What Happens When Matter Meets Antimatter in Our Universe?

  • Thread starter spideyinspace
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In summary: The cross section for scattering is no way near unity, so the probability of no scattering is still very small. There is still a very big probability of annihilation.In summary, when a particle and an antiparticle meet, they annihilate and produce energy, which can come in many forms such as photons. The probability of this happening depends on various factors such as the energy of the particles and the environment. Neutrinos and antineutrinos can also annihilate into photons through weak force interactions, though this is a subdominant and unlikely process. The most likely outcome when a neutrino and antineutrino meet is that they will scatter or ignore each other.
  • #1
i have a doubt..what would happen when matter and antimatter meets..e.g what would be the result of neutrino + anti neutrino...would they go off from our universe
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
No, they would not "go off from our universe." When a particle and an antiparticle meet, they annihilate, and produce two photons.
  • #3
cristo said:
No, they would not "go off from our universe." When a particle and an antiparticle meet, they annihilate, and produce two photons.

is this is the case with all matter and antimatter..does all matter+antimatter gives two photons?then what is the probabalility that photon becoming which matter and which antimatter?
  • #4
then what is the probabalility that photon becoming which matter and which antimatter?
Please clarify this sentence! Photons are neither matter nor antimatter - if that's what you are asking.
  • #5
mathman said:
Please clarify this sentence! Photons are neither matter nor antimatter - if that's what you are asking.

what i mean is,electron and positron gives photons,neutrino and anti neutrino also gives photons,so if there is chance for photons to become again matter and antimatter, what is the probability that it would become electron and positron,neutrino and anti neutrino?...
  • #6
spideyinspace said:
what i mean is,electron and positron gives photons,neutrino and anti neutrino also gives photons,so if there is chance for photons to become again matter and antimatter, what is the probability that it would become electron and positron,neutrino and anti neutrino?...

It depends on a lot of conditions: The energy of the photon for starters, the environment.

I am most familiar with the electron-positron case. Here the minimum photon energy is 1.022 Mev (the rest mass of the the positron + electron) - gamma rays. Because of momentum consideration, it won't happen by itself, but only with interaction involving a nucleus (for example) - with probability a function of at. wt. of nuclide as well as the energy of the photon. Also for very high concentrations of photons (like just after the big bang), two photons could collide to produce an electron-positron pair.

For other pairs, such as neutrino-antineutrino or proton-antiproton, the same principles apply, with different energy requirements and different probabilities.
  • #7
spideyinspace said:
what i mean is,electron and positron gives photons,neutrino and anti neutrino also gives photons,so if there is chance for photons to become again matter and antimatter, what is the probability that it would become electron and positron,neutrino and anti neutrino?...

Neutrinos are electrically neutral, and photons only couple to charge, so how exactly does neutrino-antineutrino annihilate to photons?!

The only thing a neutrino-antineutrino pair can annihliate to are Z-bosons, which are too heavy to be produced explicitly, so they must be virtual, and when these (highly virtual) Z bosons decay, they can go to lots of things (quark-antiquark/lepton-antilepton/etc).

So I think the correct answer is that when a particle and its antiparticle meet, they annihilate into energy, which could come in many forms.
  • #8
blechman said:
Neutrinos are electrically neutral, and photons only couple to charge, so how exactly does neutrino-antineutrino annihilate to photons?!

The only thing a neutrino-antineutrino pair can annihliate to are Z-bosons, which are too heavy to be produced explicitly, so they must be virtual, and when these (highly virtual) Z bosons decay, they can go to lots of things (quark-antiquark/lepton-antilepton/etc).

So I think the correct answer is that when a particle and its antiparticle meet, they annihilate into energy, which could come in many forms.

so you say neutrinos and anti neutrinos will not give photons...is there any any proof or website related to this..
  • #9
blechman said:
Neutrinos are electrically neutral, and photons only couple to charge, so how exactly does neutrino-antineutrino annihilate to photons?!

Through loops, or course. For example, the pair could produce a virtual e/W loop which could radiate the photons.

The only thing a neutrino-antineutrino pair can annihliate to are Z-bosons, which are too heavy to be produced explicitly, so they must be virtual, and when these (highly virtual) Z bosons decay, they can go to lots of things (quark-antiquark/lepton-antilepton/etc).

