What Excitement Does Tomorrow Bring for a Fan of Fantasy and Sci-Fi?

  • Thread starter Townsend
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In summary, the conversation consisted of individuals discussing their excitement for the release of the new Harry Potter book and their various plans for obtaining it. Some mentioned cheaper options such as Costco or online purchases, while others shared their love for the series and their disappointment with the ending of the new book. One person also mentioned their upcoming trip to Canada for a conference.
  • #36
Townsend said:
I would agree with that...I might even go so far as to say it for adults as well.

No kidding. When I traveled a lot for work, I ran across a number of people reading HP that would otherwise never read for pleasure.

I wonder if this is so incredibly popular in part due to a need for fantasy in an increasingly objective world. I'm sure that the books are good but there must be more to it than that. Timing is often a critical factor with phenomena like HP.
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  • #37
We received our copy from Amozon today. Looks like it was being held for delivery until after the 15th. Moonbear, I am guessing you got yours also.

Now as soon as our daughter gets finished with it, I will get it started. Should be a quick read.
  • #38
I think you're right, Ivan. I'm going to have to write some fantasy novels. Same thing with Star Wars. Modern-day people are enamored of any story about using non-material 'forces' to transcend and defeat the dehumanizing machine - symbolized perfectly by Darth Vader returning to the light side, only to see his cyborg body die and be resurrected as a force ghost. I've never actually read a Harry Potter book. It might be time to see what all the fuss is about.
  • #39
loseyourname said:
I've never actually read a Harry Potter book. It might be time to see what all the fuss is about.

You need to read the books...really. You will enjoy them, I promise you that. I hope you didn't watch any of the movies yet, it might lessen the value of the book.
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  • #40
Why did my favourite character have to die? :(

I can't read the next book without him, the whole series is just bs without his clever remarks and antics. The middle was too much like a romance novel, but other than that, I have no complaints other than why did he have to die?
  • #41
oh! I got my copy at fry's for 40% off! they had about a million copies, just stacked there! and I didn't have to pay ship[ping fees like YOU people!
  • #42
yomamma said:
oh! I got my copy at fry's for 40% off! they had about a million copies, just stacked there! and I didn't have to pay ship[ping fees like YOU people!

I had free shipping and 25% off, so you saved a few buck...I am still happy.
  • #43
23.60 CDN just checked the bill...chapters cheaper than amazon which is weird
apparently some places were going for 15CDN which i find odd but itw as on the news.

Lets see i woke up at 7am to open my door and FFS it wasn't there...opened the door on every our...went to chapters to read it...cuz I've come acrossed to many spoilers. came home and it finally came around 4pm...stupid CANADA post delivery...i'm on page 500 and have to wait till someone else finishes reading it ARG!...i may be a little obsessed but i am also with alife/ai/cogsci/math/phys...
plus I can't stomach the LOTR world and teh language in which its written...and people whoh say things are ripped from LOTR...do they read teh greek books?
  • #44
Townsend said:
You need to read the books...really. You will enjoy them, I promise you that. I hope you didn't watch any of the movies yet, it might lessen the value of the book.

he had to die as part of a publicity stunt to get more sales for the book of course
  • #45
ok, i went to a book party with my campers the night it came out. and yes we dressed up, and if we're lucky, i'll get a hold of some pictures of me in my hot witches robes and hat!

anyways, i already finished the book as well. yesterday i finished i guess. and ya... I'm sort of unsure about the next book. i know Rowling was saying some things about a possible 8th book? but eh... especially because of what harry said about school next year... i don't know if the last book will... if dunno... feel right or something... eh.
  • #46
loseyourname said:
Same thing with Star Wars. Modern-day people are enamored of any story about using non-material 'forces' to transcend and defeat the dehumanizing machine - symbolized perfectly by Darth Vader returning to the light side, only to see his cyborg body die and be resurrected as a force ghost. I've never actually read a Harry Potter book. It might be time to see what all the fuss is about.

Hmmmm, that's an interesting point. Star Wars is a fantasy story of good and evil, right down to the black and white. I always thought of it as sci-fi, but it is in fact fantasy - a distinction that I am usually careful to make. Perhaps this is a matter of a need for a certain density of well told fairy tales with each new generation. The space theme has pretty much run itself out, so something new was needed? So back to Bewitched and Willly Wonka we go?