What Frequency Excites Resonance in a Two-Mass, Two-Spring System?

In summary, the conversation involves a problem with a one dimensional, vertical two mass two spring system. The upper mass is free to move with the lower mass and the lower mass is excited using an oscillating force. The springs have different properties, including a damping force in the form of D = C*x'. The goal is to find the frequency w of the force that would excite resonance in either M1 or M2, in order to avoid resonance conditions. Differential equations have been set up for each mass, but the speaker is struggling to find a solution and is considering using a numerical method with Matlab. The natural frequency of M2 can be found based on its constants, but the frequency of M1 is still needed.
  • #1
Hi, i am currently working on a problem involving a one dimensional, vertical two mass two spring system where the upper mass is free to move with the lower mass adn the lowermass is excited using an oscillating force. The springs are different with a damping force in the form of D = C*x'.

...______ ^x2
.../ K2
...\ C2
...___/__ ^x1
...|.M1...| <=== Force applied in the form F(t) = Sin(wt)
.../ K1
...\ C1
_____/_______I am trying to find the frequency w of the force that would excite resonance in M1 or M2 to avoid resonance conditions. so far i have worked out the following differential equations for each mass using a force balance

Mass 1 (M1)

K2*x2 -(M1+M2)*g + Sin(wt) = M1*x1'' +c1*x' + (K1+K2)*x1

Mass 2 (M2)

K1*x1 -(+M2)*g = M2*x2'' +c2*x' + K2*x2
I am having issues going further from here. Do i need to get to a full analytical solution to find the natural frequencies? It has honestly been a while since i have done any work with mechanical vibrations. I am trying to solve this system of equations but have little experience with systems of 2nd order DE's.

A numerical method would be fine, i have access to matlab.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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  • #2
Update: I figure i can find the natural frequency of M2 based on the constants M2, c2 and K2 but i still need the frequency of M1.
  • #3


Thank you for sharing your problem and equations with me. It seems like you are working on a complex and interesting system. Based on the information you provided, it appears that you are on the right track in terms of finding the natural frequencies of the system.

To answer your question, yes, you will need to solve the system of differential equations to find the natural frequencies of the system. This can be done analytically or numerically, depending on your preference and the complexity of the equations. If you have access to Matlab, you can use the built-in functions for solving systems of differential equations, such as "ode45" or "ode23". These functions use numerical methods to approximate the solution to the equations.

Another approach would be to use the method of undetermined coefficients to solve the equations analytically. This method involves assuming a solution form and then solving for the unknown coefficients. However, this method can be more complex and time-consuming, especially for systems with multiple masses and springs.

In terms of avoiding resonance conditions, it is important to note that resonance occurs when the frequency of the external force matches the natural frequency of the system. To avoid this, you can either adjust the frequency of the external force or adjust the natural frequencies of the system by changing the stiffness or damping coefficients.

I hope this information helps and good luck with your problem. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am always happy to help and share my knowledge.


FAQ: What Frequency Excites Resonance in a Two-Mass, Two-Spring System?

1. What is Two Spring Two mass resonance?

Two Spring Two mass resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when two masses attached to two separate springs are oscillating at the same frequency. The two masses and springs are in resonance with each other and exhibit synchronized motion.

2. How does Two Spring Two mass resonance work?

Two Spring Two mass resonance works by transferring energy between the two masses and springs. As one mass moves, it transfers energy to the other mass through the springs, causing it to also move. This back and forth energy transfer creates the synchronized motion.

3. What factors affect Two Spring Two mass resonance?

The factors that affect Two Spring Two mass resonance include the masses of the objects, the stiffness of the springs, and the damping (friction) in the system. These factors determine the frequency at which the system will resonate.

4. What are some real-world applications of Two Spring Two mass resonance?

Two Spring Two mass resonance has many real-world applications, such as in musical instruments like pianos and guitars, where the strings and soundboard act as the masses and springs. It is also used in shock absorbers in cars and buildings to absorb vibrations and reduce impact.

5. How can Two Spring Two mass resonance be controlled or manipulated?

Two Spring Two mass resonance can be controlled or manipulated by adjusting the properties of the system, such as changing the mass or stiffness of the objects, or adding damping to reduce the resonance frequency. Additionally, external forces can be applied to disrupt the synchronized motion and prevent resonance from occurring.
