What is a Clique in Graph Theory?

  • Thread starter Tenshou
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of cliques in graph theory. A clique is defined as a subset of vertices in a graph where every two elements share an edge. It can be any size, including the empty set and a set with only one element. The number of cliques in a complete graph with n vertices can be calculated using the binomial formula. The conversation also touches on the difference between permutations and combinations.
  • #1
Okay, so I just started reading a few books on Graph Theory and Topology (I wasn't sure if I should put this in Topology or here.), and I am just here to clear up some concepts, mainly about Cliques, to be precise what is a Clique? I have read Wikipedia articles and the books, and still No clear conceptual answer I am able to form. So is a Clique, like a sub graph with at least 2 vertices, or is it a sub graph that has a minimum number of vertices that are connected via an edge are at least 2?

I am not sure If I just said the same thing twice or what D: see I am a little confused on this topic. The books I am reading are Graph Theory by Bondy and Murty, Modern Graph Theory Bollobas (his Erdos number is 2 >:3), Topology by Basener, and finally Discrete Mathematics and its Applications by Rosen. These books help with understanding some of the other technical stuff but this is Clique concept is kinda... kinda dry? you know what I mean? And since I am reading this, you better believe I am serious about this Graph Theory stuff :3
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  • #2
A clique is a subset of vertices of a graph such that any to elements share an edge. If we use write ab when a and b share an edge. Suppose we have a set of vertices V then a graph G which is a subset of VxV. If U is a subset of V it is a clique if UxU is a subset of G. I know of no size restriction. The empty set and any set of one element are cliques, though uninteresting ones. In short if for all x and y in U xy is in G, U is a clique.
  • #3
So, like a maximally complete sub graph or something?
  • #4
I guess you could say that. Any complete subgraph is a clique so maximally complete sub graph and maximal clique are equivalent.
  • #5
oh okay thank you so much, also one more thing say there is a graph with 5 edges does that mean it has 5 1-vertex Cliques and 1 5-vertex Clique?
  • #6
How many vertices? Remember since a clique is a complete subgraph if it has n vertices it must have n(n-1)/2 edges. No clique can have 5 edges as a clique has a triangle number of edges
  • #7
so if we were to work with ##K_{5}## where it has a vertex sex of 5 elements ## \left(v_{1}, v_{2}, v_{3}, v_{4}, v_{5} \right)## then a clique is a sub vertex set such that it contains ##\left( ^{6} _{2}\right) ## vertices? n is that what you are getting at?
  • #8
Are you mixing up vertices and edges?

A clique with n vertices has edges=n(n-1)/2=n choose 2=[itex]n \choose 2[/itex]

Supposing your K5 is complete we have the following cliques
1 5-vertices cliques (10 edges)
5 4-vertices cliques ( 6 edges)
10 3-vertices cliques ( 3 edges)
10 2-vertices cliques ( 1 edges)
5 1-vertices cliques ( 1 edges)
1 0-vertices cliques ( 0 edges)

Kn if complete has cliques
[itex]n \choose k[/itex] k-vertices cliques ([itex]k \choose 2[/itex] edges)

if we were to work with ##K_{n}## where it has a vertex sex of n elements ## \left(v_{1}, v_{2}, v_{3}, v_{4}, v_{5},... \right)## then a clique is a sub vertex set such that it contains k vertices and ##\left( ^{k} _{2}\right) ## eges
  • #9
But ##\left( ^{n} _ {2}\right) = n^{2}-n## and triangle numbers are ##\left(^{n+1} _{2}\right)## but all of the rest of the stuff I seem to understand, so you are saying that the number of k-vertices are just the binomial formula, gotcha!
  • #10
[itex]{n \choose 2} =\frac{n!}{2!(n-2)!)}=n(n-1)/2[/itex]
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  • #11
What do you mean? they don't really seem like they are the same.
  • #12
They are [itex]{n \choose 2} \, \mathop{and} \, {{n+1} \choose 2}[/itex] they are the same numbers shifted by one.0,1,3,6,10,15,...
  • #13
But ## n^2-n \neq (n^2-n)/2## I still don't understand how they come from that.
  • #14
[itex]{n \choose 2} =\frac{n!}{2!(n-2)!)}=n(n-1)/2[/itex]
you have lost a 2

Just draw out a few small graphs it will become clear.
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  • #15
I see never mind, I was thinking of permutations, and not combinations D: thank you for you help!

Related to What is a Clique in Graph Theory?

1. What is graph theory?

Graph theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of graphs, which are mathematical structures used to model relationships between objects. It is used in a wide range of fields, including computer science, engineering, social sciences, and biology.

2. What is a graph?

A graph is a collection of vertices (also known as nodes) and edges (also known as links) that connect those vertices. It is a mathematical representation of a network.

3. What are some real-world applications of graph theory?

Graph theory has many applications in real-world problems, such as in transportation networks, social networks, communication networks, and biological networks. It is also used in data mining, computer vision, and machine learning.

4. What are the different types of graphs?

There are several types of graphs, including directed and undirected graphs, weighted and unweighted graphs, and cyclic and acyclic graphs. Other types include complete graphs, bipartite graphs, and trees.

5. What are some common algorithms used in graph theory?

Some common algorithms used in graph theory include Breadth-First Search (BFS), Depth-First Search (DFS), Dijkstra's algorithm, and Prim's algorithm. These algorithms are used to solve various problems, such as finding the shortest path between two vertices, determining whether a graph is connected, and finding a minimum spanning tree.

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