What Does the Equation PV=C(1+i)^n Represent?

In summary, the conversation is about a new member to a forum who is curious about a physics equation that their friends asked them about. The equation is PV=C(1+i)n and they are unable to remember what it represents. They have asked about it in multiple forums and have received some suggestions, such as it being related to the Ideal Gas Law or the Future Value formula in engineering economics. The conversation ends with the new member thanking everyone for their help and mentioning that the equation may be related to economics.
  • #1
Hi everyone,

Im new to this forum, just saying hi and am curious about something.

Although I done physics at school I haven't dabbled for a number of years now...Anyway, some friends and I were having a dicussion on various topics until physics popped up (2 of them are rather heavy into it). They wrote an equation down and asked if I new what it was...PV=C(1+i)n

I know I've seen it before but can't for the life of me remember it...Can anyone please help?

Physics has sortof peeked my interest again after 17 years so am curious as to what this equation is.

I know this is a maths forum but just thought you guys could help.


Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Um, why not ask in the General Physics forum?
  • #3
He's already asked the same question in about 4 forums and got an answer in one but he keeps on posting the question! Here's a clue for Frizz: Post a question only once and be responsible enough to check back. :)
  • #4
The only reason I posted it twice...not four times, was because the answer I got in the other forum wasn't sufficient...I've tried looking it up myself but can't find it anywhere.

Am getting very curious about it now & am wondering wheather me mates wrote it down right.

Thx anyway.
  • #5
It looks like a calculation for the present value in engineering economics.
  • #6

I really don't recognise this type, but the first thing came up to my mind was the "Ideal Gas Law" ------> pV=nRT

n:number of moles
R:universal gas constant
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  • #7
The only thing it has in common with the Ideal gas law is the term PV, put this could just as well be Present Value. When you consider the RHS, Present Value seems a much more likely choice.
  • #8
Actuall, it is close to the Future Value formula. If PV were actually FV (Future formula) then the fomula for the future value is:

FV = C(1+i)^n

C = current value
i = interest as decimal (i.e. 10% is .10)
n = number of interest compounding periods (i.e. years).

Note that (1+i) is reaised to the nth power, not multiplied
  • #9
Then it appears that this isn't physics, ya?

  • #10
ZapperZ said:
Then it appears that this isn't physics, ya?


I hope so because I'm not sure what's going on.
  • #11
ZapperZ said:
Then it appears that this isn't physics, ya?


Sure it is physics -- everything is just physics when you break it down far enough :)
  • #12

Thx for all your help guys. The closest I've come to it is FV=PV(1+i)n something to do with economics. Although it doesn't have the 'C' in it, it's the only thing that comes close.

Thx again


FAQ: What Does the Equation PV=C(1+i)^n Represent?

1. What is the purpose of "Hi guys" formula?

The "Hi guys" formula is used as a friendly way to address a group of people in a casual setting. It is often used in informal conversations or in online communication.

2. How is "Hi guys" formula different from other forms of greeting?

"Hi guys" formula is specifically used to address a group of people, usually friends or acquaintances. It is more informal compared to other greetings such as "Hello" or "Good morning" which are more commonly used in formal settings.

3. Is "Hi guys" formula considered gender-specific?

No, "Hi guys" formula is not considered gender-specific. It is commonly used to address both male and female individuals within a group. However, some people may find it more appropriate to use gender-neutral alternatives such as "Hey everyone" or "Hello folks".

4. Can "Hi guys" formula be used in a professional setting?

It is not recommended to use "Hi guys" formula in a professional setting, as it may come across as too informal or unprofessional. It is best to use more formal greetings in professional environments.

5. Are there any alternatives to "Hi guys" formula?

Yes, there are many alternatives to "Hi guys" formula. Some common alternatives include "Hey everyone", "Hello folks", "What's up everyone", or simply "Hi everyone". It is important to consider the context and audience before choosing a greeting.

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