What Higher Dimensions Feel Like

In summary, Higher Dimensions "feel" like they are more complex and mysterious than our three spatial dimensions. There is no need to introduce unneccesary complications like passages from Tao Teh Ching or the Middle Length Discourses to explain why this is.
  • #1
What Higher Dimensions "Feel" Like

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Space news on Phys.org
  • #2

While an interesting read, nothing here has any way of being scientifically relevant. I could just as easily claim that by tasting something salty I move through the 6th dimension.
  • #3

We can adequately define the universe in 4 dimensions - three spatial coordinates and time, as Einstein noted. There is no need to introduce unneccesary complications.
  • #4

Does everything have to be "scientifically relevant" ? I get your point though. It can't be expressed by a Linear ODE, but then not very much in our universe can. I think it's more than just a cool idea but to explain why I'd have to bring in a lot more "scientifically irrelevant" stuff like passages from Tao Teh Ching or the Middle Length Discourses.
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  • #5

I guess you dislike String Theorists for being needlessly complicated. Well, you're certainly not the only one. Seems a lot of people are fed up and dissatisfied with it. I can't say I blame them necessarily, I think we all need to consider the matter further. I'm not in the string theoriy camp myself, I mean we don't want to go back to epicycles; but relativity hasn't provided us all the answers.
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  • #6

Hirams_bro said:
Go back and read where I said "food for thought". It was the first sentence.. That would be near the beginning of the post.

If you want idle speculation, then PF is not the forum for you. (As per PF rules) There are plenty of other ones elsewhere online if you would like to post on one of them however.

Hirams_bro said:
I guess you hate String Theorists then for being needlessly complicated. Well, you're certainly not the only one. Seems a lot of people are fed up and dissatisfied with it. I can't say I blame them necessarily, I think we all need to consider the matter further. We don't want to go back to epicycles, but relativity hasn't provided us all the answers. Certainly you realize that.

And your point is what? How does any of this relate to your original post? String theory and emotions being someone moving in a higher dimension aren't even remotely related.
  • #7

My reply about string theorists was to Chronos. But Drakkith, you're right. You're smart, I'm not. I beg your forgiveness. Just ignore my thread ok? I don't want to argue with a "scientist". I'm not in 10th grade anymore.

FAQ: What Higher Dimensions Feel Like

1. What are higher dimensions?

Higher dimensions refer to spatial dimensions beyond the three dimensions of length, width, and height that we experience in our daily lives. In mathematics and physics, higher dimensions are often represented by additional axes or directions that are perpendicular to the three visible dimensions.

2. How many dimensions are there?

It is currently believed that there are 11 dimensions in total, according to theories such as string theory and M-theory. However, only four of these dimensions (three spatial dimensions and one time dimension) are directly observable to us.

3. How can we imagine higher dimensions?

Imagining higher dimensions can be a difficult task, as our brains are limited to understanding three dimensions. One way to conceptualize higher dimensions is to think of them as layers or levels of reality that exist beyond our perception.

4. What would it feel like to experience higher dimensions?

As higher dimensions are beyond our current understanding and perception, it is impossible to accurately say what it would feel like to experience them. Some theories suggest that higher dimensions may exist on a smaller scale or vibrate at a different frequency, which could potentially affect our perception and experiences.

5. Are there any real-life examples of higher dimensions?

While we cannot directly experience higher dimensions, there are some real-life phenomena that can be explained by theories involving higher dimensions. For example, gravity and electromagnetism can be better understood through the concept of higher dimensions, and some scientists believe that dark matter and dark energy may be evidence of higher dimensions.

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