The [itex]\nu / \overline{\nu}[/itex] pair could also directly annihilate to a [itex]W^+/W^-[/itex] pair through a virtual electron. Either this or annihilation to a Z (or multiple Zs) would require extraordinarily energetic neutrinos. And, even this, the Ws or Z would quickly decay. So, the observed processes will be those that use these processes to annihilate the neutrinos and, then, have the heavy bosons either decay or only exist as virtual particles in the first place.
  • #10
spideyinspace said:
so you say neutrinos and anti neutrinos will not give photons...is there any any proof or website related to this..

In fact, they can annihilate to photons. For lower energy neutrinos, this is, in fact, the only thing the could annihilate to. However, any interaction that could do this is highly suppressed, first by the fact that neutrinos only directly interact through the weak force, which is very weak, and second by the fact that this process can only occur at second order in the perturbation expansion.
  • #11
OK, neutrinos can annihliate into photons through EW-loops, this is true. But it's subdominant, and not very likely. In fact, probably the most likely thing that would happen if a neutrino met its antineutrino in a bar is that they would completely ignore each other! The elastic scattering should be much larger than the annihilation channel, since it can happen at tree level through only one (virtual) Z-boson exchange, rather than requiring two or more virtual EQ gauge bosons (and possibly also a loop).
  • #12
the electron positron have an amplitude of just scattreing of each other by
exchanging momenta,
its not compulsory that they have to anhillate
  • #13
blechman said:
OK, neutrinos can annihliate into photons through EW-loops, this is true. But it's subdominant, and not very likely. In fact, probably the most likely thing that would happen if a neutrino met its antineutrino in a bar is that they would completely ignore each other! The elastic scattering should be much larger than the annihilation channel, since it can happen at tree level through only one (virtual) Z-boson exchange, rather than requiring two or more virtual EQ gauge bosons (and possibly also a loop).

Certainly true. But, if we're talking specifically about annihilation processes, you need to get to somewhat significant energies before any decay channel other than photons opens up in the first place. So, to that extent, it's still the dominant annihilation process. It's simply far less likely than elastic scattering.
  • #14
Parlyne said:
Certainly true. But, if we're talking specifically about annihilation processes, you need to get to somewhat significant energies before any decay channel other than photons opens up in the first place. So, to that extent, it's still the dominant annihilation process. It's simply far less likely than elastic scattering.

I'll agree with that.
  • #15
Thank you for all replies..
shall we conclude that
lower energy neutrinos and antineutrinos can annihilate to photons..
higher energy neutrinos and antineutrinos annihilate to quark-antiquark or lepton-antilepton..if this is wrong can one give a conclusion for this topic(neutrino+antineutrino)...
  • #16
A general rule, the higher energy you have in the CM of two colliding anti particles, the more options for the final decay state. The more energy available: the more particles you can reach.

FAQ: What Happens When Matter Meets Antimatter in Our Universe?

1. What is antimatter?

Antimatter is a type of matter that has the opposite charge of regular matter. For example, the antiparticle of an electron is a positron, which has a positive charge instead of a negative charge like the electron. When matter and antimatter come into contact, they annihilate each other, releasing energy in the form of gamma rays.

2. How is antimatter created in our universe?

Antimatter can be created through natural processes, such as high-energy collisions between particles in space. It can also be produced in laboratories through particle accelerators. However, antimatter is rare in our universe and is typically only found in very small quantities.

3. What happens when matter and antimatter meet?

When matter and antimatter meet, they annihilate each other, converting their mass into energy. This energy is released in the form of gamma rays, which are high-energy photons. The amount of energy released is equal to the mass of both particles multiplied by the speed of light squared, as described by Einstein's famous equation, E=mc².

4. Can matter and antimatter coexist?

No, matter and antimatter cannot coexist in our universe. As soon as they come into contact, they will annihilate each other. However, scientists have observed that there is more matter than antimatter in our universe, which is still a mystery that is being studied.

5. What are the potential applications of antimatter?

Antimatter has the potential to be a very powerful source of energy, as small amounts of it can produce large amounts of energy when it comes into contact with matter. It is also used in medical imaging and cancer treatments. However, the production and storage of antimatter is currently very difficult and expensive, so its practical applications are still limited.

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