Jan 30, 2015 #1 Home builder I am home builder in the Chicago area. I found a thread on your website that was very useful to our home building process.
I am home builder in the Chicago area. I found a thread on your website that was very useful to our home building process.
Jan 30, 2015 #2 Stephen Tashi Science Advisor 7,861 1,600 Regarding the rusted ductwork thread, I suggest you put some un-rusted copper in the basement and see what happens to it. Also try posting your question to the sawmillcreek.org forum's "Off Topic" section.
Regarding the rusted ductwork thread, I suggest you put some un-rusted copper in the basement and see what happens to it. Also try posting your question to the sawmillcreek.org forum's "Off Topic" section.