What Does the Recursion Theorem in Set Theory State?

In summary, the conversation discusses the recursion theorem, which defines recursion through the use of functions defined on subsets of a domain. This theorem, also known as Cantor's theorem, extends inductive proof to recursive construction and can be seen as a weaker form of a better-known theorem. The conversation also clarifies that the function f(5) is not simply G(f(4)), but rather a more complicated function that takes into account the entire previous sequence of values of f. Overall, the recursion theorem allows for the unique definition of a function f that satisfies certain conditions.
  • #1
There are probably a million theorems called "the recursion theorem" and I'm not sure if this is actually one of them, but there's a remark saying that it defines recursion.
It's proven by piecing together 'attempts' (functions defined on subsets of a domain) and states:

For X a well-ordered set, Y any set:
For any G:P(XxY)->Y,
there exists f:X->Y
such that f(x)=G(f|Ix), for all x in X.

Ix is the initial subset {y in X iff y<x}
f|A = {(x,f(x) : x in A} - the restriction of f to A.
P denotes power set.

I just have no idea what it's saying.

Googling suggests that it's "Cantor's theorem, originally stated for ordinals, which extends inductive proof to recursive construction." but I can't find anything on it, possibly because the lecturer has mixed a few proofs together so it's a weaker form of a better-known theorem, but much easier to prove.

Thanks :\

Wait...is this just saying that, for any G:{functions}->{numbers}, there's a function, f, that satisfies f(5)=G[f(4)]? And so on.
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  • #2
If X is natural numbers, then f(5) = G(f(0), f(1), f(2), f(3), f(4)).

I've taken the liberty of writing the set {(0, f(0)), (1, f(1)), (2, f(2)), (3, f(3)), (4, f(4))} -- the graph of f restricted to {0,1,2,3,4} -- as an ordered sequence
  • #3
Wait...is this just saying that, for any G:{functions}->{numbers}, there's a function, f, that satisfies f(5)=G[f(4)]? And so on.

Not exactly: as Hurkyl already said, f(5) is more complicated; what it states precisely is that, given G as you defined it above (where the "functions" are the ones from the well-ordered set X to any set Y) you can define an unique function [itex]f:X\rightarrow Y[/itex], given by f(x)=G(f|Ix), where Ix is the initial x-segment of X. For example, if [itex]X=Y= N[/itex], this means that:

f\left(0\right)=G\left( \emptyset \right)
f\left(n\right)=G\left(In\right)=G\left( f \left( 0 \right),f \left( 1 \right),\cdots,f \left( n-1 \right) \right)

This form is usually called course-of-values recursion and it's equivalent to the recursive definition that you are familiar with.
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FAQ: What Does the Recursion Theorem in Set Theory State?

1. What is the Recursion Theorem in set theory?

The Recursion Theorem is a fundamental theorem in set theory that states that given a set A and a function f, there exists a unique function g that maps each element of A to a unique element in A, such that g(n+1) = f(g(n)) for all n in A.

2. What is the importance of the Recursion Theorem?

The Recursion Theorem is important because it allows us to define functions on sets in a systematic and recursive manner. It is also used to prove the existence of certain mathematical objects, such as the von Neumann hierarchy in set theory.

3. How is the Recursion Theorem applied in mathematics?

The Recursion Theorem is applied in various branches of mathematics, such as in the construction of mathematical structures like the natural numbers and the real numbers. It is also used in proving the existence of solutions to mathematical problems, such as the existence of fixed points in dynamical systems.

4. What is an example of the Recursion Theorem in action?

An example of the Recursion Theorem in action is the construction of the factorial function on the set of natural numbers. We can define the factorial function recursively as f(0) = 1 and f(n+1) = (n+1)*f(n) for all n in the set of natural numbers. This follows the pattern required by the Recursion Theorem and allows us to define the factorial function for all natural numbers.

5. Can the Recursion Theorem be applied to infinite sets?

Yes, the Recursion Theorem can be applied to infinite sets. As long as the function f satisfies the conditions of the theorem, it can be used to define a unique function on infinite sets as well. In fact, the Recursion Theorem is often used in the construction of infinite sets and structures in mathematics.

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