What Happens If a Nuclear Missile is Detonated in a Hurricane's Eye?

In summary: There's also the possibility of a nuclear detonation disrupting the hurricane's circulation. However, it's hard to say for sure what would happen. In summary, a nuclear detonation into a hurricane might cause some serious consequences.
  • #1
Me and my friends are having a discussion on Hurricanes and the question came up if one was to detonate nuclear missile into the eye of a hurricane. what would happen ,some said the hurricane would get larger and more powerful. Is there some sort of answer to this? Maybe also a mathematical explanation as to what will happen chemically?
Earth sciences news on Phys.org
  • #2
The math would probably be something a supercomputer would crank out, not something postable on a forum. Of course, when the theoretical part is too hard, i always say blow crap up :D
  • #3
The question is "what effect would the shock wave of a nuclear detonation have on the hurricane"? i.e. would it disrupt the hurricane?

I don't know if anyone has modeled it, so it is hard so say what it would do.

Hurricanes are large - area and volumewise.

Presumably to have an effect, a sizeable nuclear weapon would need to be used - probably in the megaton range. Possibly the blast would cause a condensation effect, which would disperse some energy - presumably into the ocean.

The problem is that the energy is still there, and then the question becomes - would the hurrican reform?

A major problem with the idea is the radioactive fallout - which has to go somewhere - like into the ocean or atmosphere. This is a principal reason why atmospheric detonations are banned and all testing has been done underground.

Chemically, not a lot would happen - some of the atmosphere is ionized and recombines. The hurricane is mostly water vapor/droplets dispersed in air (78% N2, 21% O2, + CO2 and trace gases).
  • #4
vincentm said:
Me and my friends are having a discussion on Hurricanes and the question came up if one was to detonate nuclear missile into the eye of a hurricane. what would happen ,some said the hurricane would get larger and more powerful. Is there some sort of answer to this? Maybe also a mathematical explanation as to what will happen chemically?

This has been brought up before. The conclusion was:

[tex]\text{hurricane}+\text{nuclear bomb}=\text{radioactive hurricane}[/tex]
  • #5
saltydog said:
This has been brought up before. The conclusion was:

[tex]\text{hurricane}+\text{nuclear bomb}=\text{radioactive hurricane}[/tex]

I think there's a coefficient missing there
  • #6
The water in the hurricane might condense very rapidly on the shockwave which in turn might cause serious downpours when the blast disspates.

FAQ: What Happens If a Nuclear Missile is Detonated in a Hurricane's Eye?

What is the relationship between a hurricane eye and a nuclear missile?

The only connection between a hurricane eye and a nuclear missile is that they are both natural or man-made disasters that can cause widespread destruction and loss of life.

Can a hurricane eye redirect or affect the trajectory of a nuclear missile?

No, a hurricane eye does not have the ability to alter the course of a nuclear missile. Nuclear missiles are designed to be highly accurate and are not affected by weather patterns.

How does a hurricane eye form?

A hurricane eye forms when warm ocean water and atmospheric conditions combine to create a low-pressure system. This system causes winds to spiral around a calm center, creating the distinctive "eye" shape.

What are the dangers of a hurricane eye?

Hurricane eyes can bring strong winds, heavy rain, and storm surge, which can cause extensive damage to infrastructure and homes. They can also result in loss of life and displacement of communities.

How does a nuclear missile work?

A nuclear missile is a type of weapon that uses nuclear reactions to create an explosion with incredibly destructive power. The missile is launched from a silo or submarine and uses a guidance system to reach its intended target.
