What Happens to sin(i) for Complex i?

  • Thread starter hadi amiri 4
  • Start date
In summary: I think we should be careful to explain why the concept of numbers can be extended to include i as well as other things.In summary, i is defined as the imaginary unit and arises from the fact that the square root of a negative number can be written as the square root of -1 times the square root of the absolute value of the number. This is known as De Moivre's formula. Complex numbers can be thought of as points on a plane, with the x-axis representing the real numbers and the y-axis representing the imaginary numbers. Multiplication of complex numbers is defined in a specific way, which allows us
  • #36

In the general theory of relativity the "metric" can be written as
[tex]ds^2= dt^2- dx^2- dy^2- dz^2[/itex]
or as
[tex]ds^2= -(dx^2+ dy^2+ dz^2+ d\tau^2)[/itex]

where [itex]\tau= it[/itex]

The latter form makes it more like the "Euclidean" metric.
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #37

HallsofIvy said:
In the general theory of relativity the "metric" can be written as
[tex]ds^2= dt^2- dx^2- dy^2- dz^2[/itex]
or as
[tex]ds^2= -(dx^2+ dy^2+ dz^2+ d\tau^2)[/itex]

where [itex]\tau= it[/itex]

The latter form makes it more like the "Euclidean" metric.

Halls, Do you have a sign error in that 2nd expression?
  • #38

No. I did when I first wrote it but that's why I put the "-" in front of it. I'm trying to remember if I posted it first, caught the error, and then edited. If so you might have seen in the few moments before my edit.
  • #39

what is the meaning i^i?
  • #40

hadi amiri 4 said:
what is the meaning i^i?

There actually exists an infinite number of solutions to that problem.

When raising a real number to a complex value, we compute as follows:

a^z = e ^ ln(a)*z.

Where e ^ ln(a) = a, and z is a given complex number. In otherwords, when we raise a number "a"," to a complex power "z", the answer is e to the power of ln(a) times z. When a is complex, the same rule ultimately applies (though it complicates things, as you will shortly see.)

First convert to notion i into complex form: this can be written as 0 + 1i, which comes to just i. However, we can also write the complex value in an exponential form using e -- in this notation, 0+1i = [tex]e ^ {\pi*0.5*i}[/tex].

i^i = ([tex]e ^ {\pi*0.5*i}[/tex])^([tex]e ^ {\pi*0.5*i}[/tex])

Which comes to (if memory serves me) [tex]e^ {[e ^ {(\pi*0.5*i)} * ln(i)]}[/tex], or [tex]e ^ {(0+1i)*ln(i)}[/tex]. However, as you may notice, if we add 2pi to 0.5 (i.e. we rotate it exactly 360 degrees) the angle remains the same (technically speaking, at least, really the angles only behave the same.) For this reason, there is an infinite number of solutions to the problem, however they really just boil down to the two I mentioned.

Well, I think that's right, at least, there's a good chance I'm off my block!
  • #41

Oh, I forgot to finish when I got to [tex]e ^ {ln(i)*i} [/tex].

Since e ^ 0.5*pi*i = i, then (obviously) ln(i) = 0.5*pi*i

Now we have:

[tex]e ^ {(\pi*0.5*i)*i} [/tex]

In the exponent this yields: i*i (pi/2) = -1(pi/2) = -pi/2, so i^i = [tex]e ^ {-\pi/2} [/tex]. Since we can add or subtract 2pi to pi/2 and not change anything, the possible solutions are: [tex]e ^ {(-\pi/2) +(2k\pi)} [/tex], where k = {1, 2, 3...n}
  • #42

Gear300 said:
has it ever occurred in any physical theory that i played a role in the meaning of the theory? If not, then much like other concepts, its meaning would occur more or less mathematically, right?

i appears explicitly in the Schrodinger Equation (time-dependent version).

i \hbar \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t} = H \psi

I'd have to think hard to put into words just how i "plays a role in the meaning" of quantum mechanics. But this is arguably the single most important equation in 20th-century physics, and it contains i.
  • #43

Redbelly98 said:
i appears explicitly in the Schrodinger Equation (time-dependent version).

i \hbar \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t} = H \psi

I'd have to think hard to put into words just how i "plays a role in the meaning" of quantum mechanics. But this is arguably the single most important equation in 20th-century physics, and it contains i.

Single most important...well that is interesting. I haven't studied quantum mechanics yet (only read concepts). Heh...it must be a he** of an equation then.
  • #44

What is the meaning Sin(i) do we have imaginary angel?
  • #45

Well, I would say an imaginary angle. Angel's don't have a lot to do with mathematics!

You should be aware that the trig functions appear in a lot of mathematics that does not involve triangles or angles at all.

Since [itex]sin(x)= (e^{ix}- e^{-ix})/2i[/itex], [itex]sin(i)= (e^{i^2}- e^{-i^2})/2i= (e^{-1}- e^{1})/2i[/itex] which is approximately -2.35/2i or 1.175i.
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  • #46
hyperbolic sine

Hi hadi amiri 4! :smile:
hadi amiri 4 said:
What is the meaning Sin(i) do we have imaginary angel?
HallsofIvy said:
[itex]sin(i)= (e^{i^2}- e^{-i^2})/2i= (e^{-1}- e^{1})/2i[/itex]

Or, more generally, sinh(x) = [tex](e^x\ -\ e^{-x})/2[/tex]

cosh(x) = [tex](e^x\ +\ e^{-x})/2[/tex]

and so cosh(ix) = cos(x), sinh(ix) = i sinx,

and, conversely, cos(ix) = cosh(x), sin(ix) = -i sinx.

sin(A + iB) = sinA cosiB + cosA siniB = sinA coshB - i cosA sinhB.

cosh and sinh are known as hyperbolic cosine and sine. :smile:
  • #47

Redbelly98 said:
i appears explicitly in the Schrodinger Equation (time-dependent version).

i \hbar \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t} = H \psi

I'd have to think hard to put into words just how i "plays a role in the meaning" of quantum mechanics. But this is arguably the single most important equation in 20th-century physics, and it contains i.
Complex numbers are built into quantum mechanics at every level. Particles are represented by complex-valued functions e.g.

