What does 'p only if q' mean in logic and proofs?

  • Thread starter SithsNGiggles
  • Start date
In summary, interpreting "p implies q" can be done in several ways, such as "p implies q," "if p then q," "q is necessary for p," and "p is sufficient for q." However, the last interpretation, "p only if q," can be confusing. This statement means that the only way for p to be true is if q is also true. It may seem odd, but it can be true in cases where there may not be a direct connection between p and q.
  • #1
Interpreting "p implies q"

My Linear Algebra professor had my class work on some proofs, then introduced "truth tables," along with some notation and symbols.

I've taken a class on proofs before, but for some reason it didn't provide any background in pure logic, so I'm a bit lost with one thing my LinAlg prof wrote on the board.

He listed a few ways to interpret
[itex]p \Rightarrow q[/itex]:
  • p implies q,
  • if p then q,
  • q is necessary for p,
  • p is sufficient for q,
  • p only if q

I understand the first four items, but the last one doesn't make sense to me. Can someone please explain how it works? Thanks in advance.
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  • #2

SithsNGiggles said:
My Linear Algebra professor had my class work on some proofs, then introduced "truth tables," along with some notation and symbols.

I've taken a class on proofs before, but for some reason it didn't provide any background in pure logic, so I'm a bit lost with one thing my LinAlg prof wrote on the board.

He listed a few ways to interpret
[itex]p \Rightarrow q[/itex]:
  • p implies q,
  • if p then q,
  • q is necessary for p,
  • p is sufficient for q,
  • p only if q

I understand the first four items, but the last one doesn't make sense to me. Can someone please explain how it works? Thanks in advance.

I agree that "only if" is the most confusing of the group. I think of it this way.

Say p => q. The only way that can be false is if either p is false, or q is true.

Say p is true. If q is false that makes the implication false. So if p is true then q must be true.

So if p => q is true, then p can be true only if q is true.

Remember, if 2 + 2 = 5 then I am the Pope. That's true.

So 2 + 2 = 5 only if I am the Pope. Can't be any other way.
  • #3

Thanks, SteveL27. The last three lines were very helpful.
  • #4

SithsNGiggles said:
My Linear Algebra professor had my class work on some proofs, then introduced "truth tables," along with some notation and symbols.

I've taken a class on proofs before, but for some reason it didn't provide any background in pure logic, so I'm a bit lost with one thing my LinAlg prof wrote on the board.

He listed a few ways to interpret
[itex]p \Rightarrow q[/itex]:
  • p implies q,
  • if p then q,
  • q is necessary for p,
  • p is sufficient for q,
  • p only if q

I understand the first four items, but the last one doesn't make sense to me. Can someone please explain how it works? Thanks in advance.

The statement is true unless p is true and q is false.

"if the moon is green cheese then 2+2=4"

That is true. It seems weird at first, but basically it is saying that 2+2=4 regardless so it doesn't matter what the moon is made of.

"if the moon is green cheese then 2+2=5" Sure. You will never be able to provide a counterexample, so it is a true statement. Vacuous, useless, but true.

"if 1+1=2 then 2+2=4" True. The second statement doesn't follow from the first so it is of no value, but it is indeed true.

'If 1+1=2 then 2+2=5" False!

As you can see, if there is no connection between p and q then any statement relating them is rather vacuous. But there is no harm in that.
  • #5

Thanks ImaLooser. Your examples were pretty helpful too.

FAQ: What does 'p only if q' mean in logic and proofs?

1. What does "p implies q" mean?

"p implies q" is a logical statement that indicates that if the condition p is true, then the outcome q must also be true. It is written in the form of "p → q".

2. How is "p implies q" different from "q implies p"?

The order of p and q in "p implies q" and "q implies p" is significant. In "p implies q", p is the premise or condition that leads to the conclusion q. In "q implies p", q is the premise and p is the conclusion. This means that the statements have different meanings and cannot be used interchangeably.

3. What is the truth value of "p implies q"?

The truth value of "p implies q" depends on the truth values of p and q. If p is true and q is false, then "p implies q" is false. In all other cases, it is true. This can be represented in a truth table as:

p q p implies q
true true true
true false false
false true true
false false true

4. Can "p implies q" be rewritten as "not p or q"?

No, "p implies q" and "not p or q" are not equivalent statements. "p implies q" means that q is true if p is true, whereas "not p or q" means that either p is false or q is true. In some cases, both statements may have the same truth value, but they are not logically equivalent.

5. How can "p implies q" be useful in scientific research?

In scientific research, "p implies q" can be used to make logical deductions and draw conclusions based on evidence. It can also be used to formulate hypotheses and theories, as well as to test and validate them. Additionally, "p implies q" can help identify cause-and-effect relationships and guide further investigations.
