What happens to electromagnetic radiation during collision?

In summary, when particles are accelerated towards one another, they produce electromagnetic radiation in the form of gamma waves. After particles are annihilated, pions are transferred between the particles which turn into gamma waves which decay into (for example) an electron and positron. This is true, but it is not the only possible explanation for what happens. If this is not true, what really happens depends on the specific situation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

When a particle is accelerated toward another particle it is giving off electromagnetic radiation in the form of gamma waves. After a particle is annihilated, pions are transferred between the particles which turn into gamma waves which decay into (for example) an electron and positron. is this true? If this is not true, what really happens? My real question is, is the electromagnetic radiation of accelerated particles in any way related to the photon that is released after a collision between them? As in is that the energy that is used to create the particles? Where does the extra energy come from that is not the sum of the two particles' rest mass?

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The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Doesn't look like homework to me, more like healthy curiosity :smile:.

A lot of questions on something that is basically very slippery. We all would like a simple, easy to understand description of what exactly happens on a 10 minus a lot scale and all we get is field theories with long, long expressions that make your ears ring :rolleyes: and that turn out to be simplifications, approximations and what have you. It's not fair.

From your wording I gather you are in initial stages of your curriculum, so: what kind of an answer would you give to a fellow student with these questions ? Perhaps a more qualified person (I'm just an experimentalist) can provide some guidance then...
  • #3
Vitani11 said:
When a particle is accelerated toward another particle it is giving off electromagnetic radiation in the form of gamma waves. After a particle is annihilated, pions are transferred between the particles which turn into gamma waves which decay into (for example) an electron and positron. is this true?
Look up the transitions and see if they can happen the way you describe.
ie. that last step is pair production... what are the conditions for pair production? Do all photons produce electron-positron pairs?

If this is not true, what really happens?
My real question is, is the electromagnetic radiation of accelerated particles in any way related to the photon that is released after a collision between them?
Yes. They are both light.
I'm not being flip here - I hope to prompt you to clarify your question. Everything in physics is expected to be related to everything else you see...

These two descriptions come from different models - it is OK to draw links between descriptions but be careful about using two separate models in the same description. One is from the wave model of light and the other from the photon model.

As in is that the energy that is used to create the particles?
You may also be confusing virtual particles in Feynman diagrams with real particles.
Where does the extra energy come from that is not the sum of the two particles' rest mass?
Please provide an example.[/quote][/quote]

FAQ: What happens to electromagnetic radiation during collision?

1. What is electromagnetic radiation and how does it behave during collision?

Electromagnetic radiation is a type of energy that is emitted by charged particles as they move. It can take the form of light, radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, and gamma rays. During a collision, electromagnetic radiation behaves like a wave, with its frequency and wavelength determining its properties.

2. Does electromagnetic radiation change direction or speed during collision?

Yes, electromagnetic radiation can change direction and speed during a collision. This is because it interacts with other particles and fields in its environment, causing its path to be altered. This is known as refraction, and it is the reason why we can see objects through different mediums, such as water or glass.

3. How does the type of material affect the behavior of electromagnetic radiation during collision?

The type of material can greatly affect the behavior of electromagnetic radiation during collision. Materials with different densities, compositions, and structures can cause the radiation to reflect, refract, or absorb in different ways. This is why different materials have different levels of transparency, reflectivity, and opacity to certain types of electromagnetic radiation.

4. Can electromagnetic radiation be created or destroyed during collision?

No, electromagnetic radiation cannot be created or destroyed during a collision. It is a form of energy that can only be transferred or transformed. For example, when light is absorbed by an object, it is converted into heat energy. Similarly, when an object emits light, it is transforming stored energy into electromagnetic radiation.

5. How does the energy of the electromagnetic radiation change during collision?

The energy of electromagnetic radiation can change during a collision, depending on the type of interaction it has with other particles and fields. In some cases, the radiation may lose energy and become less intense, while in others it may gain energy and become more intense. This is known as energy transfer, and it is an important concept in understanding the behavior of electromagnetic radiation during collision.

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