What Does Unusual Auroral Activity Mean in Astronomy?

  • Thread starter CallMeSusan
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In summary: Back then there were very few sunspots and the solar output was low as well.The article is talking about how the sunspot numbers and solar output are related. They are saying that the solar output is low right now because there are not as many sunspots.In summary, the article is discussing an aurora that was seen on January 10 and 11. The unusual features were caused by a large positive Bz component of the IMF and the sunspot numbers are decreasing which may lead to more anomalies in the future.
  • #1

I am a newbie trying out astronomy after two decades of politics, but I was hoping if someone could help translate the following statement for me (I am not a student, so your not answering an essay question or anything);

We report unusual auroral features observed by the DMSP-F6 satellite on January 10 and 11. These features include the shift of the most active region to the morning sector, the shift of the polar cap center toward the evening sector, a large number of sun-earth aligned arcs and the oval-shaped diffuse glow without bright oval arcs. The simultaneous magnetic field observations by the ISEE-3 and IMP-8 satellites, together with a simple magnetospheric modeling result, suggest that the unusual features result from both the unusually large BY and a large positive Bz component of the IMF.

The italic/bold section confuses me somewhat. The answer (the last sentence) doesn't really explain it.
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  • #2
Welcome to Physics Forums.

A page that explains the Interplanetary Magnetic field


The aurora we see on Earth is the result of "stuff" that is ejected from the sun interacting, way up high, with atoms in Earth's atmosphere. The atoms become excited and give off light. The "stuff" is made of charged particles. The particles, because they have a charge, are affected by Earth's magnetic field and the IMF.

What the bold part talks about, in part, is the areas of the auroral glow are not where they usually are. The morning sector is the area where sunrise is happening on Earth -- looking down onto the North (or South Pole). The polar sector is directly over the pole. You can guess what the evening sector is.

The auroral display has features like arcs, glow, striations. If you have not been to the far North or South you probably have not seen them. They are wonderful.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora_(astronomy )

The bold section is talking about displays that are out of the ordinary and are in places where they may not normally be seen.

The Bx, By, and Bz are vector components (think of a vector as direction and velocity like your car on the highway) that make up the IMF. The vector has 3 dimensions: (B)x,(B)y and (B)z. The article is saying that changes in magnitudes of Bz and By caused the unusual aurora.

Space Weather (the charged particles, and the IMF) is very important to satellite communications.
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  • #3
Thanks Jim, I appreciate the clarity. I understand that the date of the journal article is quite old (1983) - would you know, by any chance, whether activity such as this often occurs, or was it quite unique for that day/moment (as in the shift of the most active region to the morning sector etc)? I only ask this because I am confused as to why this is "unusual".
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  • #4
Space Weather is a fairly young, evolving science, so some of their observations and goals have been moving targets, so to speak. I do not know whether this was a one time anomaly or not. As a guess I would say no.

The current Maunder cycle -- 24 -- (sunspot cycles influence aurora intensity) is weak, so if there are going to be anomalies, this may be a chance to see them. According to the report:

http://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/SunspotCycle.shtmlSunspot numbers and solar output appear to be declining. The report makes an analogy between the current trend and sunspot numbers in the late 17th Century.
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  • #5


Unusual auroral activity refers to a rare occurrence of auroras, also known as the Northern or Southern Lights, which are caused by charged particles from the sun interacting with the Earth's atmosphere. In this case, the DMSP-F6 satellite observed unusual features on January 10 and 11, including a shift in the most active region to the morning sector, a shift in the polar cap center towards the evening sector, and a large number of sun-earth aligned arcs. Additionally, there was a diffuse glow without the presence of bright oval arcs. These features were likely caused by a combination of two factors: an unusually large BY component of the Earth's magnetic field and a large positive Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). The magnetic field observations from the ISEE-3 and IMP-8 satellites, along with a simple model of the magnetosphere, support this explanation. Essentially, the unusual features in the aurora were a result of the unique magnetic conditions in the Earth's environment at that time. I hope this helps clarify the statement for you.

Related to What Does Unusual Auroral Activity Mean in Astronomy?

1. What is unusual auroral activity?

Unusual auroral activity, also known as abnormal or anomalous auroral activity, refers to any type of aurora (also called the northern or southern lights) that deviates from the typical color, shape, or behavior of auroras. This can include rare colors, unique shapes, or unexpected locations.

2. What causes unusual auroral activity?

Unusual auroral activity can be caused by a variety of factors, including changes in the Earth's magnetic field, solar storms, and interactions between solar particles and the Earth's atmosphere. Other possible causes include weather patterns, pollution, and artificial light sources.

3. How often does unusual auroral activity occur?

Unusual auroral activity is relatively rare and unpredictable. It can occur sporadically or in clusters, and the frequency and intensity can vary greatly. Scientists continue to study and monitor auroral activity in order to better understand and predict these phenomena.

4. What are some examples of unusual auroral activity?

Examples of unusual auroral activity include red or pink auroras, which are caused by high-altitude oxygen atoms, and blue or purple auroras, which are caused by low-altitude nitrogen atoms. Other examples can include auroras that appear in unusual locations, such as near the equator, or that display uncommon shapes, such as spirals or arcs.

5. Is unusual auroral activity harmful to humans?

In general, unusual auroral activity is not harmful to humans. However, during intense solar storms, the influx of charged particles can cause disruptions to communication and navigation systems on Earth. Additionally, astronauts and airline pilots are more susceptible to radiation exposure during auroral events. It is important to monitor and understand auroral activity in order to mitigate any potential risks.

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