What Happens When a Motorcycle Exits a Moving Train?

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  • Thread starter Darkloud
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In summary, the question of what would happen if a motorcycle exits a moving train was discussed, with the conclusion that if the motorcycle lands with its wheels perpendicular to the train's direction of motion, it would fall over. However, if it lands parallel, it may begin rolling at a lower velocity due to air and ground friction. The discussion also included observations of objects sliding off moving vehicles and the resulting direction of their movement.
  • #1
Hello my constituents! Was having a discussion with a coworker of mine and we reached an impasse. If a train is in motion at regular traveling speed, what would happen if a motorcycle were to exit the train while moving? This question presented itself to us in the form of a movie we were watching. Multiple motorcycles exited out of the side doors of the train. My thought is that as soon as the motorcycle hits the ground, it would fall over if the wheels are perpendicular to the trains velocity. If it managed to land parallel, it may begin rolling at the same velocity?

I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts about this because this event has been bugging me for half an hour now.
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  • #2
Darkloud said:
My thought is that as soon as the motorcycle hits the ground, it would fall over if the wheels are perpendicular to the trains velocity. If it managed to land parallel, it may begin rolling at the same velocity?

I believe you are correct. Landing with the wheels perpendicular to the trains direction of motion will result in many tumbling motorcycles.
  • #3
Darkloud said:
If it managed to land parallel, it may begin rolling at the same velocity?

probably not quite the same velocity ... there will be losses caused by ... eg air friction ( drag) and the wheels/ground friction once contact with ground is made
  • #4
Drakkith said:
I believe you are correct. Landing with the wheels perpendicular to the trains direction of motion will result in many tumbling motorcycles.

Thanks! I value your input. Puts my mind at ease a bit.

davenn said:
probably not quite the same velocity ... there will be losses caused by ... eg air friction ( drag) and the wheels/ground friction once contact with ground is made

I did assume their would be loss of velocity, but in general, the momentum would cause the rider to more than likely crash.
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Likes davenn
  • #5
I've seen empty barrels slide off a flatbed truck on a curve. When they hit the ground they rolled in the direction they were going in when they left the bed. I had expected them to go off at right angles to the travel of the truck, but this wasn't the case.

They did chase several sailors around the truck park for a few minutes. That met with general approval.
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Likes Drakkith

FAQ: What Happens When a Motorcycle Exits a Moving Train?

What is the concept behind a moving object leaving a train?

The concept behind a moving object leaving a train is known as the relative motion. It is the study of the motion of an object with respect to another object or frame of reference. In this case, the train is the frame of reference and the moving object is observed from this frame of reference.

How does the speed of the train affect the motion of the object leaving it?

The speed of the train does not directly affect the motion of the object leaving it. However, the motion of the object will appear different to an observer on the train compared to an observer on the platform. This is because the speed of the train is added or subtracted from the speed of the object, depending on the direction of motion.

What factors influence the trajectory of a moving object leaving a train?

The trajectory of a moving object leaving a train is influenced by its initial velocity, the acceleration due to gravity, and any external forces acting on the object. The angle at which the object is released from the train and air resistance can also affect its trajectory.

How does the motion of the train affect the motion of the object leaving it?

The motion of the train does not directly affect the motion of the object leaving it. However, the motion of the train can affect the frame of reference from which the object is observed. This can result in different measurements of the object's speed and position for observers on the train and on the platform.

What is the difference between a moving object leaving a train and a stationary object?

The main difference is that a moving object leaving a train has an initial velocity and is subject to the motion of the train, while a stationary object has no initial velocity and remains at rest. The motion of the train can also affect the relative motion of the object, making its trajectory and speed appear different to observers on the train and on the platform.
