What Happens When Voltage and Current are In Phase in a RLC Circuit?

In summary, the conversation is about a homework problem in an RLC circuit where the question is asking about the behavior of the circuit when the instantaneous voltage and current are in phase. The answer choices are A) Inductive Reactance is ZERO, B) Capacitive Reactance is ZERO, C) Total Reactance is ZERO, and D) Resistance is ZERO. The participants discuss the meaning of "in phase" and come to the conclusion that the correct answer is C) Total Reactance is ZERO, which would allow the circuit to behave as a pure resistor. However, there is also a strong emphasis on learning and understanding the concept of phase in AC circuits.
  • #1
RLC Circuit Homework Problem

Thia last HW problem is stumping me.

This is my first year of physics class, and I am working on some homework problems tonight. It's the last m/c question out of 30 that I am doing tonight, and I'm having a bit of trouble figuring this one out:

When the instantaneous voltage and current in a RLC circuit are in phase...

Answer Choices are as follows:
A. Inductive Reactance is ZERO.
B. Capacitive Reactance is ZERO.
C. Total Reactance is ZERO.
D. Resistance is ZERO.

If someone can assist me with this last HW problem, I'd really appredciate it. Thanks! I tried o post this in the Introductory Physics Homework section, but could only start a new topic here in the advanced section.

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  • #2
Still can't figure this one out. Does the term being "in phase" mean the voltage and current are equal?

I'll check back later.

  • #3
HookedOnPhysics said:
Still can't figure this one out. Does the term being "in phase" mean the voltage and current are equal?
No, it means that the phase difference between the current and voltage is zero. Note that it's meaningless to say something like "voltage and current are equal". That's comparing apples and oranges.

If you do not know what the terms 'phase' and 'phase difference' mean in the context of AC circuits, you need to take a step back and hit the textbooks! Have you been taught what a phasor diagram is?
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  • #4
Hi Goku,
I'm in HS and our teacher is starting to tell us about that. I'm trying to work ahead in the chapters and do some extra problems, and was just having trouble on this particular one.

My bad, I believe our teacher said that being "in phase" was referring to, in essence, the voltage and current being mirrors of each other, so that would mean the difference between the two is zero. I guess I read my notes wrong and assumed it meant they were equal.

Anyways, I guess this problem is stumping a lot of people on here. If anyone knows the correct answer, please let me know. I will keep trying to find the correct answer too.


  • #5
HookedOnPhysics said:
Hi Goku,
I'm in HS and our teacher is starting to tell us about that. I'm trying to work ahead in the chapters and do some extra problems, and was just having trouble on this particular one.

My bad, I believe our teacher said that being "in phase" was referring to, in essence, the voltage and current being mirrors of each other, so that would mean the difference between the two is zero. I guess I read my notes wrong and assumed it meant they were equal.

Anyways, I guess this problem is stumping a lot of people on here. If anyone knows the correct answer, please let me know. I will keep trying to find the correct answer too.



Try to explain in your own words what phase means.
Check out this,

read specifically the "Phase Shift" part.

Also, as a hint, what causes a phase shift? Does a resistor? Does a capacitor? Does an inductor? What about both?
  • #6
Thanks for the help.

I'm thinking the answer to this HW problem is "Total reactance is ZERO"

Is that correct?

The reason I'm thinking this is that if Total Reactance is ZERO in this RLC Circuit, then the circuit would behave as if it was a pure resistor, which would allow the voltage and current to be in phase.

That right?

  • #7
HookedOnPhysics said:
Hi Goku,
I'm in HS and our teacher is starting to tell us about that. I'm trying to work ahead in the chapters and do some extra problems, and was just having trouble on this particular one.

My bad, I believe our teacher said that being "in phase" was referring to, in essence, the voltage and current being mirrors of each other, so that would mean the difference between the two is zero. I guess I read my notes wrong and assumed it meant they were equal.

Anyways, I guess this problem is stumping a lot of people on here. If anyone knows the correct answer, please let me know. I will keep trying to find the correct answer too.



That statement is still comparing apples and oranges. You cannot subtract volts from amperes or vice versa and get zero.

A better way to think of it is to compare dimensionless ratios. At some moment in time the current has a maximum value I_max and at some moment in time the voltage has a maximum value V_max. If the two are in phase, then

I(t)/I_max = V(t)/V_max

at all times t, and in that case I_max and V_max occur at the same time. You can also express this relationship as

V(t)/I(t) = V_max/I_max

which says that the ratio of voltage to current is the same at all times.

HookedOnPhysics said:
Thanks for the help.

I'm thinking the answer to this HW problem is "Total reactance is ZERO"

Is that correct?

The reason I'm thinking this is that if Total Reactance is ZERO in this RLC Circuit, then the circuit would behave as if it was a pure resistor, which would allow the voltage and current to be in phase.

That right?


Good thoughts.:smile:
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  • #8
HookedOnPhysics said:
The reason I'm thinking this is that if Total Reactance is ZERO in this RLC Circuit, then the circuit would behave as if it was a pure resistor, which would allow the voltage and current to be in phase.
This is correct. But it's VERY important to correctly learn the meaning of 'phase' of an AC signal, so don't skip past it because you've found the answer to this question.
  • #9
Gokul43201 said:
This is correct. But it's VERY important to correctly learn the meaning of 'phase' of an AC signal, so don't skip past it because you've found the answer to this question.

HookedOnPhysics: Please, please, please listen to this advice. The sooner you can understand this the better!
  • #10
Will do. Thanks a lot for the help and advice! Now I know what I'll be studying over Christnmas vacation :)


FAQ: What Happens When Voltage and Current are In Phase in a RLC Circuit?

What does it mean when a homework problem is stumping me?

When a homework problem is stumping you, it means that you are having difficulty understanding or solving it. It could be because the problem is complex, you lack the necessary knowledge or skills, or you are approaching it from the wrong angle.

How can I overcome a homework problem that is stumping me?

There are several ways you can overcome a homework problem that is stumping you. First, try breaking the problem down into smaller, more manageable parts. You can also try approaching it from a different perspective, seeking help from a classmate or teacher, or doing additional research on the topic.

Is it okay to ask for help with a homework problem that is stumping me?

Yes, it is absolutely okay to ask for help with a homework problem that is stumping you. In fact, seeking help is often a sign of strength and determination to learn and improve. You can ask for help from your teacher, classmates, or even online resources.

What should I do if I encounter a homework problem that is stumping me frequently?

If you find that you are frequently encountering homework problems that stump you, it may be a sign that you need to review your study habits or seek additional support. Make sure you are taking good notes, keeping up with class material, and seeking help when needed. You can also consider getting a tutor or joining a study group.

How can I prevent future homework problems from stumping me?

To prevent future homework problems from stumping you, it is important to stay organized, attend class regularly, and actively participate in class discussions and activities. It is also helpful to review previous material and ask questions if something is unclear. Additionally, make sure to manage your time effectively and seek help when needed.

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