What does zero at infinity mean?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of zeros at infinity for algebraic expressions of the Laplace transform of a signal. It is determined that a zero at infinity means that the function approaches zero as the variable approaches infinity. The number of zeros at infinity is equal to the multiplicity of zero at the point where the function approaches zero. An example is given to illustrate this concept.
  • #1
For the following algebraic expressions for the Laplace transform of a signal, determine the number of zeros located in the finite \(s-\)plane and the number of zeros located at infinity.

Does that mean pole since at a pole the plot will diverge to \(\infty\)? Otherwise, what would be a zero at infinity?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Consider the complex-valued function of a complex variable, $f(z) = z^{-2}$. We notice that as $|z|\to \infty$ that $f(|z|) \to 0$ so we say $f(z)$ is zero at infinity. I think when someone asks for "number of zeros at infinity" they are asking for the multiplicity of $\infty$ as a zero.

In general, if $f(z)$ sends $\infty$ to zero then,
$$ \lim_{z\to 0} f\left( \frac{1}{z} \right) = 0 $$
We can define the function,
$$ g(z) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ccc} f(z^{-1}) & \text{ if }& z\not = 0 \\ 0 & \text{ if }& z = 0 \end{array} \right. $$
Now count the multiplicity of $0$ for $g(z)$ at $0$.

In the example given above $f(z)=z^{-2}$ then $g(z) = z^2$ so $g(z)$ has multiplicity two zero. Thus, $f(z)$ has two zeros at infinity.

FAQ: What does zero at infinity mean?

What does zero at infinity mean?

Zero at infinity is a concept in mathematics and physics that refers to the behavior of a function or a variable as it approaches infinity. It means that the value of the function or variable becomes closer and closer to zero as the input or independent variable becomes infinitely large.

How is zero at infinity defined?

The definition of zero at infinity can vary depending on the context. In mathematics, it is often defined using limits, where the limit of a function as the input approaches infinity is equal to zero. In physics, it can be defined as the behavior of a physical quantity as it approaches infinity, such as the energy of a particle in a potential well.

What is the significance of zero at infinity?

The concept of zero at infinity is important in many areas of mathematics and physics. In calculus, it is used to evaluate limits and determine the behavior of functions at the edges of their domains. In physics, it can help us understand the behavior of physical systems at extreme values. It also has applications in fields such as complex analysis, differential equations, and topology.

Can zero at infinity be a limit?

Yes, zero at infinity can be a limit. As mentioned earlier, the limit of a function as the input approaches infinity can be equal to zero, which means that the function approaches zero at infinity. This is different from saying that the function is equal to zero at infinity, as infinity is not a number and cannot be plugged into the function.

Is zero at infinity always equal to zero?

No, zero at infinity is not always equal to zero. This concept only applies to the behavior of a function or variable as it approaches infinity. It does not mean that the function or variable is equal to zero at infinity. In some cases, the function may approach a non-zero value at infinity, or it may not have a well-defined limit at infinity. It is important to consider the context and definition of zero at infinity in each case.
