What Does Numbers Mean? Symbols Explained

  • Thread starter hanilk2006
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In summary, numbers are just symbols that represent a quantity or measurement of something. They have no inherent meaning and their interpretation is dependent on context and agreement among individuals. Symbols such as +, -, x, and / are used in mathematical operations to manipulate numbers and represent relationships between them. Numbers can be used to represent anything, from pixels in a picture to data in an audio file. However, it is only when numbers are given an order or context that they become meaningful.
  • #1
What are numbers??

Hello there intellectuals!

What are numbers? what does it represent? because isn't math basically bunch of symbolism that everybody agreed upon?

so Please tell me what numbers mean!

and also what are these symbols mean?: +, -, x, /
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2

That's the wonderful part: numbers are just numbers! They don't have any interpretation attached to them, which frees us to use them for a wide variety of tasks.

What a number represents is defined by the interpretation. For example, we could interpret numbers as representing some intuitive notion of "quantity". Experience has shown the natural numbers interpreted this way are a rather good way to capture that intuitive notion, and so we use it.

This works the other way too -- if we do not yet have intuition about natural numbers, we can assist our intuition by interpreting them as a hypothetical quantity. (even if we are using natural numbers in a way that has nothing to do with quantity!)
  • #3

i thought symbols had one meaning attached to it though. Don't people decide what concept the symbol is going to represent? For instance the bathroom door sign? the one without the skirt is men?
  • #4

Numbers are adjectives; they give information about quantity for the modified noun. In practice, numbers express the count or the measure of something. As something worth studying, numbers are ideas, which may then be nouns.
  • #5

hanilk2006 said:
Hello there intellectuals!

What are numbers? what does it represent? because isn't math basically bunch of symbolism that everybody agreed upon?

so Please tell me what numbers mean!

and also what are these symbols mean?: +, -, x, /

Like Hurkyl mentioned, numbers are numbers.

Numbers represent some kind of information.

Think about say a picture. Let's say its 100x100 pixels with 256 shades of red, 256 shades of blue and 256 shades of green. You could represent this picture with a number that has
log_2(256*256*256)^(100x100) = 10,000 log(2^24) = 240,000 log_2(2) = 240,000 bits which is 30,000 bytes. So basically you could represent any picture 100x100 with 256 shades of red,blue and green with a number ranging from 0 to 2^(240,000) - 1.

Your audio file (raw output) can be represented with a single number in the same kind of way.

Typically though scientists usually deal with things that are physical like distance, time, temperature and so on. But like the examples above you can represent anything with a single number if you want, you just have to have some unique way to turn your number into the kind of object that the number actually represents.
  • #6

The question what does "one" mean is the same as what does" John" mean, nothing.
Numbers by themselves mean nothing, it is only when you give them order are they meaningful.
  • #7

Words (or numbers) on their own mean nothing. Always.
Context is what gives words meaning.
  • #8

coolul007 said:
The question what does "one" mean is the same as what does" John" mean, nothing.
Numbers by themselves mean nothing, it is only when you give them order are they meaningful.

Two means two groupings of traits, it is something in the mind. The universe understands one, none, and infinity.

FAQ: What Does Numbers Mean? Symbols Explained

1. What are numbers and symbols?

Numbers are mathematical quantities used to represent quantities or values, while symbols are visual representations of ideas or concepts.

2. How are numbers and symbols used in science?

In science, numbers and symbols are used to represent data, equations, and relationships between variables. They are also used in scientific notation to express very large or very small numbers.

3. What is the difference between numbers and symbols?

The main difference between numbers and symbols is that numbers have a numerical value and can be used in mathematical operations, while symbols do not have a numerical value and are used to represent abstract concepts or quantities.

4. What are some common symbols used in science?

Some common symbols used in science include the Greek letters alpha (α) and beta (β) used in physics and chemistry to represent angles and variables, the symbol "π" used to represent the mathematical constant pi, and the symbol "≈" used to represent approximately equal to.

5. How can understanding numbers and symbols help in scientific research?

Understanding numbers and symbols is crucial in scientific research as they are used to represent and analyze data, communicate results, and develop mathematical models and theories. Without understanding these concepts, it would be difficult to conduct and interpret scientific experiments and studies.
