What happens to bubbles in fizzy drinks in zero gravity?

In summary, the conversation discusses the behavior of bubbles in fizzy drinks under zero gravity conditions, with the absence of gravity affecting their movement and formation. There is speculation about the role of surface tension and imperfections in container walls, and the possibility of the liquid spray forming globules during its flight. Don Pettit's experiment is mentioned, and the discussion ends with a sense of fascination and a step closer to understanding the phenomenon.
  • #1
We got to wondering the other night over some beers... What happens to the bubbles in a fizzy drink eg Coke inside the zero G conditions of a space station, pressurised to standard atmospheric pressure. We figured that on Earth the density differential in the liquid caused by gravity gave direction to the bubbles (upwards) and this would be absent in zero G, so maybe the bubbles go everywhere. Would surface tension affect globule formation whilst the bubbles carry on popping? On Earth do the bubbles need imperfections in the side of the container to initiate their formation (again absent in Zero G if the liquid is suspended in space)?
Our best guess seems to be that on opening the can most of the contents sprays out broadly in one direction over the place and tries to form globules during its flight path to the other side of the cabin. Small globules, formed by surface tension trying to form a sphere, would be fizzing in some way with the bubbles appearing to randomly appear within the liquid and traveling randomly towards the surface of he globule, possibly colliding with other bubbles, and on reaching the surface to then pop and spit smaller fizz globules off in a sort of spherical rain all over the place... did we get this right?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Don Pettit did this, for your viewing pleasure:

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  • #3
Well well well. Thanks so much for that. This problem has baffled me for years and I note even Don Petit was not sure what to expect!

Although the Alka Seltza provides a launch platform for the bubbles I don't suppose the outcome would be so very different from a fizzy drink where presumably the entire liquid globule volume is capable of bubble formation. Fascinating.

Thanks again, I'm definitely one giant leap closer to understanding this one.

FAQ: What happens to bubbles in fizzy drinks in zero gravity?

1. What happens to fizzy drinks in zero gravity?

In zero gravity, fizzy drinks behave differently than on Earth. The carbon dioxide gas bubbles do not rise to the surface, causing the drink to remain flat. Instead, the gas bubbles remain evenly distributed throughout the liquid, giving it a cloudy appearance.

2. Can you drink fizzy drinks in space?

Yes, astronauts can drink fizzy drinks in space. However, they must be careful not to shake the container too much in order to avoid a mess. Some astronauts even enjoy experimenting with different fizzy drinks to see how they behave in zero gravity.

3. How do astronauts open fizzy drinks in space?

Astronauts use special containers designed for drinking in space. These containers have a valve that allows the excess gas to escape slowly, preventing the drink from exploding. They also use straws to drink the liquid, as pouring it into a cup would result in the liquid floating away due to lack of gravity.

4. Do fizzy drinks have the same taste in space?

In general, fizzy drinks taste the same in space as they do on Earth. However, some astronauts have reported that they taste slightly different due to changes in their sense of taste in zero gravity. Additionally, the lack of gravity may affect the way the drink feels in their mouths.

5. How do fizzy drinks affect the human body in zero gravity?

Ingesting fizzy drinks in zero gravity does not have any significant effects on the human body. However, the carbon dioxide gas may cause some discomfort in the stomach due to gas buildup. Astronauts are advised to drink slowly and in small amounts to avoid this discomfort.
