What effect the speed of sound?

In summary, the speed of sound is affected by the temperature, gas type, and its heat capacity. The gas type can influence the speed of sound due to its heat capacity, and its atomic mass may also play a role. However, frequency does not directly impact the speed of sound as it is a constant and inversely related to wavelength. The speed of sound in a gaseous medium can be calculated using the formula sqrt(gamma*R*T/M), where gamma, R, and M are all properties of the medium. The speed of sound also depends on the polarization of the wave, and in some cases, can be dispersive, meaning it varies with frequency. However, for most cases, the speed of audible sound waves is independent
  • #1
n3w ton
I know that temperature effects the speed of sound.

Can this also effect the speed of sound?
-Frequency : high or low?
-Gas type : if its traveling through oxygen or helium ? How would they compare? Does their mass play a part and heat capacity?

My attempt: I think the gas type will make a difference in the speed of sound because different gases will have different heat capacity's. If a atom can hold more 'heat' than the sound can travel through it faster. Though I am not sure how its atomic mass would contribute to the speed of sound...

Also I read that freqency does not play a role in the speed of sound becaue v=f*wavelength, since v is a constant and F is an inverse of wavelength.

Please reply thanks! (im in grade 11)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
The speed of sound depends on the medium. So definitely will be different in different gases.
In it also depends on polarization of the wave (for solid media).
The speed may also depend on frequency. It depends on the medium, again. And also on frequency range.

If this happens we have what is called a dispersive medium.
For most usual cases the media (gas, liquid, solid) are only weakly dispersive (or not at all) and you can assume that the speed of audible sound waves is independent on frequency.
On the other side some sound waves in thin plates are strongly dispersive even at relatively low frequency.

FAQ: What effect the speed of sound?

1. What is the speed of sound?

The speed of sound is the rate at which sound waves travel through a medium, such as air or water. This speed varies depending on the temperature, humidity, and density of the medium.

2. How does the speed of sound affect communication?

The speed of sound is important for communication because it determines how quickly sound travels from one point to another. This affects the clarity and timing of spoken words, as well as the transmission of signals in technologies such as radios and telephones.

3. What factors influence the speed of sound?

The speed of sound is influenced by the properties of the medium it travels through, such as temperature, humidity, and density. It is also affected by the type of material the sound is traveling through, as well as any obstructions or barriers in its path.

4. How does the speed of sound change at different altitudes?

The speed of sound decreases with increasing altitude. This is because the air at higher altitudes is less dense and has lower temperatures, which results in a slower propagation of sound waves.

5. Can the speed of sound be faster than the speed of light?

No, the speed of sound is much slower than the speed of light. The speed of light is the fastest possible speed, while the speed of sound is limited by the properties of the medium it travels through.
