What happens after Compton scattering event?

In summary, when photons scatter from an electron, a reshuffle of the atom's energy levels can occur. This can result in the release of Auger electrons or characteristic x-rays.
  • #1
Hi All,

So the photoelectric effect is the phenomenon where an orbital electron fully absorbs an incoming photon (assuming the energy of the photon is greater than the binding energy of the electron) and is ejected from its shell. The electron can then undergo its own interactions in the material. Meanwhile there is a 'hole' left in the atoms shell where the electron was so if no free electron fills is the shell energy levels are reshuffled so that the hole is filled resulting in a release of another photon (characteristic x-ray) to compensate for the energy difference of the shells involved in the reshuffle.

Now my question is, when a photon is Compton scattered from an electron and it deposits enough energy to release the electron from the shell does a reshuffle occur here also resulting in characteristic x-ray emission? Surely the 'hole' can't just remain there?

Thanks in advance

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  • #2
It isn't "orbital electrons" that supply the photo-electrons. The electrons that are involved in the photoelectric effect are dissociated electrons and are not bound to any particular positive ion core and are the ones which contribute to an electric current (one per atom).
The result of the photoelectric effect is to leave the bulk of the metal positively charged and there is no hole formation. If the target is insulated then it will gradually go more and more positive until the escaping electrons are held in a space charge around it. They are constantly falling back down and dissipating the photon energies as heat in the target. (That's where your energy goes.) There is not enough energy involved to produce any X Ray emissions as the only potentials involved are in the order of a very few volts. (Google "Stopping Volts" in the context of the PE effect; it tells you the surplus KE of the electrons that are released.)
  • #3
sophiecentaur said:
It isn't "orbital electrons" that supply the photo-electrons. The electrons that are involved in the photoelectric effect are dissociated electrons and are not bound to any particular positive ion core and are the ones which contribute to an electric current (one per atom).
The result of the photoelectric effect is to leave the bulk of the metal positively charged and there is no hole formation. If the target is insulated then it will gradually go more and more positive until the escaping electrons are held in a space charge around it. They are constantly falling back down and dissipating the photon energies as heat in the target. (That's where your energy goes.) There is not enough energy involved to produce any X Ray emissions as the only potentials involved are in the order of a very few volts. (Google "Stopping Volts" in the context of the PE effect; it tells you the surplus KE of the electrons that are released.)

Thanks for getting back to me :)

I should have been more specific, I wasnt referring to the photoelectric effect that describes the photocurrent produced from metals that you explained. I should have said photoelectric absorption as in one of the interaction methods that gamma rays and x-rays have with matter.

I was just curious if Compton scattering (another interaction method for gamma and x-rays) had similar consequences to photoelectric absorption

  • #4
Now my question is, when a photon is Compton scattered from an electron and it deposits enough energy to release the electron from the shell does a reshuffle occur ... Surely the 'hole' can't just remain there?
... physics continues as normal after the Compton scattering event, yes.
  • #5
In brief, core holes disappear via two mechanisms:

(1) X-ray emission: electron from a higher shell drops into the hole, and an X-ray is emitted;
(2) Auger electron emission: electron from a higher shell drops into the hole, and an ["Auger"] electron is emitted.

Note that #2 is a radiationless decay process.

These processes are studied using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (or XPS). The core hole state exists for long enough (1 fs) to be useful for thermodynamic estimations and even as a "clock" in some XPS experiments.
  • #6
thanks for the replies...

I figured out that photoelectric absorption occurs with *inner* shell electrons hence resulting in a re-shuffle involving significant energies and so the Auger electrons or characteristic x-rays are produced.

However Compton scattering events predominantly occur with *outer* shell electrons, those that could be considered basically 'free'. So even though the electron is still ejected after a Compton scattering even there is no reshuffle due the position of the hole and hence no characteristic x-rays or Auger electrons are produced.

Thanks again

Related to What happens after Compton scattering event?

1. What is Compton scattering?

Compton scattering is a phenomenon in which a photon (particle of light) collides with a free electron and loses some of its energy, resulting in a change in its direction. This process was first described by Arthur Compton in 1923 and is an important concept in quantum mechanics.

2. How does Compton scattering affect the energy and wavelength of the photon?

During a Compton scattering event, the photon loses some of its energy to the electron and therefore has a longer wavelength and lower energy after the collision. This is known as the Compton effect and can be calculated using the Compton formula.

3. What happens to the electron after a Compton scattering event?

The electron involved in the Compton scattering event gains the energy that the photon lost, causing it to recoil and change its direction. This is known as the Compton recoil and is an important factor in understanding the behavior of particles in quantum mechanics.

4. Can Compton scattering be used for medical imaging?

Yes, Compton scattering is used in medical imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT) scans. In this process, X-ray photons are scattered by the patient's body and the resulting image provides information about the density and structure of tissues.

5. How does Compton scattering contribute to the understanding of the structure of matter?

The Compton scattering phenomenon helps scientists understand the structure of matter by providing information about the size and composition of particles. By studying the energy and direction of scattered photons, scientists can gather data about the structure of atoms and molecules, which is crucial in fields such as nuclear physics and chemistry.

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