What exactly happens when the Schwarzschild radial r is....

In summary, the Schwarzschild radius is the radius of the event horizon of a black hole, and according to the equation cited, it is zero for all non-rotating black holes. However, most black holes are rotating, and at the singularity the radial is undefined. It is possible to divide by 0 at the singularity, but this is considered an error. The LIGO detectors have picked up signals of two black holes merging, and it is possible that this will help us learn more about the singularity and the event horizon.
  • #1
I know black holes are not that well understood but if someone can explain this I'd be grateful.

Please correct me if I have anything wrong, I don't know much about this.

The Schwarzschild solution of
comes from the Einstein field equation

I think I have that right. Now I don't understand any of that stuff and I'm not really interested in how it's solved but I did notice one thing that seems to suggest that actually dividing by 0 is in fact possible, in the right conditions.

What exactly happens when the Schwarzschild radial
is exactly 0? Dividing by 0 isn't allowed... Or is it?

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the singularity, is it actually truly dimensionless and the radial is literally 0, or is it just incredibly close to 0?

Or the more likely explanation is I'm an idiot and don't understand what I'm talking about
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It is expected that general relativity cannot accurately describe what is going on "at the singularity" - and that this is not actually a singularity. We'll probably need a combination of GR with quantum field theory to solve this puzzle. We cannot observe it...
  • #3
Istegosaurus said:
I know black holes are not that well understood but if someone can explain this I'd be grateful.

Please correct me if I have anything wrong, I don't know much about this.

The Schwarzschild solution of
comes from the Einstein field equation

I think I have that right. Now I don't understand any of that stuff and I'm not really interested in how it's solved but I did notice one thing that seems to suggest that actually dividing by 0 is in fact possible, in the right conditions.

What exactly happens when the Schwarzschild radial
is exactly 0? Dividing by 0 isn't allowed... Or is it?

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the singularity, is it actually truly dimensionless and the radial is literally 0, or is it just incredibly close to 0?

Or the more likely explanation is I'm an idiot and don't understand what I'm talking about

This question is a little confusing. The Schwarzschild radius is actually very simple - it's just:


And that just defines the event horizon.

The equation you cited is called the Kretschmann scalar:

K =

Just to be clear, all non-rotating black hole singularities are considered to have zero radius, but most if not all black holes are rotating so they describe the singularity as a circular ring with zero volume. And like mfb said, this description is considered to be a placeholder: a black hole is a quantum object and until we have a quantum theory of gravity there's no way to know the precise nature of the singularity. I'd imagine that at the very least there's some "fuzziness" around the singularity because the position of anything at the quantum scale has some intrinsic level of uncertainly.

The good news is that last year the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatories (aka LIGO) picked up two signals of gravitational waves, generated by pairs of black holes coalescing into one, and the properties of that kind of signal can give us new insight into what's going on inside the event horizon of a black hole, because the "ringdown" of the collision will tell us something about the process of the two singularities merging. Perhaps sufficient improvements in our gravitational wave detectors will even help us arrive at a unified theory of gravitation and quantum mechanics.

Even with the fairly low-resolution gravitational wave signals we have so far, there seem to be questions emerging about the GR model of black holes that not only pertain to the singularity, but perhaps to the event horizon as well:
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FAQ: What exactly happens when the Schwarzschild radial r is....

1. What is the Schwarzschild radial r?

The Schwarzschild radial r refers to the distance from the center of a massive object where the gravitational pull becomes strong enough to prevent light from escaping, also known as the event horizon.

2. What happens at the Schwarzschild radial r?

At the Schwarzschild radial r, the fabric of spacetime becomes so warped by the massive object's gravity that it creates a point of no return, known as the event horizon. Anything that crosses this threshold, including light, will be pulled towards the center of the object and unable to escape.

3. Can anything escape the Schwarzschild radial r?

No, once an object or even light crosses the Schwarzschild radial r, it will be pulled towards the center of the massive object and unable to escape. This is why black holes are known as objects with "infinite gravity."

4. How is the Schwarzschild radial r related to black holes?

The Schwarzschild radial r is a critical component in the formation and understanding of black holes. It is the distance from the center of a black hole where the event horizon is formed, and it marks the point of no return for anything that crosses it.

5. Is the Schwarzschild radial r the same for all black holes?

No, the Schwarzschild radial r varies depending on the mass and size of the black hole. The larger the black hole, the larger its Schwarzschild radial r will be. This is because a larger mass means a stronger gravitational pull and a larger event horizon.

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