What happens to the electron neutrino post beta+ decay?

In summary: Thus, there is no way to directly observe what happens to the neutrinos after they are emitted in β+ decay. However, it is likely that they continue on as themselves until they interact with another particle. Therefore, they do not become normal electrons, but rather remain as neutrinos until they interact with something else. In summary, β+ decay involves a proton releasing a positron and an electron neutrino, causing the proton to change into a neutron to balance the nucleus. While studying advanced PET imaging, the question arose about the fate of the positron's other half, the electron neutrino. However, a neutrino is not an electron and cannot become one. It will continue as itself until it interacts with another particle. This makes
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In β+ decay a proton releases a positron and an electron neutrino causing the proton to change into a neutron to help balance the nucleus. I am studying advanced PET imaging and trying find a better understanding of the positrons other half. Does it just go on being a normal electron.
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cameljoe11c said:
In β+ decay a proton releases a positron and an electron neutrino causing the proton to change into a neutron to help balance the nucleus. I am studying advanced PET imaging and trying find a better understanding of the positrons other half. Does it just go on being a normal electron.
By "positron's other half" you mean the electron-neutrino?
You are asking: "Does [an electron neutrino] just go on being a normal electron?"

JIC: A neutrino is not an electron.
Therefore it cannot go on being a normal electron as it was never an electron of any kind whatsoever.
But I'm sure you realized that ;)

Like any particle, a neutrino will continue as itself until it has some sort of interaction.
Neutrinos interact very weakly so they can get a very long way before something happens to them - though neutrinos can decay into each other.
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Simon Bridge said:
though neutrinos can decay into each other.
I think "decay" is misleading here - oscillation means that those neutrinos can (but do not have to) interact as a different neutrino species (muon neutrino or tau neutrino) afterwards. It is not a permanent transformation as in a decay, and no other particles are emitted.

There is no reasonable way to detect the neutrinos emitted in a PET scan, as interactions of them are extremely rare.

FAQ: What happens to the electron neutrino post beta+ decay?

1. What is beta+ decay?

Beta+ decay is a type of radioactive decay in which a proton in the nucleus of an atom is converted into a neutron, while also emitting a positron (a positively charged particle) and a neutrino. This process results in the atomic number of the atom decreasing by one, but the mass number remaining the same.

2. What is an electron neutrino?

An electron neutrino is a type of neutrino, which is a subatomic particle that has very little mass and no electric charge. It is one of the three types of neutrinos, along with the muon neutrino and tau neutrino. Electron neutrinos are produced in nuclear reactions, such as beta+ decay.

3. What happens to the electron neutrino post beta+ decay?

After beta+ decay, the electron neutrino is emitted from the nucleus of the atom along with a positron. The electron neutrino is a stable particle and is not affected by the decay process. It continues to travel at the speed of light and can interact with matter very rarely.

4. Can electron neutrinos be detected?

Yes, electron neutrinos can be detected, but they are difficult to detect due to their extremely low mass and lack of electric charge. Scientists use specialized detectors, such as large tanks of liquid scintillator, to detect the rare interactions between electron neutrinos and matter. These detectors are used to study the properties and behavior of neutrinos.

5. What role do electron neutrinos play in the universe?

Electron neutrinos play a crucial role in the universe, as they are produced in large quantities in nuclear reactions such as beta+ decay. They are also constantly being produced in the core of the sun through the process of nuclear fusion. Neutrinos, including electron neutrinos, are also believed to have played a significant role in the formation of the universe and are currently being studied to better understand the early stages of the universe.
