What effect would one expect if the Critical Temperature is

In summary, the measurement of electrical resistance as a function of the superconductor's temperature can provide insights into its properties, such as the Critical Temperature, Critical Current Density, and Critical Magnetic Field. However, the effect of measuring the Critical Temperature with the device inside a functioning electromagnet can vary depending on factors such as the type of superconductor (type I or type II) and the strength and direction of the applied magnetic field. This can result in a complex and potentially messy situation for resistive measurements, especially for bulk type I superconductors. Additionally, there are some exotic superconductors where the critical temperature can actually increase with the application of a magnetic field. Overall, there is no simple answer to the question of what effect
  • #1
The measurement of electrical resistance as a function of the superconductor's temperature yields fundamental insights into its properties. The Critical Temperature, Critical Current Density, and the Critical Magnetic Field, can all be obtained through variations of a basic experiment.

I would like to ask you. What effect would one expect if the Critical Temperature is measured with the device placed inside a functioning electromagnet?

Thanks for your help.
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  • #2
It will depend on a number of factors and also how you measure Tc (resistive or inductive measurement).
Also, are you thinking of a type I or type II superconductor?
  • #3
both of them. Type one and two. Resistive measurement.
  • #4
In type II it gets complicated since it will depend on lots of factors since the width of the transitions can depend on if and where vortices are formed (in a narrow strip you can get some DC resistance because of flux, even for quite small fields): : the strength of the field relative to Bc1 and Bc2, geometry etc. Experimentally this means that the width/shape of the transition canl be field dependent, up to the point where you exceed Bc2 and the whole thing goes normal (although when that happens will also depend on geometry)..

Type I is easier to understand since it will basically exclude the field until you exceed Bc, although in a real experiment .this will also depend a bit on geometry (both because there can be local variations in Tc, and because of flux focusing). However, for bulk it is fairly easy to understand (although most resistive measurements will be done on thin films where the aforementioned factors will come into play).
  • #5
so what effect would one expect if the Critical Temperature is measured with the device placed inside a functioning electromagnet?
  • #6
I thought I explained that above. It will depend on several factors, so there is no simple answer to that question.
It is only "easy" for a bulk type I superconductor, but the details of what you would actually measure with a resistive measurement can still get quite messy.

There are even some exotic superconductors (quasi-2D) where the critical temperature goes up if you apply a magnetic field.

Also, what do you mean by "functioning electromagnet"? How the field is generated is irrelevant; only the strength (and for some geometries the direction) of the magnetic field is relevant.

FAQ: What effect would one expect if the Critical Temperature is

What effect would one expect if the Critical Temperature is below the boiling point of a substance?

If the Critical Temperature is below the boiling point of a substance, it means that the substance will remain in its liquid state at all temperatures and pressures. It will not undergo a phase change into a gas, even at high temperatures.

What effect would one expect if the Critical Temperature is above the boiling point of a substance?

If the Critical Temperature is above the boiling point of a substance, it means that the substance can exist in both liquid and gas states at different temperatures and pressures. At temperatures above the Critical Temperature, the substance will behave like a gas and will not condense into a liquid, even at high pressures.

What effect would one expect if the Critical Temperature is close to the boiling point of a substance?

If the Critical Temperature is close to the boiling point of a substance, it means that the substance will have a very small range of temperatures and pressures in which it can exist as a liquid. This is because the substance will be very close to its Critical Point, where the distinction between liquid and gas states becomes blurred.

What effect would one expect if the Critical Temperature is significantly higher than the boiling point of a substance?

If the Critical Temperature is significantly higher than the boiling point of a substance, it means that the substance will have a wider range of temperatures and pressures in which it can exist as a liquid. This is because the substance will be further away from its Critical Point, allowing for a clearer distinction between liquid and gas states.

What effect would one expect if the Critical Temperature is significantly lower than the boiling point of a substance?

If the Critical Temperature is significantly lower than the boiling point of a substance, it means that the substance will have a smaller range of temperatures and pressures in which it can exist as a liquid. This is because the substance will be closer to its freezing point, where it will solidify rather than condense into a gas.
