What happens to the units of L as n approaches infinity in hypercube volumes?

  • Thread starter gmax137
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In summary, Julian Havil discusses hypercubes in his book Nonplussed, noting that as the dimension goes to infinity, the volume approaches zero if the side length is less than 1, approaches 1 if the side length is 1, and approaches infinity if the side length is greater than 1. This can be seen when considering a cube with a side length of one meter, which has a volume of 1 meter^n, and a cube with a side length of one yard, which has a volume of 1 yard^n, where the difference is simply a units conversion. However, as the dimension goes to infinity, the conversion factor becomes increasingly important, as the number of smaller cubes needed to build a unit cube increases
  • #1
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I am reading Julian Havil’s book Nonplussed, and in one chapter he’s discussing hypercubes, he says that the volume of an n-dimensional cube of side length L is L^n; then he goes on to note that as n-> infinity, the volume goes to zero if L<1; volume goes to 1 if L=1, and volume goes to infinity if L > 1. Ok that makes sense to me until I ask the units of L. I mean if I tell you that the side length is one meter, then 1*1*1*…1 =1 alright. Then I say, “oops, I meant one yard, so L= 0.914 meter” so now as n goes to infinity the volume is zero (0.914 * 0.914 * ...-> 0). I can see everything is OK as long as n is some finite number, because then we can say the volume is XXX (meters^n) which is equal to YYY (yards^n) and the difference is just a units conversion (=(m/y)^n). But what happens to the conversion factor “when n goes to infinity”?
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  • #2

If you have a square of side length L and you scale up lengths by a factor of k, then how does the area get scaled?

That's the issue.

Yes, the limit will depend on what your units are. If this seems strange, you might think of a measurement as telling you how big the ratio of something is with respect to the thing that you decide has a length of 1. So, it is based on an arbitrary choice. Your choice of units of length will determine a choice of units for area, volume, etc, which, in turn, determines how big volumes are, which, in turn, determines what will happen when you take the limit.
  • #3
Here's another way of thinking of it. Take one of the edges of a cube and chop in up into k pieces. Then, chop up the big cubes into little cubes with the corresponding side length. The number of cubes will go to infinity as you go to higher dimensions. That is the case when the length is greater than your chosen unit. If it is less than the units you chose--let's say half as big, you can do the same kind of thing. As the dimension goes to infinity, you will need more and more little cubes to build a cube of unit hypervolume, so the ratio is going to zero.

FAQ: What happens to the units of L as n approaches infinity in hypercube volumes?

What is a hypercube?

A hypercube is a geometric shape in higher dimensions that is analogous to a cube in three dimensions. It is also known as a tesseract and has eight equal-sized cubical faces, 24 equal-sized edges, and 16 vertices.

How is the volume of a hypercube calculated?

The volume of a hypercube is calculated by taking the length of one side raised to the power of the number of dimensions. For example, the volume of a 4-dimensional hypercube with sides of length 2 would be 2^4 = 16 units cubed.

What is the formula for finding the surface area of a hypercube?

The formula for finding the surface area of a hypercube is 6 times the length of one side raised to the power of the number of dimensions. In other words, the surface area of a 4-dimensional hypercube with sides of length 2 would be 6 * 2^4 = 96 units squared.

How many dimensions can a hypercube have?

A hypercube can have any number of dimensions, but it is most commonly depicted in three or four dimensions. It is difficult to visualize or imagine a hypercube in dimensions higher than four, but mathematically they can exist in any number of dimensions.

What are some real-world applications of hypercubes?

Hyperbubes have many real-world applications, especially in fields such as physics, computer science, and mathematics. They are commonly used in computer algorithms, data compression, and theoretical physics to model complex systems and phenomena. They have also been used in art and design as a source of inspiration for creating unique structures and patterns.
