What Drives a Natural Born Science Geek to Tinker?

  • Thread starter showmegreen
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  • #1
Well I've just got to say that, "This is one interesting forum from what I've witnessed so far!"
It took 23 years after I graduated to finally accept the fact that I'm a "Natual Born Science Geek". My garage is to full of gadgets, doohickeys, thingymackbobs and the infamous "DIY" projects not to be.
I sure hope that I don't get kicked off here due to my "hillbilly" up-bringing. I'm not the best at sentence structure or punctuation. I will do my best though.
I love to learn. I love to tinker with things. I hope to learn as much as possible from the discussions I have, and will, witness. "Mind is clear, focussed and ready to learn. Teach away!"
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Welcome to PF!

What is your favorite DIY that didn't get done?