What happens to matter that isn't vibrating?

In summary: So if matter is energy at a slow vibration, what happens with no vibration?Matter would not vibrating be super dense?Can vibration replace dark matter in equations?No vibration = no matter.
  • #1
if matter is energy at a slow vibration, what happens with no vibration?
would matter not vibrating be super dense?
can vibration replace dark matter in equations?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
No vibration = no matter.
  • #3
"The laws of thermodynamics state that absolute zero cannot be reached because this would require a thermodynamic system to be fully removed from the rest of the universe. A system at absolute zero would still possesses quantum mechanical zero-point energy. While molecular motion would not cease entirely at absolute zero, the system would not have enough energy for transference to other systems. It is therefore correct to say that molecular kinetic energy is minimal at absolute zero."

My question asks, could such a mass be created with the extreme condensation of matter in gravity as powerful as something like a collapsing star, past the point of heating it self due to molecular fiction. Would such a mass be super dense resulting in super gravity?
  • #4
UnitedRising said:
"The laws of thermodynamics state that absolute zero cannot be reached because this would require a thermodynamic system to be fully removed from the rest of the universe. A system at absolute zero would still possesses quantum mechanical zero-point energy. While molecular motion would not cease entirely at absolute zero, the system would not have enough energy for transference to other systems. It is therefore correct to say that molecular kinetic energy is minimal at absolute zero."

My question asks, could such a mass be created with the extreme condensation of matter in gravity as powerful as something like a collapsing star, past the point of heating it self due to molecular fiction. Would such a mass be super dense resulting in super gravity?
Sounds like you're talking about a black hole (although I could be misinterpreting your question),

Incidentally, even black holes have a temperature, which is higher than absolute zero (although not by much).
  • #5
No, I think you are the only one that has correctly interpreted my question.
I am wondering if the mass that makes black holes would be super dense matter condensed past the point of fusion at low temp. due to shear size?
  • #6
According to general relativity, all the matter in a black hole is concentrated in a singularity at the center. The singularity occupies zero volume and thus has infinite density.

I still don't know what you're getting at with respect to vibrations... that's a completely separate topic from black holes.
  • #7
Yes, I know.
I am asking about the actual singularity.
Is what makes this awesome gravity called a black hole a form of mass with particles so tightly condensed they almost stop vibrating from super gravity it forms super gravity?
Super dense matter with minimal kinetic energy, formed when gravity overcomes fusion?
  • #8
Still not sure I'm understanding your question, but it may not have an answer. When that much mass gets compressed into a singularity, the whole notion of "particle" or even what form the mass may have becomes meaningless, to the best of our knowledge. There is no physical theory that can describe the singularity itself. The theories only tell us what happens outside the singularity.
  • #9
I think you are trying to apply ideas of thermal vibration to situations where the notion of atoms, bound together in a solid just doesn't apply. Under extremes of pressure (and temperature) inside a collapsing massive star there would be a fluid plasma and there would be no 'vibrations' as such - just atomic nuclei and other particles rushing around an colliding with each other.
If there is 'no room' for movement, because the matter is so dense (as in a neutron star or beyond), then the temperature, as defined for normal conditions (i.e. average KE of particles), could, arguably, be zero but the total density of Energy would still be enormous.
I think you just need to redefine things under those conditions and not expect normal terms to apply.
  • #10
Right, the normal ideas of states of matter are transformed, molecular bonds mean nothing, usually it is a star, gravity versus fusion explosions of energy.
When fusion wins, super nova throw heavy elements into the universe,
When gravity wins, neutron star.
What if, when there is enough mass, gravity compresses the mass past neutron star density to form a black hole?
  • #11
UnitedRising said:
When fusion wins, super nova throw heavy elements into the universe,
When gravity wins, neutron star.
Not quite correct. A neutron star is what remains after a supernova, under the appropriate conditions.
  • #12
point taken...
  • #13
sophiecentaur said:
Not quite correct. A neutron star is what remains after a supernova, under the appropriate conditions.
Or it could be a black hole (that remains after the supernova). It depends on how massive the original star is.
  • #14
Taking a guess at a formula to describe this theory...probably need help to refine it...

energy = matter, condensed squared right?



where D is atomic density and V is Vibration, and mc2 describes the atomic level; while DxV describes particles at the sub atomic level.
  • #15
UnitedRising said:
Taking a guess at a formula to describe this theory...probably need help to refine it...
What theory?

energy = matter, condensed squared right?
E = mc2 gives the rest energy of some mass; c is the speed of light.



where D is atomic density and V is Vibration, and mc2 describes the atomic level; while DxV describes particles at the sub atomic level.

(Note that personal theories are not permitted on PF, if that's what this is an attempt at.)
  • #16
relatively speaking, the faster an object moves is used to describe the relative kinetic energy increase proportional to speed.
Can not the relative atomic density times the speed of the vibration of particles also determine potential kinetic energy?
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  • #17
(Note that personal theories are not permitted on PF, if that's what this is an attempt at.)

I ask because i want to know, is all.
  • #18
Your picture of what's going on is far too much like a classical one (on which thermodynamics is based). You seem to be talking in terms of billiard balls / separate entities vibrating. Why should you assume it's like that under these extreme conditions? What does 'vibration' mean in that case? By your argument, you should also be considering atomic 'vibrations' within molecules under normal conditions, if you use the term 'temperature'. The fact is that the energy levels are all so different in highly condensed matter that you have to think again before applying simple concepts.

FAQ: What happens to matter that isn't vibrating?

What happens to matter that isn't vibrating?

When matter is not vibrating, it remains in a state of rest. This means that its particles are not moving or changing positions relative to each other.

Does matter always vibrate?

No, matter does not always vibrate. The vibration of matter depends on its temperature and state. Solids typically vibrate at a slower rate than liquids and gases.

What causes matter to vibrate?

The movement and vibration of matter is caused by the kinetic energy of its particles. The higher the temperature, the more kinetic energy the particles have, resulting in faster and more intense vibrations.

Can matter stop vibrating?

Yes, matter can stop vibrating if its temperature decreases or if it enters a state of equilibrium. In equilibrium, the energy of the particles is balanced and there is no net movement or vibration.

What are the effects of matter not vibrating?

The effects of matter not vibrating depend on the type of matter and its surroundings. In some cases, it may lead to changes in state, such as solidifying or evaporating. In other cases, it may result in a decrease in temperature or the formation of crystals.
