What Happens to the Force Between Two Touching Charged Spheres When Separated?

In summary, when two conducting spheres of the same size and at a finite distance apart, one negatively charged and one positively charged, are brought together and then separated, the net force between them would be repulsion. This is because the charges would become evenly distributed, resulting in both charges having a slightly positive charge, causing them to repel each other.
  • #1
Two conducting spheres (of the same size), one negatively charged, one positively charged are at a finite distance apart. Magnitude of neg charged sphere < pos charged sphere.

When the spheres are brought together and touched, and brought back to initial distance, what is the net force between the two spheres?

The first question [unwritten here] was computed by finding the force charge between q1 and q1

F = (8.99E9 N*m^2/C^2)*(q1*q2)/r^2

-I know when the two spheres are physically juxtaposed, the charged is then evenly distributed:

Qt = q1 + q2

So, after the distribution, each charge would be Qt/2.

My question is, would the charges then become neutral, therefore there will result in no repulsion or attraction? Or, would the according spheres retain their sign charge but the magnitudes will become equal: Qt/2? Or, would the charge with the larger magnitude be the pervasive charge and both will become positive when touched? Therefore, the two spheres would repulse instead of attract. Since the positive charge was the dominant charge in terms of magnitude, they would become positive.

In any case, the resultant electric force between the would be:

F = (8.99x10^9 N*m^2/C^2)*(Qt/2)*(Qt/2)/r^2

Can anyone verify any of my assumptions?

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  • #2
The magnitude of the positive ball is greater, so both charges are left with a slightly positive charge. I think they would then repel each other.
  • #3

Based on the given information, it can be assumed that the two spheres have opposite charges, with the positively charged sphere having a larger magnitude of charge. When the spheres are brought together and touched, the charges will redistribute and become evenly distributed on each sphere. This means that the net charge on each sphere will be half of the original charge, resulting in both spheres having the same magnitude of charge. This does not mean that the charges will become neutral, as they will still retain their signs (one positive and one negative).

Therefore, the resulting force between the two spheres will depend on the distance between them and the magnitude of the charges. If the distance between the spheres remains the same, the force will be repulsive since both spheres now have the same magnitude of charge. The equation for the force between two charged spheres is F = (8.99x10^9 N*m^2/C^2)*(q1*q2)/r^2, where q1 and q2 are the charges on each sphere and r is the distance between them.

In summary, when the two spheres are brought together and touched, the net force between them will be repulsive due to the redistribution of charges. The charges on each sphere will become equal in magnitude, but they will still retain their original signs.

Related to What Happens to the Force Between Two Touching Charged Spheres When Separated?

1. What is electrostatics?

Electrostatics is the branch of science that deals with electric charges at rest. It studies the behavior of stationary electric charges and their interactions with each other and with electric fields.

2. What is an electric charge?

An electric charge is a fundamental property of matter that causes it to experience a force in the presence of an electric field. It can be either positive or negative, and like charges repel each other while opposite charges attract.

3. What is an electric field?

An electric field is a region in space where an electric charge experiences a force. It is created by electric charges and can be represented by field lines, which show the direction and strength of the electric field.

4. How can electric charges be transferred?

Electric charges can be transferred through a process called charging. This can occur by rubbing two objects together, which transfers electrons from one object to the other, or by contact with a charged object, where charges can be transferred through direct contact.

5. How does electrostatics affect our daily lives?

Electrostatics plays a crucial role in many aspects of our daily lives, including technology, health, and safety. It is used in devices such as batteries, generators, and capacitors, and it also helps to control the flow of electricity in our homes and buildings. Electrostatics is also important in understanding how lightning occurs and how to protect ourselves from its dangers.
