What factors could alter electrostatic force?

In summary, while investigating Coulomb's Law, a graph of F-1/2 vs. r was created to display results. However, the gradient of the graph was found to be much steeper than expected. The question is raised about what factors could affect the electrostatic force to cause this discrepancy. The experiment involved varying the distance between a charged sphere and an earthed plate and measuring the force using a force meter. A graph was provided, with the dashed line representing the expected gradient.
  • #1
While investigating Coulomb's Law, I created a graph of F-1/2 vs. r to display results.

The gradient of this graph is much steeper than it should be. What factors could affect the electrostatic force to make this happen?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

(The experiment was to vary the distance between a charged sphere and earthed plate, and measure the force between them using a force meter. Note: The graph does not display exactly r on the x-axis, but something slightly more complex. However, it represents the same thing so for this question I just left it as r for simplicity).
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Any chance you could attach the graph to a post?
  • #3
Drakkith said:
Any chance you could attach the graph to a post?

No problem - attached. The dashed line shows what the gradient should look like.


  • Graph.jpg
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FAQ: What factors could alter electrostatic force?

1. What is electrostatic force?

Electrostatic force is the force of attraction or repulsion between electrically charged particles. It is caused by the interaction of electric fields created by the charged particles.

2. How does distance affect electrostatic force?

The electrostatic force between two charged particles decreases as the distance between them increases. This is known as the inverse square law, meaning that the force decreases by the square of the distance.

3. What factors can alter the strength of electrostatic force?

The strength of electrostatic force can be altered by changes in the magnitude or sign of the charges involved, as well as changes in the distance between the charged particles. Additionally, the presence of other nearby charged particles or the medium in which the particles are located can also affect the strength of electrostatic force.

4. How does the presence of a dielectric material affect electrostatic force?

A dielectric material is an insulating material that can reduce the strength of an electric field. When placed between two charged particles, it can reduce the strength of electrostatic force by decreasing the electric field between them.

5. Can electrostatic force be shielded or canceled?

Yes, electrostatic force can be shielded or canceled out by the presence of an equal and opposite charge. This is known as neutralization. Additionally, the use of conductive materials can also help to shield electrostatic force by redirecting the electric field away from the charged particles.
