significant impact on our understanding of quantum mechanics, since it is not a recognized term or concept within the field.

Are there any theories or experiments related to "Forgoten" in quantum mechanics?

There are no known theories or experiments that involve "Forgoten" in quantum mechanics. It is not a part of the established principles or concepts in the field.

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