What drives the toroidal flow and current in a tokamak plasma?

In summary, the plasma in a tokamak is accelerated by a combination of methods, including plasma heating, magnetic fields, and neutral beam heating. The direction of the plasma flow is independent of the toroidal current, which is traditionally driven inductively but can also be driven non-inductively.
  • #1
God Plays Dice
In a tokamak design what accelerates the plasma? Is it the current from the primary coils driving the plasma round?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #3
No I mean accelerate. What makes the plasma spin round the tokamak
  • #4
Are you sure it spins around the device? I've never heard that before. Not that that's saying much, as I'm not an expert on fusion reactors.
  • #5
Wel have to wait and see who else replies
  • #6
Are these protons and electrons rotating in opposite directions?
  • #7
The magnetic fields generated by the torodial (horizontal) and polodial (vertical) coils force the particles to move in helical trajectories about the chamber. I would think the momentum transfer generated by neutral beam heating plays a part as well.
  • #8
What about the current in the plasma? Doesn't current require motion of charge
  • #9
God Plays Dice said:
What about the current in the plasma? Doesn't current require motion of charge

A plasma is a soup of ions and electrons; the movement of those constituents is the plasma's current.
  • #10
God Plays Dice said:
What about the current in the plasma? Doesn't current require motion of charge

The plasma current and flow are two different quantities. If we consider a simple hydrogen plasma we can define a flow for both the ions [itex]V_i[/itex] and the electrons [itex]V_e[/itex]. The bulk plasma flow velocity is a weighted sum of these two velocities: [itex] V_b = (m_i V_i + m_e V_e)/(m_i+m_e) \approx V_i [/itex]. However the current is the difference between the two velocities [itex] J = ne (V_i-V_e) [/itex].

Traditionally the toroidal current in a tokamak is driven inductively. However, non-inductive current drive is an active area of research in the tokamak community.

Many of todays larger tokamaks also have a large toroidal flow. This flow is driven mostly by the neutral beams which heat the plasma.

The direction of the toroidal flow is independent of the toroidal current. Some experiments operate with co-rotation where the plasma current and flow are in the same direction, others operate with counter-rotation where the two are in opposite direction, and some expereiments can switch from co-rotation to counter-rotation from shot to shot.

FAQ: What drives the toroidal flow and current in a tokamak plasma?

1. What is a tokamak?

A tokamak is a device used to achieve controlled nuclear fusion reactions. It consists of a toroidal (doughnut-shaped) vacuum chamber surrounded by powerful magnets, which confine and heat plasma (a hot, ionized gas) to the temperatures and pressures necessary for fusion to occur.

2. How does a tokamak accelerate particles?

A tokamak accelerates particles through a process called "magnetic reconnection." This occurs when magnetic field lines in the plasma break and reconnect, releasing energy that accelerates particles in the process. This acceleration is also aided by the strong magnetic fields produced by the tokamak's magnets.

3. What types of particles are accelerated in a tokamak?

A tokamak primarily accelerates ions (positively charged particles) due to their greater mass and higher temperatures required for fusion. However, electrons can also be accelerated in the process, as they are needed to balance the charges of the ionized plasma.

4. What are the potential benefits of tokamak particle acceleration?

Tokamak particle acceleration has the potential to unlock a virtually limitless source of clean energy through controlled nuclear fusion reactions. This could help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate the effects of climate change. Additionally, tokamaks can also be used to study the fundamental properties of plasma and high-energy particles.

5. What are the challenges of tokamak particle acceleration?

One of the biggest challenges of tokamak particle acceleration is achieving and maintaining the high temperatures and pressures needed for fusion to occur. This requires advanced technology and precise control of the plasma and magnetic fields. Additionally, the high-energy particles produced during the fusion process can damage the tokamak's components, requiring frequent maintenance and repairs.
