What does Up to Isomorphism mean?

In summary, "up to isomorphism" means that there is only one complete ordered field, up to isomorphism, meaning that all complete ordered fields are isomorphic to each other. This concept is similar to the idea of "up to bijection" in set theory, where there is only one set of a certain cardinality, up to bijection. In both cases, the phrases refer to the uniqueness of a certain property within a defined universe where equality is determined by a specific equivalence relation.
  • #1
What does "Up to Isomorphism" mean?

I was reading the final chapter in Spivak's Calculus and it says:

There is a complete ordered field and, up to isomorphism, only one complete ordered field.

I know what an isomorphism is and what it means when things are isomorphic. But I don't know what he means when it says "UP to..". I've also read things like this when talking of homotopy...

Any help is appreciated!
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  • #2

I'm not trying to be an ***, but it means what it sounds like. You can only have different pictures of what is ultimately the same thing...Does that even help?

In general, when the phrase "up to (blank)" is thrown out, it means that any two such things are the same, up to (blank). I don't know what else to say.
  • #3

He means there is only one isomorphism class. All complete ordered fields are isomorphic. (uniquely isomorphic, even! But that's a special fact about this particular case)
  • #4

tmccullough said:
I'm not trying to be an ***, but it means what it sounds like. You can only have different pictures of what is ultimately the same thing...Does that even help?

No sorry, I'm not hearing the same sound as you lol
  • #5

Hurkyl said:
He means there is only one isomorphism class. All complete ordered fields are isomorphic. (uniquely isomorphic, even! But that's a special fact about this particular case)

Thanks a lot. It all makes sense now. :)
  • #6

In the same way, for example, there is a set of cardinality 2, and it is unique up to bijection. This means there is a set of cardinality 2 (like [itex]\{1,2\}[/itex]), and for any (other) set of cardinality 2 there is a bijection between them (if [itex]\{a,b\}[/itex] is such a set, then a->1, b->2 is of course a bijection).
  • #7

Thanks for this example. It has helped me understand it better :)
  • #8

Landau said:
In the same way, for example, there is a set of cardinality 2, and it is unique up to bijection. This means there is a set of cardinality 2 (like [itex]\{1,2\}[/itex]), and for any (other) set of cardinality 2 there is a bijection between them (if [itex]\{a,b\}[/itex] is such a set, then a->1, b->2 is of course a bijection).

Just a question to make sure I got it all right. In my question and your example, the equivalence relation that are being used are the isomorphism and bijection relation. And the "up to isomophism/bijection" basically means that the property holds in the "universe" (in my example the set of complete ordered fields and yours the collection of sets of cardinality 2) where equality is defined by the equivalence relation. So if the bijection relation would have "divided" your universe into more than just one equivalence class then uniqueness wouldn't be true, but since it only "created" one equivalence class, uniqueness follows.

Am I right?
  • #9

Yes, that's right. Since an isomorphism is, by definition, invertible, saying that two things are "isomorphic" is a an equivalence relation and so divides the set on which it is defined into equivalence classes. Two things are the same "up to isomorphism" if they are in the same equivalence class.
  • #10

Thanks for the help.

Related to What does Up to Isomorphism mean?

What does "Up to Isomorphism" mean?

"Up to Isomorphism" is a mathematical concept that refers to the idea that two objects are considered the same if they can be transformed into each other through a specific operation. This operation is called an isomorphism, and it preserves the essential properties of the objects.

What is an isomorphism?

An isomorphism is a mathematical mapping between two objects that preserves their essential properties. In other words, an isomorphism transforms one object into another in a way that maintains their fundamental characteristics.

Why is isomorphism important in mathematics?

Isomorphism is important in mathematics because it allows us to study objects that are seemingly different but have the same underlying structure. This helps us better understand the relationships between different mathematical concepts and simplify complex problems.

What are some examples of isomorphism?

Some examples of isomorphism include rotational symmetry of objects, graph isomorphisms, and group isomorphisms. In each of these cases, the objects may appear different, but they have the same underlying structure.

How is isomorphism different from equality?

Isomorphism is different from equality in that it focuses on the relationship between objects rather than their exact values. Two objects can be isomorphic even if they have different values, as long as their underlying structure is the same. Equality, on the other hand, requires the objects to have identical values to be considered the same.

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