What happens to the intersection of subsets when the class is empty?

  • Thread starter samkolb
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of intersection of subsets in topology. The confusion arises when the class of subsets is empty, as the intersection of empty sets is usually considered empty. However, in this case, the intersection of all the subsets is the universal set U. This means that any point not in the intersection must be contained in at least one of the subsets in the class. This understanding is confirmed through a further discussion about the existence of a point not in the intersection.
  • #1
I'm starting a book on topology and I've come to this come to this confusing statement:

Let A1, A2, ... be subsets of some universal set U.

If the class {A1, A2, ...} is empty, then the intersection of all the Ai is U.

I know that the intersection of empty sets is empty, but I don't quite see how to even think of the intersection of the Ai when {A1, A2, ...} is empty.

Can anyone explain this?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What does it mean for a point not to be in the intersection of a class?

Let P be a point. Can you find a set in your class that doesn't contain P?
  • #3
I think I get it now. If P is not in some Ai, then Ai must exist in {A1, A2, ...}, which is empty.


Related to What happens to the intersection of subsets when the class is empty?

1. What is a set?

A set is a collection of distinct objects, called elements, that are grouped together based on a common characteristic or property.

2. How are sets different from other types of collections?

Sets are different from other types of collections, such as lists or arrays, because they do not have a specific order and do not allow for duplicate elements.

3. How are sets represented mathematically?

In mathematics, sets are usually represented using curly braces { } and listing the elements within the braces. For example, the set of even numbers can be represented as {2, 4, 6, 8, ...}.

4. What is the cardinality of a set?

The cardinality of a set refers to the number of elements in the set. It is denoted by the symbol |S|, where S is the set. For example, if a set S = {a, b, c}, then |S| = 3.

5. How are sets used in science?

Sets are commonly used in science to organize and classify data, as well as to represent relationships between different entities. They are also used in mathematical modeling and statistical analysis.

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