What exactly happens in a conducting conductor?

In summary, a voltage source creates an electric field between the poles. This field pulls nearby electrons into the conductor.
  • #1
How exactly do conductors conduct electrons?

I'm confident with Maxwell's equations and I can accept a classical treatment like
where [tex]\tau[/tex] is the scattering rate. So actually I'd like to know what exactly happens with the electromagnetic fields when a voltage source is attached.

Where is the field? How does it build up? In the ideal case, conductors don't have a field inside? How to treat that problem here (internal fields,...)? How does the voltage source act microscopically when attached?
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  • #2
Gerenuk said:
How exactly do conductors conduct electrons?

I'm confident with Maxwell's equations and I can accept a classical treatment like
where [tex]\tau[/tex] is the scattering rate. So actually I'd like to know what exactly happens with the electromagnetic fields when a voltage source is attached.

Where is the field? How does it build up? In the ideal case, conductors don't have a field inside? How to treat that problem here (internal fields,...)? How does the voltage source act microscopically when attached?

When you start asking this type of question, then you need to resort to solid state physics. Not sure if you have access to, say, Kittel's Solid State Physics text, but if you do, check out the Drude Model, somewhere in the first few chapters of that text. This gives you the simplest description of charge transport in a standard metal.

  • #3
I'm actually a graduate student working on CMP, but that's not where I want more clarification. My electrons are classical and move according to the above equation.

I'd like to know how exactly the electric and magnetic field build up and how a current is sustained, if in the ideal conductor there is no electric field. And how does a voltage source create a field? Is between the poles all of the time? How does it attach to very long leads?
  • #4
Gerenuk said:
I'm actually a graduate student working on CMP, but that's not where I want more clarification. My electrons are classical and move according to the above equation.

I'd like to know how exactly the electric and magnetic field build up and how a current is sustained, if in the ideal conductor there is no electric field. And how does a voltage source create a field? Is between the poles all of the time? How does it attach to very long leads?

Oh, OK.

The confusion here is that in the "no fields in a conductor", the conductor is placed in a static field, and the charges that rearrange themselves to shield the inside of the conductor remain on the surface. This is not the case for when you connect the conductor to a battery, for example. These charges flow into the battery (we are still keeping the classical scenario), or out from the battery, depending on the polarity. So you continue to have a sink and a source that continues to pull or push charges in the conductor. So whatever is going on close to the electrodes inevitably affects the charges close by.

  • #5
ZapperZ said:
The confusion here is that in the "no fields in a conductor", the conductor is placed in a static field, and the charges that rearrange themselves to shield the inside of the conductor remain on the surface. This is not the case for when you connect the conductor to a battery, for example.
So there is a constant "external" E field in the steady case or a "billard scenario" of electrons? Is there electric field outside the conductor (isn't the conductor overall neutral)?

I remember a calculation where the integrated Poynting vector on the surface yielded [tex]\iint_\text{surf} \vec{N}\cdot\mathrm{d}\vec{S}=VI=IR^2[/tex] and I was wondering what that means ([tex]P=A\,E\,H=lc\,E\,\frac{I}{c}=VI[/tex] where A is surface area, l is length and c is circumference of the conductor).

ZapperZ said:
... So you continue to have a sink and a source that continues to pull or push charges in the conductor. ...
Is there is pull of nearby electrons in matter only or is there an electric field between unconnected battery poles? The only pull-force is the electric field. Does that mean that pole end are effectively positive ions which get reionized when electrons from other matter are pulled in?

FAQ: What exactly happens in a conducting conductor?

What is a conducting conductor?

A conducting conductor is a material that allows for the flow of electric current. This is due to the presence of free electrons that are able to move through the material.

How does a conducting conductor conduct electricity?

When a voltage is applied to a conducting conductor, the free electrons within the material begin to move in the direction of the applied electric field. This creates a flow of electric current through the conductor.

What happens to the atoms in a conducting conductor when electricity is flowing through it?

When electricity is flowing through a conducting conductor, the atoms within the material vibrate due to collisions with the free electrons. However, the atoms themselves do not move or change position.

Why do some materials conduct electricity while others do not?

Materials that conduct electricity have a high number of free electrons that are able to move through the material. In contrast, insulating materials have very few free electrons, making it difficult for electricity to flow through them.

What factors affect the conductivity of a conducting conductor?

The conductivity of a conducting conductor can be affected by factors such as temperature, material composition, and the strength of the applied electric field. Generally, materials with a higher number of free electrons and lower resistance will have a higher conductivity.

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