What influence did Newtons religion have on his science ?

In summary, the conversation discusses the role of religion in Newton's scientific and mathematical pursuits. Some suggest that his religious and alchemical goals were a driving force behind his research, while others argue that his argumentative nature was the main motivation. The conversation also mentions a book recommendation for further reading on Newton and his time period.
  • #1
Do you think Newton's piety was important to developing or fueling his philosophical and psychological impulses to be a great scientist and mathematician ?

Did his religious and alchemical goals orient his scientific researches; his outstanding mechanical, mathematical, and optical theories nothing more than tools, hand developed (as were the lenses and mirrors and measuring apparatus he made for his experiments) in response to questions he had about his religion and mysticism ?

Obviously there is no correct or complete answer, just curious to know what your thoughts are on the query.
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  • #2
This is a question best put to his biographers, surely?
Have you looked?
  • #3
Ive only read one, James Gleick was the author I believe.
I was looking at another by Westfall but its pretty thick and I didn't want to dive in without a recommendation or any burning passion. Do you know if it's any good?

While I am sure there are great resources on this I really wrote the question with the intentions of just getting peoples thoughts, or own personal opinions nothing too formal. More for fun/ discussion.
  • #4
What drove Newton, from my reading of biographies of him, was argumentativeness. All of his investigations, be they scientific or religious, were aimed at proving points to other people. He only ever openly did that with physics because physics was the only field in which he made definitive headway. His alchemy and attempts to 'decode' the Bible pretty much came to nought. He never ended up acquiring any ammunition for those potential debates, though he always secretly harbored the belief he was on the right track, unlike anyone else.

I recommend a book called "The Clockwork Universe," which is about Newton, but more comprehensively, about Newton's times. It is an easy, entertaining read that puts much about him in perspective. All those scientists back then were deeply religious. Newton wasn't unique in that.

FAQ: What influence did Newtons religion have on his science ?

What influence did Newton's religion have on his science?

1. How did Newton's religious beliefs impact his scientific discoveries?

Newton's strong belief in God and the idea of an orderly universe influenced his approach to science. He believed that God had created the universe and that it operated according to certain laws that could be discovered through scientific inquiry. This belief motivated him to pursue his scientific studies with a sense of purpose and conviction.

2. Did Newton's religion affect his theories and laws of motion?

While Newton's religious beliefs did not directly impact his laws of motion, they did shape his worldview and the way he interpreted his discoveries. For example, his famous principle of inertia, which states that an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an external force, can be seen as reflecting his belief in God's sustaining power in the universe.

3. Did Newton's religious beliefs cause any controversy in the scientific community?

Yes, there were some who criticized Newton's religious beliefs and accused him of using his scientific work to prove the existence of God. However, most of his contemporaries accepted and respected his religious beliefs, and it did not hinder his scientific success.

4. How did Newton reconcile his religious beliefs with his scientific discoveries?

Newton saw his scientific discoveries as a way to better understand and appreciate the complexity and order of God's creation. He believed that science and religion were complementary and that studying the natural world could lead to a deeper understanding of God.

5. Did Newton's religious beliefs influence other areas of his life besides science?

Yes, Newton's religious beliefs were a significant influence on his personal life and actions. He was deeply religious and spent a considerable amount of time studying the Bible and other religious texts. He also wrote extensively on theological topics and even predicted the end of the world based on his interpretation of the Bible.
