What Does Mean?

In summary: In other words, the value of when k is equal to the resonance value, . This is used in the context of synchrotron radiation to calculate the energy density per unit wave vector.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Relevant Equations
Hi, just wondering what this thing means.

Just the k=k(res) after the vertical line. There is no definition in the textbook but in math does that mean from K=K(res) to something that can be dependent on a function or a situation?

Like definite integrals answer
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
NODARman said:
Homework Statement:: .
Relevant Equations:: .

Hi, just wondering what this thing means.

Just the k=k(res) after the vertical line. There is no definition in the textbook but in math does that mean from K=K(res) to something that can be dependent on a function or a situation?

Like definite integrals answer
Without additional context it's hard to say. However, I don't think it's like a definite integral. Can you post a clear picture of the textbook page where this appears?
  • #3

is energy density per unit of a one-dimensional wave vector and we assumed that ω(k) is an isotropic function of k.
we know that k is a wave vector (and the index "res" could be a doppler resonance for short) but what does it mean in that context (with E^2)?

This is from synchrotron radiation texbook.
Mark44 said:
Without additional context it's hard to say. However, I don't think it's like a definite integral. Can you post a clear picture of the textbook page where this appears?
I'll try to find the book.
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Likes PeroK
  • #4
NODARman said:
Hi, just wondering what this thing means.
It means evaluated at .
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Likes Grelbr42, PhDeezNutz, PeroK and 1 other person

FAQ: What Does Mean?

What does mean in terms of physics?

In physics, particularly in wave mechanics or quantum mechanics, the expression typically refers to the energy squared of a system evaluated at a specific wave number, denoted as \( k_{res} \). This specific wave number might correspond to a resonant condition or a particular eigenstate of the system.

Why is the expression squared in ?

The squaring of the energy, \( E_k \), can arise in various contexts. For instance, in relativistic physics, energy and momentum are related by \( E^2 = (pc)^2 + (m_0c^2)^2 \). Alternatively, in wave mechanics, the energy might be squared to simplify certain integrals or to highlight specific properties of the system, such as power or intensity, which are proportional to the square of the amplitude.

What does the subscript \( k \) represent in ?

The subscript \( k \) represents the wave number, which is a spatial frequency of a wave. It is related to the wavelength \( \lambda \) by \( k = \frac{2\pi}{\lambda} \). In quantum mechanics, \( k \) can be associated with the momentum of a particle through the de Broglie relation \( p = \hbar k \).

What is the significance of \( k_{res} \) in the expression ?

The term \( k_{res} \) denotes a specific value of the wave number where a resonant condition is met. This could be a point where the system exhibits a peak response, such as in resonance phenomena in classical mechanics, or it could be an eigenvalue in quantum mechanics where the system has a defined energy state.

How is used in practical applications?

In practical applications, can be used to analyze the behavior of waves or particles at specific resonant conditions. For example, in spectroscopy, it might be used to identify energy levels of atoms or molecules. In engineering, it could be applied to study vibrational modes of structures. Understanding these resonant conditions helps in designing systems with desired properties and in interpreting experimental data.
