What Happens When an Object Is Placed at the Focus Point of a Lens?

In summary, When an object is placed at the focus point of a lens system, an image will be formed at infinity. However, the image will be different depending on the type of lens. In a converging lens, the image will be real. In a diverging lens, the image will be virtual.
  • #1
Raghav Gupta
What happens if we keep the object at focus point of any lens system( like convex lens ,Plano convex lens etc) ?
Does image forms at infinity?
What is exact definition of focus point in optics?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The image will be formed at infinity, in other words you can't see the image no matter how far you place the screen. In ray optics focus plane is a plane containing a point at which all incoming parallel rays will meet together, regardless of the angle those rays make with optical axis. In Gaussian optics, focusing is proportional to Fourier transforming the field just before the lens/mirror, this is true only under paraxial approximation.
  • #3
So how in concave lens when we keep object at focus point, a virtual image at f/2 is formed but not at infinity?
  • #4
In diverging lenses, the image formed is virtual. This is because you can't find intersection of the output rays in the region behind the lens, but you can find one in a place in front of it (only that the intersection is made by the extension of output rays). That's if you see through the lens you will see the object as if it's placed at the plane where the virtual image was formed.
Different story happens in focusing lens, when the object stands in focal plane you can't find the intersection of output rays (or their extension) in either region, behind or in front of the lens.
  • #5
So is Plano convex lens a converging lens? Is Plano concave a diverging lens?
How one determines that?
  • #6
It can be determined from the sign of lens focal length. Refer to "lens maker equation" for the calculation.
  • #7
Thanks for all this. I have only two last major questions remaining that needed I think all this stuff. 1)So in all types converging lenses when we keep an object at focus point we get image at infinity?

2)Consider a plain glass and on it we pour some drops of water. Then we put a convex lens on it.
Is this a converging system?
Please see the image on the link
In this as the object needle is placed at focus the Rays goes parallel or to infinity but because of plain mirror it retraces and forms a real image?
  • #8
1) Yes.

2) It is a converging system. But you can't say that all rays retrace the same path upon reflection from plain mirror. Only rays spreading from needle tip (assuming the tip touches the optical axis) do trace back its previous path. Other rays do not, as you can see the image is flipped.
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  • #9
Thank you very much blue leaf. Just a last one , how you are saying that in 2) it is a converging system when we don't have any data to determine that by lens maker equations?
  • #10
Because the image formed is real, on the other side diverging system cannot form real image.
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  • #11
Thank you a lot blue leaf for solving my all queries. :)

FAQ: What Happens When an Object Is Placed at the Focus Point of a Lens?

1. What is a focus point in optics?

A focus point in optics refers to a specific point in space where parallel light rays converge after passing through a lens or reflecting off a mirror. This point is also known as the focal point and is determined by the shape and curvature of the lens or mirror.

2. How is the focus point determined?

The focus point is determined by the shape and curvature of the lens or mirror. For a convex lens, the focus point is where the parallel light rays converge after passing through the lens. For a concave lens, the focus point is where the parallel light rays appear to diverge from after passing through the lens.

3. What is the significance of the focus point in optics?

The focus point is significant because it is where the image of an object placed at a distance from the lens or mirror will be formed. The distance between the focus point and the lens or mirror is known as the focal length, which is an important parameter in optics.

4. How does changing the distance between the object and the lens/mirror affect the focus point?

As the distance between the object and the lens or mirror changes, the position of the focus point also changes. Moving the object further away from the lens/mirror will result in a shorter focal length and a closer focus point, while moving the object closer will result in a longer focal length and a farther focus point.

5. Can multiple focus points exist in optics?

Yes, multiple focus points can exist in certain optical systems, such as a compound microscope or a telescope. In these systems, the focus points are determined by the combination of multiple lenses and mirrors, resulting in different focal lengths and multiple focus points.