[tex]\psi(x,t) = e^{-a(x-ct)^2 + i\omega(x-ct)}[/tex]​

might, under some circumstances, represent a photon of frequency [itex]\omega c/(2\pi)[/itex].

The theory wouldn't make sense if you used real-valued functions instead.
  • #48

I would also like to point out that the recognition that imaginary and complex numbers were really necessary historically came as a result of Cardano's method of solving cubic equations. There are cubic equations that can be shown to have only real solutions but to use Cardano's method to get those real solutions involves taking the square root of a negative numbers. (The imaginary parts cancel out in the end.)
  • #49

hadi amiri 4 said:
can anyone tell me that what is i([tex]\sqrt{-1}[/tex])

what is the meaning i^i?

In case the concept of i is still not clear, may I offer another point of view? Never mind answering that, I will go ahead and offer it anyway.:biggrin:

As has arildno has already mentioned, it is helpful to visualize a plane formed by real numbers along the horizontal axis and complex numbers on the vertical axis. In considering this real/imaginary plane, i is just a unit vector with an angle of pi/2 radians, meaning it lays on the imaginary axis pointing straight up with a magnitude of 1. When you take i^2 and follow the rule for the multiplication of numbers expressed in polar coordinates which is to multiply the arguments and add the angles, the result is a unit vector with an angle of pi radians which lies on the real axis and is nothing more than the real number -1. There should be nothing ambiguous about that.:confused:

Now, when you wish to take i to the ith power, it is best to express i in its exponential form, which is e^(i*pi/2). This makes i to the ith power appear as (e^(i*pi/2))^i. Remembering that i^2 = -1, and following the rule for exponents, this becomes: e^(-pi/2).
This is a real number that results from the imaginary number e and the imaginary operator i.

If you study electrical engineering you will be constantly using the imaginary operator, only in that discipline it is known as j.:wink:
  • #50

But now your distinction between "i" and "-i" depends upon which way is "up" and which way is "down", again an arbitrary choice.
  • #51

HallsofIvy said:
But now your distinction between "i" and "-i" depends upon which way is "up" and which way is "down", again an arbitrary choice.

It would be arbitrary if I was the first person to adopt this notation, but it is by now conventional that i is up and –i is down. In Electrical Engineering, j is up and represents inductive reactance and –j is down for capacitive reactance so it seems a convention is already established.
  • #52

schroder said:
It would be arbitrary if I was the first person to adopt this notation, but it is by now conventional that i is up and –i is down. In Electrical Engineering, j is up and represents inductive reactance and –j is down for capacitive reactance so it seems a convention is already established.

but it doesn't matter. whether you call it "j" or "-j", other than the fact that they are negatives of each other, every property of these two imaginary numbers are precisely the same; they both square to be -1. if all math (and physics and electrical engineering) literature was changed and every occurance of i or j were replaced with -i or -j, every statement and every theorem would be just as valid as it was before. but you can't say that about replacing 1 with -1.

check out:

  • #53

rbj said:
but it doesn't matter. whether you call it "j" or "-j", other than the fact that they are negatives of each other, every property of these two imaginary numbers are precisely the same; they both square to be -1. if all math (and physics and electrical engineering) literature was changed and every occurance of i or j were replaced with -i or -j, every statement and every theorem would be just as valid as it was before. but you can't say that about replacing 1 with -1.

All of that is true. The only point that I was making is that all ambiguity is removed by making a choice, and staying with that as a convention which has already been made in applied science and engineering. Then only in the realm of the pure mathematician does any ambiguity reside but that’s what pure mathematicians thrive on! :smile: I do not reside in that realm. :smile:
  • #54

schroder said:
... only in the realm of the pure mathematician does any ambiguity reside but that’s what pure mathematicians thrive on! :smile: I do not reside in that realm. :smile:

Nor do I.

The realm of pure mathematics is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to work there. :biggrin:
  • #55
… don't talk to me about reality …

Redbelly98 said:
The realm of pure mathematics is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to work there. :biggrin:

Mathematician to physicist:

:biggrin: Reality is a nice place to visit … but I wouldn't want to live there! :biggrin:
  • #56

WE know that [tex]sin(x)\leq1[/tex] but sin(i) is something else an anyone explain
  • #57
hadi amiri 4 said:
WE know that [tex]sin(x)\leq1[/tex] but sin(i) is something else an anyone explain

Haven't we already gone over this :confused::
tiny-tim said:
Hi hadi amiri 4! :smile:

… and so cosh(ix) = cos(x), sinh(ix) = i sinx,

and, conversely, cos(ix) = cosh(x), sin(ix) = -i sinx.

sin(A + iB) = sinA cosiB + cosA siniB = sinA coshB - i cosA sinhB.

cosh and sinh are known as hyperbolic cosine and sine. :smile:

sin(i) = sin (i.1) = -i sinh(1) = -i(e - 1/e)/2 :smile:
  • #58

hadi amiri 4 said:
WE know that [tex]sin(x)\leq1[/tex] but sin(i) is something else an anyone explain

We know that [itex]sin(x)\le 1[/itex] for real x. sin(z) for complex z is not bounded- it looks like an exponential along the imaginary axis. In fact, there is a famous theorem that if an entire function is bounded, it is constant.

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