What Does the Bracket Operation < , > Signify in the Intersection Form Qm?

In summary, intersection theory is a mathematical concept that involves the intersection of two objects and is used in both algebraic geometry and algebraic topology. The Wikipedia entry on intersection theory uses notation involving a bilinear form and the cup product, but this is not necessary to understand the concept. The bracket operation in this notation represents evaluation of a cocycle on a cycle, or integration of an n-form over an n-manifold. There are differences in intersection theory in algebraic geometry and algebraic topology due to the different constraints on subvarieties and equivalence relations. Intersection theory is also related to Poincare duality and integration of wedge products. Differential topology and algebraic topology have different approaches to intersection theory, but the results may be different in
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Hi, everyone:

I am trying to understand the intersection form, and I am having trouble
with the notation used in Wikipedia's entry on intersection theory:


Now, I am somewhat weak in my cohomology, and I understand the concept
is necessarily involved, but I would appreciate some comments/insights on

Specifically, in the definition of the bilinear form Qm, on the n-th cohomology
ring H^n(M) :

Qm: H^n(M,delM,Z) x H^n(M, delM; Z)-->Z , given by:

Qm(a,b)=< a\/b, [M] >

where '\/' is the cup product, 'del' is the boundary, and 'Z' are the integers.

What is this bracket operation < , > ?. It is not stated that M is Riemannian

so I don't see how this would be an inner product. And, what is [M] here ?

I have been reading up in H&Y (Hocking and Young) , and they are using

different notation.

Thanks for Any Help.
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  • #2
you are wasting your time reading that. try one of the introductory works on the subject such as fulton's introductory lectures at george mason university in the regional conference series.

notation is less important than concepts. that bracket you asked about just means evaluation of a cocycle on a cycle. or if you know some integration theory, it is like integrating an n form over an n manifold. but really that formal $%%#@ is a waste of your time.

even wikipedia admits in the body of that article that it does not meet their own quality standards.
  • #3
Thanks, Mathwonk. Is there a difference in intersection theory in Alg.
Geometry and in Alg. Topology?. The article in Wiki seemed to suggest this;
it may not be of good quality, but it is all I know about the topic at the moment.
  • #4
intersection theory is easy when the two things being intersected are transverse, i.e. meet only where their tangent spaces intersect minimally.

hence the hard part of intersection theory is replacing non transverse objects by transverse ones, i.e. "moving lemmas".

in topology there is a huge flexibility in moving things smoothly or continuously, and thus moving lemmas are relatively "easy".

in algebraic geometry one is constrained, especially in the case of abstract fields of coefficients, to use only subvarieties defiend by aklgebraic equations, so smotholy moving them is impossible.

one thus uses much finer equivalence relations on subvarieties such as Linear equivalence, or rational equivalence, or algebraic equivalence.

since these relations are much stricter, the set of equivalence classes one is forced to work with can be huge and thus hard to work with.

even defining the intersection multiplicity is tricky. shafarevich basic algebraic geometry, has a nice treatment of the easiest case, of invariance of intersection numbers for divisors on a smooth variety.

fulton is the guru of intersection theory. he has written several books on it, first his book on algebraic [plane?] curves, a lovely book which seems out of print. then his george mason CBMS conference lectures i referred to above, then his tome which i myself have barely scratched the surface of, Intersection theory.

the smooth topological case is well treated in guillemin and pollack's differential topology, an easy read for strong senior math majors.
  • #5
according to poincare duality, intersection theory on homology cycles is dual to cup products on cohomology cocycles, and cohomology is always technically easier to deal with than homology.

in calculus intersection theory is dual to integration of wedge products.

i.e. dual to each smooth closed path on a riemann surface, is a smooth one form such that integrating another path against this one form is the same as intersecting it with the original path.

fulton even uses the integration sign as a symbol for the intersection operation in his book.

you might try reading this part of my free notes on my website on the riemann roch theorem for this treatment. i learned this from reading hermann weyl's great book on riemann surfaces.
  • #6
oh, if you want the purely topological version of intersection theory, then you replace differential forms by cocycles. this is treated well in the somewhat abstract book of dold on algebraic topology.

algebraic topology is quite abstract because in some cases they are trying to mimic ideas from calculus without using calculus, i.e. no tangent spaces.

i greatly prefer differential topology, but as outlined in other places here, the results are different at least in some exotic cases.

Related to What Does the Bracket Operation < , > Signify in the Intersection Form Qm?

What is the intersection form?

The intersection form is a mathematical concept used in topology and algebraic geometry to describe the intersection of two geometric objects in a space.

How is the intersection form represented?

The intersection form is typically represented using a matrix, also known as the intersection matrix. The rows and columns of the matrix correspond to the homology classes of the two objects, and the entries represent the algebraic intersection number between these classes.

What is the significance of the intersection form?

The intersection form is an important tool in topology and algebraic geometry, as it allows for the study of the intersection of geometric objects in a space in a precise mathematical way. It can be used to calculate topological invariants, such as the Euler characteristic, and to prove the existence or non-existence of certain objects in a space.

How is the intersection form calculated?

The intersection form is calculated by taking the algebraic intersection number of two homology classes in a space. This can be done by choosing a basis for each homology class and then calculating the intersection number based on the algebraic intersection of these basis elements.

What is the notation used for the intersection form?

The notation used for the intersection form varies, but it is commonly denoted as a matrix with entries in a specific ring, such as the integers or the real numbers. Other notations may include the use of symbols or equations to represent the intersection form.

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